INFORMAČNÉ DNI k výzve 5 v rámci priority 2– Technológie pre informačnú spoločnosť (IST) 6-ty Rámcový program EU Anton Lavrin TU Košice – delegát SR v.


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Presentation transcript:

INFORMAČNÉ DNI k výzve 5 v rámci priority 2– Technológie pre informačnú spoločnosť (IST) 6-ty Rámcový program EU Anton Lavrin TU Košice – delegát SR v ISTC Bratislava, ; Žilina, ; Košice,

Aj z pohľadu čo môže a čo nemôže delegát v ISTC (Information Society Technologies Committee)

ZDROJE pre zabezpečenie rozvoja technológii informačnej spoločnosti (IST) – najmä z pohľadu zdrojov EC  IST - Lisabonská stratégia => má kľúčový význam pre zabezpečenie adekvátneho rozvoja regiónu (ov) resp. štátu cez informačnú / znalostnú spoločnosť KONEČNE aj i nás Projekt MINERVA – t.j. aj relavantnejšie informácie pre projekt CISTRANA  IST – 6RP priorita 2 + implementačné aktivity DG-IS (eEurope, eContent, eTen, eCulture,....). Ale najmä budúci a trvalý rozvoj ICT v rámci potrieb IST cez aktivity DG-IS / Media / i2010 (3xi)  7RP: (budeme “prioritou” 3 ale s MEURO- zatiaľ)  IST - 6RP ostatné priority kde ICT (informačné a komunikačné technológie) sú nástrojom a prostriedkom riešenia - - aplikačné oblasti prinášajú spätný efekt (inšpirácie) na rozvoj ICT. (DG – Research, DG – Enterprise, DG – Energy and Transport, DG – Competition, DG – Environment, DG – Education and Culture.... ).

 Významným prínosom „cez prioritných“ aktivít sú t.z.v. „Join Calls between IST and NMP (priorita 3-bude 4 v 7RP asi budú pokračovať- „Intelligent Production Systems“!)  IST – základ pre inováciu a transfér technológie - (6RP: P2 /Structuring ERA: „Research and innovation“) (DG- Enterprise) + BIC, IRC (Innovation Rely Center)  IST – rozvoj vzdelávania a výcviku - programy LdV a Socrates(DG -Education and Culture) - 7RP: “The Integrated Lifelong Learning Programme: ”  EUREKA : „ Europe – Wide Network for Industrial R§D“ ( a väzby na programy: ITEA a MEDEA+ (naša účasť ???!)  IST - Male a stredné podnikanie - katalyzátor rozvoja ale aj významná oblasť podnikania (Hi – Tech...) ++ Horizontálne aktivity (CRAFT,..)  IST – ERA – NET aktivity... sem aj mobilitné programy ( JRC, „INCO-aktivity“, a pod.

 IST – národné rozvojové programy a fondy, postavenie rozvoja informačnej spoločnosti : politika - inštitúcie – kompetencie a programy a ich väzba na adekvátne inštitúty a programy EC – PROJEKT MINERVÁ => stratégie, akčné programy na Slovensku  IST a Štrukturálne fondy (DG – Regional Policy) - základ efektívnosti rozvoja IST a vtom aj ICT – Sektorový operačný program „IST“ alebo penetrácia do iných SOP - iek ??!! Spolupráca zodpovedných ministerstiev u nás (ale aj v EC je to trocha problém)

6. FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME (FP) P1: „Integrating and Strengthening European Research Area“ 2.Priorita: Information Society Technologies - IST: ICT RTD: -Technology components; - Integrated systems; /- Sectorial applications ( e-Government, e-Inclusion, e-Business, … ); FET(Future and Emerging Technology,..); Join Calls IST and NMS (priority 3 / 6FP) - AKO SME ZATIAL DOPADLI – VIĎ : alebo PREZ...

Projekty podporujúce lepšiu prípravu resp. zapojenie sa slovenských organizácii do rámcových projektov najmä v oblasti IST Podporné projekty typu : SSA (Specific Support Action) resp. CA (Cordination Action) Spolu ich máme : 16 projektov (3 CA a 13 SSA) Celkom sa očakáva príjem cca Euro – z NMS celkom dobre (4- té) miesto. TRVANIE (podpory): cca 26 mesiacov (zaciatok r.2005 – polovica r. 2007) ALE sú to vždy iba podporné a nie výskumné aktivity! Prehľad o projektoch : resp. prezentá Call 3 (niečo pre NMS zo strany EC)

Ďalšie podporné projekty. Projekty v rámci priority 2 IST z Call 2: IDEALITS - Sprostredkovanie partnerov pre projekt - STU Bratislava IST Mentor – sieť konzultantov (multiplicators) pre podporu prípravy projektov v oblasti IST - BIC Bratislava. Get In - príprava projektových manažérov najme z malých a stredných firiem so zameraním na prípravu projektov v oblasti IST – BIC Bratislava CISTRANA - portál o stave a budúcnosti národných výskumných a rozvojových programoch a projektoch v oblasti IST - delegát IST _ TU Košice, BIC Bratislava a SARC ? (väzba na Slovakia 6RP) Projekty z horizontálne programov: DETECT-it – stimulácia výskumných aktivít a rozvoj malých a stredných podnikov v oblastiach: IST, Potravinová bezpečnosť, Energetická udržateľnosť a udržateľnosť životného prostredia - BIC Bratislava. PROPASS - podpora aktívnej prípravy resp. účasti malých a stredných firiem v európskych projektoch (najmä projektov v rámci programu CRAFT) – NOVITECH Košice Slovakia 6RP – portál slovenských organizácii s potenciálom účasti na EU projektoch - SARC Bratislava. CERA - Sieťovanie excelentných centier a významných pracovísk v oblasti vedy a techniky v regióne strednej Európy – SARC Bratislava

Dobrý nápad - obsah – rozsah (už aspoň „čiastočne“ : % vyriešený) Dobrí partneri !!! + Informačné dni, konzultácie na pracoviskách DG-IS Manažment projektu – kto by mal byť koordinátorom a kto partnerom v riešiteľskom konzorciu !! Znalosť: ( ) „Work Programme“ – pozor na aktualizácie „Guide for Proposes“ (podľa inštrumentov ) „Guidelines on Proposal Evaluation and Selection Procedures and Guidance Notes for Evaluators“ „Financial Guidelines“ „Model Contracts“ PS: Národný kontaktný bod (National Contact Points-NCP) resp. Delegát. Konzultačný bod DG-IS: PS: Electronic Proposal Submission System (EPSS) – v IST povinný PS: Vedieť hľadať partnerov: CORDIS služba, alebo v IST: + PODPORNÉ projekty:– informácie a služby dostupné pre každú serióznu organizáciu resp. jedinca !!! – PRIPRAVA DOBRÝCH PROJEKTOVÝCH NÁVRHOV (aj aktívna účasť ako partner) PS: Študujte bežiace alebo ukončené projekty : Čím je úspešnosť projektu je podmienená:

A čo LOBOVANIE ??!! - Podľa „slovenských“ spôsobov – NIE, - Hodnotenia sa nedajú zmeniť ! Kozultujte „evaluátorov“ - Konzultácie a prezentácie v EC inštitúciách - ukázať čo vieme, a dozvedieť sa čo by bolo vhodné upraviť v projektovom návrhu !! Ale to nie je garancia, že budeme úspešný v hodnotení !!! - Dobrá prezentácia na EU „Info Dňoch“ v rámci daných „SOs“ -Študovať / analyzovať stavajúce a minule projekty = čo – ako – kto v EU - Odborné kontakty a reputácia – dobra meno !! (publikácie, prezentácie, konferencie, výstavy.... ) - Podporovať nábor „evaluátorov“, expertov a pod. !! - Podporovať umiestňovanie maších odborníkov na pracovných miestach v DG - IS and Media (ale aj v iných DG) !!!

Call 4: 16 November March 2005 at (Brussels local time)

Príjem pre Slovensko s doterajších výziev v IST: (Call 1 – Call 3, Join IST / NMP 1 and 2, FET Open, FET IP(Proactive initiatives): cca 2,25 MEuro

CALL 5 : 17 May September 2005 at (Brussels local time) Photonic components IPs, STREPs, CAs, SSAs; 65/35% ; 47 MEuro Micro/nano based sub-systems IPs, STREPs, CAs, SSAs; 70/30 %; 58 MEuro Embedded Systems IPs, NoEs, STREPs, SSAs, Cas; 60/40 %; 68 MEuro Advanced Grid Technologies, Systems and Services IPs, STREPs, SSAs, CAs; 70/30 %; 62 MEuro Software and services IPs, NoEs, STREPs, SSAs, Cas ; 60/40 % ; 67 MEuro Research networking testbeds IPs, NoEs, STREPs, ;SSAs, Cas ; 65/35 % ; 18 MEuro Multimodal Interfaces IPs, STREPs; 60/40 %; 54 MEuro ICT for Networked Businesses IPs, NoEs, STREPs, CAs, SSAs ; 55/45% ; 46 MEuro Collaborative Working Environments -- 7FP IPs, STREPs, SSAs, CAs; 70/30 %; 40 MEuro Access to and preservation of cultural and scientific resources !! IPs, STREPs, CAs; 40/60 %; 36 MEuro eInclusion IPs, STREPs, CAs, SSAs; 50/50 %; 29 MEuro ICT for Environmental Risk Management IPs, STREPs, CAs, SSAs; 60/40 %; 40 MEuro

FET (Future and Emerging Technologies ) Proactive Initiatives 54 MEuro – Call (viii) Advanced Computing Architectures IPs, NoEs ;100/0 % (ix)Presence and Interaction in Mixed Reality Environments IPs; 100/0 % (x) Situated and Autonomic Communications IPs, NoEs; 100/0 % FET Proactive Initiative --- Call (xi) Simulating Emergent Properties in Complex Systems STREPs; 0/100 %, 9 MEuro CALL ++

Continuous Submission Call (extension of call FP IST-C) Call title: Future and Emerging Technologies – Open Domain (Continuous Submission) Date of publication: 16 November 2004 Closure date(s): 20 September 2005 at (Brussels local time) for CA, SSA proposals and for short STREP proposals.. The final cut-off date for submission of full STREP proposals, following a successful short proposal, is 14 February Total indicative budget: 60 million Euro Areas and instruments The domain is open for actions using the following instruments: Objective and Instrument(s): FET Open (see WP 2005/2006); STREPs, CAs, SSAs LINKS TO IST CALLS for information about ongoing FP6 projects resulting from previous calls.

Call 5; comments IST WP Photonic components : To develop advanced materials, solid-state sources and micro- and nano-scale photonic devices, and to integrate photonic functions in micro/nanoelectronics components (‘Photonic system on a chip’). Application contexts: “Information technologies for health care and life science”: bio-photonic functional components and sub-assemblies; “Communications and Infotainment”: components and subsystems for low-cost or high-performance; “Environment and security”: photonic sensors, fibre sensors and imaging components Micro/nano based sub-systems: To validate integrated micro/nano systems technology for new products and services in key application fields such as miniaturised autonomous robotic systems, mass storage systems and novel 3D visualisation systems and micro/nano-based integrated systems and tools for point-of- care diagnosis, monitoring, and drug delivery. Roadmaps, specific coordination and support activities to prepare for a research agenda and to build the research community: the ICT-bio-micro-nano-technology combined field, their technologies and their applications; emphasizing multi- disciplinarity. => 7FP Embedded Systems: To develop the next generation of technologies, methods and tools for modelling, design, implementation and operation of hardware/software systems embedded in intelligent devices. Concepts, methods and tools for System Design; middleware and platforms for building secure Networked Embedded Systems => 7FP

2.5.4 Advanced Grid Technologies, Systems and Services: Grid Foundations: Architecture, design and development of technologies and systems and tools for building the invisible Grid. Scale-independent, adaptive, secure and dependable Grid architectures enabling the management of large networked distributed resources. -Grid- enabled applications and services for business and society: Research, development, validation and take-up of generic environments and tools. -Network-centric Grid operating systems. + Coordination and collaboration with complementary research communities and programmes outside Europe Software and Services: Research on the engineering, management and provision of services and software, incorporating ambient intelligence-based features. -- Principles, methodologies and tools for design, management and simulation of complex software systems, viewing the user as part of the system.- Research into technologies specifically supporting the development, deployment, evolution and benchmarking of open source software. - Foundational and applied research to enable the creation of software systems with properties such as self-adaptability, flexibility, robustness, integrated collaborative and distributed development; end-user development. +Support actions should help reduce fragmentation of research effort and build a critical mass of support for consensual action and agenda-setting Research networking testbeds: To integrate and validate, in the context of user-driven large scale testbeds, the state-of-the-art technology that is essential for preparing future upgrades of the infrastructure deployed across Europe. The work is essential for fostering the early deployment in Europe of Next Generation Information and Communications Networks based upon all-optical technologies and new Internet protocols and for incorporating the most up-to-date middleware.

2.5.6 Research networking testbeds: To integrate and validate, in the context of user- driven large scale testbeds, the state-of-the-art technology that is essential for preparing future upgrades of the infrastructure deployed across Europe. The work is essential for fostering the early deployment in Europe of Next Generation Information and Communications Networks based upon all-optical technologies and new Internet protocols and for incorporating the most up-to-date middleware. - Networks for all researchers in Europe (GÉANT) and to high performance Grids, which represent major components of the eInfrastructure concept Multimodal Interfaces: Natural interaction between humans and the physical or virtual environment. - Multilingual communication systems for unrestricted domains, including real-time understanding of spontaneous spoken and gesture input in specific task- oriented settings ICT for Networked Businesses: Digital business ecosystems for SMEs. Research in this area will aim at providing an open-source environment and suitable operative models enabling small- and medium-sized organisations to co-operate, through the implementation of dynamic virtual organisations, in production of software services, components and applications that are suited to local/regional business needs across the enlarged European Union.- Extended products and services. Research in this area will investigate what recent progress in ambient intelligence technologies (e.g., agent based systems, knowledge management, smart wireless tagging, and ubiquitous computing) can mean for new products, services and the business environment. +Horizontal actions. This work will address the new legal challenges raised by the fostered networked and collaborative paradigms =>7FP.

2.5.9 Collaborative Working Environments: Design and development of innovative concepts, methods and core services for distributed collaboration at work. Next generation collaborative working environments should deliver a high quality experience to co-workers based on flexible management of services and should be customizable to different communities. - Research on tools for collaborative work in rich virtualised environments. Focus is on support of augmented group presence, visualisation, group management, sharing support, seamless interaction, service composition, and semantic modelling of complex groups of workers. - Development of innovative validating applications for collaborative work in content-rich, mobile and fixed collaborative environments. + Collaboration with international research and standardisation activities. => 7FP Access to and preservation of cultural and scientific resources: The aim is to develop systems and tools which will support the accessibility and use over time of digital cultural and scientific resources. - Support the emerging complexity of digital cultural and scientific objects and repositories, through enriched conceptual representations, and advanced access methods. - Explore how to preserve the availability of digital resources over time, through novel concepts, techniques and tools eInclusion: To mainstream accessibility in consumer goods and services, including public services through applied research and development of advance technologies. This will help ensure equal access, independent living and participation for all in the Information Society. -To develop next generation assistive systems that empower persons with (in particular cognitive -) disabilities and aging citizens to play a full role in society, to increase their autonomy and to realize their potential.

ICT for Environmental Risk Management: This Strategic Objective covers ICT aspects of services for GMES (Global Monitoring for the En­vironment and Security) end-users and those aspects that are relevant to the monitoring, the preparation and the response phases of environmental risk/crisis manage­ment co-ordinated at European level.

ZAVER : globalizácia > partnerstvo > strategické aliancie Ďakujem za pozornosť Kontakt: Delegát SR v ISTC: Anton Lavrin, TU Košice, Oddelenie európskych projektov, Letná 9, Košice NCP pre oblasť IST: Mária Buciová, STU Bratislava, Vazovova 5, Bratislava

The seventh framework programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007 to 2013); MEuro. The seventh framework programme of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) for nuclear research and training activities (2007 to 2011) : 3092 MEuro – Cooperation MEuro Support will be given to the whole range of research activities carried out in transnational cooperation, from collaborative projects and networks to the coordination of research programmes. International cooperation between the EU and third countries is an integral part of this action. – Ideas MEuro An autonomous European Research Council will be created to support investigator driven “frontier research” carried out by individual teams competing at the European level, in all scientific and technological fields, including engineering, socioeconomic sciences and the humanities.(basic research) – People 7129 MEuro The activities supporting training and career development of researchers, referred to as “Marie Curie” actions, will be reinforced with a better focus on the key aspects of skills and career development and strengthened links with national systems. – Capacities 7486 MEuro Key aspects of European research and innovation capacities will be supported: research infrastructures; research for the benefit of SMEs; regional research driven clusters; unlocking the full research potential in the EU’s “convergence” regions; “Science in Society” issues; horizontal” activities of international co-operation. Non-nuclear actions of the Joint Research Centre 1817 MEuro

The overall amount for the implementation of the seventh framework programme for the period 2007 to 2011 shall be EUR 3092 million. That amount shall bedistributed as follows (in EUR million): 1.Fusion energy research…………………………………………… Nuclear Fission and radiation protection ………………………… Nuclear Activities of the Joint Research Centre ………………… Documents : - Proposal of 7FPs - FP7 Impact Assesment and ExAnte Evaluation - FP7 Simplification

Across all these themes, support to trans-national cooperation will be implemented through: Collaborative projects; Networks of Excellence; Coordination and Support Action; Individual projects; Support for training and career development of researchers (Marie Curie … ) Research for the benefit of specific groups (in particular SMEs) SIMPLIFICATION in budgeting and accounting

Cooperation …………………………………………………………………… MEuro 1.Health………………………………………………………………………… Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology………………………………………… Information and Communication Technologies …………………………… Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies ……………………………………………………………….… Energy ………………………………………………………………………… Environment (including Climate Change) …………………………………… Transport (including Aeronautics) …………………………………………… Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities………………………………… Security and Space …………………………………………………………….3960 Ideas …………………………………………………………………………… People …………………………………………………………………………… Capacities …………………………………………………………………………7486 MEuro 1.Research Infrastructures ……………………………………………………… Research for the benefit of SMEs …………………………………………… Regions of Knowledge ………………………………………………………… Research Potential ………………………………………………………………554 5.Science in Society ………………………………………………………………554 6.Activities of International Co-operation ………………………………………..358

Planning  Commission proposal on FP7  6 April 2005  Proposal for Specific Programmes & Rules for Participation  Autumn 2005  Council/Parliament adoption  Summer 2006  Workprogrammes  End-2006

Main Themes and Activities  ICT Technology Pillars  pushing the limits of performance, usability, dependability, cost-efficiency  Integration of Technologies  integrating multi-technology sets that underlie new functionalities, services and applications  Applications Research  providing the knowledge and the means to develop a wide range of ICT-based services and applications  Future and Emerging Technologies

ICT Technology Pillars  Nano-electronics, photonics and integrated micro/nano- systems  Ubiquitous and unlimited capacity communication networks  Embedded systems, computing and control  Software, Grids, security and dependability  Knowledge, cognitive and learning systems  Simulation, visualisation, interaction and mixed realities New perspectives emerging in ICT drawing on other science and technology disciplines

Integration of Technologies  Personal environments  personal communication and computing devices, accessories, wearables, implants; their interfaces and interconnections to services and resources  Home environments  communication, monitoring, control, assistance; seamless interoperability and use of all devices; interactive digital content and services  Robotic systems  advanced autonomous systems; cognition, control, action skills, natural interaction; miniaturisation  Intelligent infrastructures  tools making infrastructures that are critical to everyday life more efficient, easier to adapt and maintain, more robust to usage and resistant to failures

Applications Research  ICT meeting societal challenges  for health; to improve inclusion; for mobility; in support of the environment; for governments  ICT for content, creativity and personal development  new media and content; technology-enhanced learning; digital cultural assets  ICT supporting businesses and industry  business processes; collaborative work; manufacturing  ICT for trust and confidence  identity, authentication, authorization, privacy, rights

ICT RTD and FP7 Axes/strategy  Collaborative RTD  Key for ICT development and more than ever needed  Joint Technology Initiatives  Limited number of pilots  Coordination  Supporting improved coordination with national research  Research Infrastructures  Need to extend beyond GÉANT and Grids  Fundamental Research through individual grants / ERC  Needs to be complementary with national efforts, multi-disciplinary  Development of Human Resources  Should aim at reinforcing excellence and have thematic relevance

ICT RTD and FP7 Axes/practise  Collaborative RTD  To remain the bulk and the core activity using IP/STREP, NoE, CA/SSA  Joint Technology Initiatives  Nanoelectronics, embedded systems, …  Coordination  Ambient assisted living, embedded systems, …  Research Infrastructures  Nanoelectronics clean rooms, …  GÉANT, Grids, Supercomputing, …  Fundamental Research through individual grants  ERC including ICT-related priorities  Development of Human Resources  Part to be defined top-down?  SME measures, regional clusters, etc

ICT for growth and employment i The three i’s (see Vivian Reding contribution) Information space Information space Innovation and investment in research Innovation and investment in research Inclusion, better public services and quality of life Inclusion, better public services and quality of life

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