Marco Lonza, “The Control System of the ELETTRA Booster Injector” ICALEPCS2005, Geneva October 2005 The Control System of the ELETTRA Booster Injector Marco Lonza L. Battistello, D. Bulfone, V. Forchi', F. Giacuzzo, G. Gaio, R. Marizza, R. Passuello, L. Pivetta, C. Scafuri, L. Zambon Sincrotrone Trieste, ELETTRA
Marco Lonza, “The Control System of the ELETTRA Booster Injector” ICALEPCS2005, Geneva October 2005 The Booster Project Control System Requirements and Guidelines Hardware Architecture Software Infrastructure Interlock and Personnel Safety Systems Conclusions Outline
Marco Lonza, “The Control System of the ELETTRA Booster Injector” ICALEPCS2005, Geneva October 2005 ELETTRA is the third generation light source based in Trieste, ITALY, since 1992 Present injector: 1.2 GeV Linac, energy ramping to GeV New injector: 150 MeV Linac pre-injector GeV Booster synchrotron at 3 Hz Full energy injection at up to 2.5 GeV, rapid refills, top-up injection, reliability, stability The 1.2 GeV Linac will be used for the Free Electron Laser Booster construction just started: completion by end 2007 The Booster Project Booster Synchrotron Linac Pre-Injector ELETTRA Storage Ring
Marco Lonza, “The Control System of the ELETTRA Booster Injector” ICALEPCS2005, Geneva October 2005 Booster Control System Requirements and Guidelines Requirements the Booster control system will be an extension of the existing ELETTRA machine control system (same network, control room computers and servers) stable and reliable for top-up continuous injection diagnosis and fixing capabilities implemented remotely (technical gallery inaccessible during operations) performance and real-time capabilities (3 Hz operations) Guidelines deployment of off-the-shelf components, open standards and free open-source software adoption of existing control system software in the frame of a collaboration with other institutes (Tango) Following the above guidelines, the development time can be noticeably reduced and the overall cost lowered The existing control system (early ’90s technology): VME, 68k, OS-9, MIL-1553, Ethernet, Unix, Motif, RPC After partial upgrades of used technology and systems, a new foundation is necessary
Marco Lonza, “The Control System of the ELETTRA Booster Injector” ICALEPCS2005, Geneva October 2005 Control System Architecture I/O Ethernet LAN Linux Servers Control Room Workstations Linux PC Equipment Controllers (EC) VME Crates, Power-PC Boards with Linux-RTAI Embedded Controllers Equipment PLCs Wi-Fi Local Client Wireless Access Point Upgrade of the existing Unix workstations and servers with Linux PCs accomplished by the beginning of 2006 Existing control room programs (based on Motif and RPC) ported to Linux The new booster applications will run on the same PCs
Marco Lonza, “The Control System of the ELETTRA Booster Injector” ICALEPCS2005, Geneva October 2005 Most of the machine equipment will be interfaced to the control system through diskless VME systems called Equipment Controllers (EC) VME crate: 16-slot VME64x backplane, two hot-swap redundant power supplies, local controller with Ethernet for remote monitoring and reset CPU board: Motorola MVME5100 with PowerPC G4 at 400 MHz Software: Linux + Tango control system software Real-time: RTAI real-time extension for deterministic response (20 s max latency jitter) Equipment Controllers
Marco Lonza, “The Control System of the ELETTRA Booster Injector” ICALEPCS2005, Geneva October 2005 I/O: analog and digital signals, RS-232/422/485, GPIB, etc. I/O hardware: Industry Pack (IP) modules mounted on VME carriers PMC modules and VME boards employed where performance or special features are required Special I/O: ex. V/F conversion in the Linac klystron room to reject electromagnetic interferences. VME board developed in-house Transition Modules: provide signal conditioning and clean cabling of I/O signals I/O PMCIP
Marco Lonza, “The Control System of the ELETTRA Booster Injector” ICALEPCS2005, Geneva October 2005 GNU/Linux already used at ELETTRA for two years reliable and robust deployed in both Intel PCs and PPC VME systems common source code base for all platforms CVS used for source repository and revision managing Software: GNU/Linux Linux is a good choice Keep on this way for the booster control system
Marco Lonza, “The Control System of the ELETTRA Booster Injector” ICALEPCS2005, Geneva October 2005 CORBA as basic middleware for distributed applications TANGO control system software framework: joined the international collaboration which is developing it (ESRF, Soleil, ELETTRA and Alba) [WE2.3-6O] Tango meets all our requirements in terms of capabilities, technologies and performance mature and well tested: ~30 Tango Devices developed and deployed at ELETTRA the object model helps software development and maintenance: man power reduced Software: CORBA and TANGO Tango Meeting at Elettra active and fruitful collaboration between partners: the developed software is made available to the Tango community ELETTRA developments: an alarm system [WE3B-1-7O], database redundancy, Qt integration, a Web based browser of historical data, a Web interface to Tango control system, etc.
Marco Lonza, “The Control System of the ELETTRA Booster Injector” ICALEPCS2005, Geneva October 2005 Software: GUI and Qt Qt graphical toolkit (by Trolltech) C++ and Python Tango APIs Developed three packages to ease GUI developments: Ttk (Tango Toolkit): a non graphical library that provides some classes to handle the most common Tango client read and write actions (device proxy, event subscription, polling threads, error logs, etc.) QTango eases writing graphical control applications by associating a Tango device attribute or command with a viewer or a controller QtControls custom Qt based widgets suitable for controls and not yet supported by existing Qt widgets Tango QtControls QTango Qt TTK
Marco Lonza, “The Control System of the ELETTRA Booster Injector” ICALEPCS2005, Geneva October 2005 Software: database, scripts and Web Database: Tango relies on Mysql for device configuration handling. We will also use it for the Tango archiving system (HDB) and to store machine settings (Save/Restore application ) Scripting languages for machine physics measurements and commissioning of new equipment Matlab and Python will be provided (both supported by Tango) Web Applications E-Giga: data browser of historical data archived by HDB Canone: generic Web interface to the Tango control system PHP based Web server acts as a buffered client of the Tango control system browsing of the operating Tango devices and display of device attributes composition of custom Web pages with configurable widgets. Pages saved as cookies
Marco Lonza, “The Control System of the ELETTRA Booster Injector” ICALEPCS2005, Geneva October 2005 Interlock and Personnel Safety Systems autonomous systems based on a PLC and distributed I/O connected through Profibus the control system communicate with the PLCs via Ethernet TCP/IP and dedicated Tango devices client applications and operator panels built in the Tango framework (no SCADA) Interlock System machine protection (vacuum system, magnets, etc.) PLC: Siemens S7 series 300 control room panel to manage alarm messages and display I/O points Personnel Safety System protection of people from radiation hazards protection of beamline users during top-up injections with front-ends open Fail-Safe components: PLC (Siemens S7 315F), Profisafe, I/O peripherals sensors and actuators: standard devices in redundant configuration PLC Local Control Ethernet CommandReading TCP/IP Valve Beam Stopper Control Room Machine Gallery Access Panel
Marco Lonza, “The Control System of the ELETTRA Booster Injector” ICALEPCS2005, Geneva October 2005 Conclusions construction and commissioning of the booster in parallel to ELETTRA operations completion of the project by the end of 2007 control system structure defined, hardware and software components chosen adopted the Tango control system: made the necessary integrations to be deployed at Elettra in-house hardware developments almost completed controls developers can concentrate on the specific equipment application GOAL: control system available from the beginning of the booster commissioning the presented control system infrastructure will also be the basis for the new projects like and the upgrade of the existing ELETTRA control system