Multi-District PETS Alliance
From the 2013 RI Manual of Procedure, page 4: “The president must also, while serving as president-elect, attend the presidents-elect training seminar and the district training assembly.” Can’t be Club President unless you attend PETS – Draconian?Or…..Good business? Who ya going to call? What ya going to do?
What can the District do to promote attendance? “Well…… it’s mandatory isn’t it?” Encourage Club succession planning ……. President, President Elect, President Nominee Pass the responsibility along Come as a team ……. PE and PN Build a culture of enthusiasm…. Start with a terrific pre-PETS and build up excitement Consider some other attendance options…………
Basics of Promoting Attendance Create customer value Start with tangible values: length of PETS, venue, price, food, materials Add those intangible values: fellowship, knowledge & ideas, relationships, exposure to a broader perspective of Rotary and Rotary leadership Focus on the takeaways: first impression, interactivity with other participants, motivational and relevant End with testimonials………….
Chesapeake PETS Survey Monkey 2014 Response rate …… 214 surveys sent; 122 respondents = 57% “I was reluctant at first to give up the time from work and family and left with a different perspective. PETS was very much worth the commitment of two days.” “PETS turned out to be a positive experience, educationally, motivationally and socially.” “I was delighted by the fellowship and the sense of common purpose that I discovered at all levels of the PETS.” “I had far more fun than I could have expected – it was a wonderful occasion to connect with leaders from other clubs.” “PETS was well organized and professionally delivered. I was expecting to waste my time and was wonderfully surprised. My expectations were greatly wrong! I will be enthusiastically supporting attendance by future PE’s.”