technologies for sharing technologies are NOT enough silvio lemos meira
using tech for sharing { whatever } is a complex cultural experience
should we define culture?... and conversations? [culture is]…such information as is capable of transmission from individual to individual. Boyd & Richerson {1985} conversations are situated {context based} exchanges of information among individuals
and there comes the internet...
and the newtork society...
castells: the netsoc...IS: from An informational economy in which sources of productivity and competitiveness for firms, regions, countries depend, more than ever, on knowledge, information and the technology of their processing, including the technology of management and the management of technology.
A global economy that is not the same as a world economy, and is a new reality. At its core it has strategically dominant activities which have the potential of working as a unit in real time on a planetary scale. castells: the netsoc...IS: from It reaches out to whole planet but does not include whole planet and excludes the majority in an uneven geography......
castells: the netsoc...IS: from The network enterprise is a new form of organisation characteristic of economic activity, but gradually extending its logic to other domains and organisations. It is a network made either from firms or segments of firms, or from internal segmentation of firms.
castells: the netsoc...IS: from The transformation of work and employment; the flexi-workers... no major surge in unemployment... but... great anxiety and discontent about work. Power relations... shifted in favour of capital with much downsizing, subcontracting and networking of labour, inducing flexibility and individualisation of contractual arrangements.
castells: the netsoc...IS: from Social polarisation and social exclusion... processes of globalisation, business networking and individualisation of labour... weaken... organisations and institutions that represented & protected workers...
castells: the netsoc...IS: from The culture of real virtuality... the emergence of a similar pattern of networking, flexibility and ephemeral symbolic communication in a culture organised around the electronic media. The media are extremely diverse and send targeted messages to specific segments of audiences and to specific moods of audiences.
castells: the netsoc...IS: from Politics now needs to occupy media space if actors and ideas are not to be marginalised. The {NET} media has become the essential space of politics...
castells: the netsoc...IS: from Timeless time... time and space... meanings and manifestations in social practice evolve throughout histories and across cultures. The network society is organised around new forms of time and space: timeless time... and... the space of flows
castells: the netsoc...IS: from The space of flows is the material organisation of time-sharing social practices that work through flows. The space of places continues to be the predominant space of experience....In the Network Society a fundamental form of social domination is the prevalence of the logic of the space of flows over the space of places...
HOW it works, really? {castells, in the trilogy} "Social movements in the Information Age are essentially mobilized around cultural values. The struggle to change the codes of meaning in the institutions and practice of the society is the essential struggle in the process of social change in the new historical context, movements to seize the power of the minds, not state power."
{castells, explaining...} In a so-called information society, minds are not only the most important economic asset -companies with minds make money; companies with money and no minds lose the money- it's the same thing in everything. The networks are not programmed by technology; technological tools are programmed by minds.
{castells, more explanation...} So the human consciousness [is the source], because everything now depends on our ability to generate knowledge and process information in every domain and activity. Knowledge and information are cognitive qualities from the human mind.
{castells, more explanation...} Yes, human minds usually are connected to bodies, which means that you have to take into consideration the overall system of human existence, social services support, etc. But fundamentally, the human mind has always been, but more than ever now, the source of wealth, power, and control over everything.
should we, then...
why would we SHARE things?
SHARE knowledge? gurteen, 1999 ideas, processes, information are taking a growing share of global output & trade. the only sustainable competitive advantage is continuous innovation. turn over of staff: people don't take a job for life any more. memory leaks all the time... dispersed organisations do not know what they know. accelerating change - technology, business and social. all above happens really fast. why?
SHARE knowledge? gurteen, 1999 why? By sharing your K, you gain more then you lose. Sharing K is a synergistic process – you get more out than you put in. If I share a product idea or a way of doing things with another person – then just the act of putting my idea into words or writing will help me shape and improve that idea. If I get into dialogue with the other person then I'll benefit from their K, from their unique insights and improve my ideas further.
SHARE knowledge? gurteen, 1999 ALL?...people object to sharing as they feel that others will steal their ideas and reap the rewards rightly theirs. This is a fallacy. Knowledge sharing isn't about blindly sharing everything ; giving away your ideas; being politically naïve; or being open about absolutely everything. You still need to exercise judgement...
the world of tech {and sharing?}
institutions share...
so do people...
really sharing...
sometimes... you do not behave...
{most} times you do!
and have an impact:: noblat:: brazil:: 12:40
and it is everywhere: alerts...
{large} group knowledge sharing
does it work? sometimes...
community weblog: EU SW patents?!
sharing MOVEMENT: demo stuff!
two hours later more sites...
this morning... ONE THOUSAND more
sharing... MOVEMENTS!!!
it can go far and wide: protests!...
point: developing TECH for SHARING... we are interested in SHARING BUT ALSO IN the technologies that WILL BE USED for SHARING we want to PLAY A ROLE in the... development deployment sharing, marketing, sales of technology assets of all sorts... even more so IF the are ICT related
a.m.i.g.o.s AMbiente para Interação de GrupOs Sociais An environMent for socIal Group interactiOnS
why open source?...
shouldn’t we be ALWAYS talking about open knowledge?... of course yes! BUT patents markets legal systems poor knowledge management DOMINANT MEMEs!...
technologies for sharing technologies are NOT enough silvio lemos meira