VP-4 Skinny Dragons Single Sailor Pre- Deployment Concerns UNCLASS
Barracks Will I be required to move out of the barracks prior to deployment? –No, all BEQ residents will maintain their current residence while deployed. UNCLASS
Barracks Will anyone be residing in my room while I am deployed? –No, a joint room inspection will be conducted with BEQ management. Then room will be secured until servicemember returns from deployment. UNCLASS
Storage Where can I store my personal property while on deployment? –Personal property can be stored in your BEQ room or at any self storage facility. –Servicemember will incur all out of pocket expenses. UNCLASS
POV Where do I store my POV while on deployment? –Vehicles can be stored at the POV deployment lot on MCBH located near the fuel pier. –Command representative will set up a date for Sailors to fill out paperwork at building 1095 (PMO). UNCLASS
POV What if my vehicle registration expires while on deployment? –If vehicle registration expires while on deployment, there is a 30 day grace period upon completion of deployment. –Maintain a copy of deployment orders in vehicle. UNCLASS
POV Am I required to maintain insurance coverage on my POV while deployed? –Yes, however some insurance companies will offer discounted rates for a stored vehicle. –For example, USAA Insurance Company offers 80% discount. UNCLASS
Pay Entitlements Will I receive BAH, BAS, and COLA while on deployment? –Yes, you will maintain all entitlements while on deployment. UNCLASS
Pets If I have pets, is there a place that will care for them while I am deployed? –Fostermilitarypets.com is a no cost foster program for military personnel being deployed. Submit pet information 60 days in advance. UNCLASS
Questions? UNCLASS