EBS 506: Special Topics Estuarine Turbidity maximum Instructor: António Baptista
“CMOP: Transforming Ocean Exploration” 2 Key questions What is an Estuarine Turbidity Maximum (ETM) ? Which estuaries does it occur on? What causes it? Why is it important? How can it be: observed? modeled ? How does it vary in space and time ? How does it affect: estuarine productivity ? microbial communities ? How is it affected by: climate? human activities? What does it look like in the Columbia River estuary?
“CMOP: Transforming Ocean Exploration” 3 SATURN-01SATURN-03
“CMOP: Transforming Ocean Exploration” 4 CR open benchmark Goals Enable continuous enhancement of multiple models and exploration of diverse modeling strategies Design requirements Maximize value-added expertise of model developers/expert users, while minimizing their time investment Dynamic timeframes (blending controlled hindcasts with continuous blind forecasts) Focus on unstructured grid models Implementation phases –CMOP-driven SELFE pilot (on-going) –CMOP-assisted pilots for other lead models with by-invitation participation of the respective developers / expert users (a ~12 month effort) –Open to community (early 2010) and consider exporting to other coastal margins (2011) Enablers –CMOP’s SATURN modeling system & Rapid Deployment Forecasting System –OpenDAP-CF standards for unstructured grid models (synergistic effort led by Rich Signell, with participation of at least the FVCOM, ADCIRC, SELFE, ELCIRC communities)
“CMOP: Transforming Ocean Exploration” 5 Open Columbia River benchmark Goals Enablers Phases Concept Code developers Community CMOP Joint Color Key Goals Enable continuous enhancement of multiple models and exploration of diverse modeling strategies Maximize value-added expertise of model developers/expert users, while minimizing their time investment
“CMOP: Transforming Ocean Exploration” 6 Code registration Code registration Registration of modeling strategy Reference static benchmark Refine modeling strategy All static benchmarks ? ? ? ? Forecast benchmark ? ? Simulation databases Operational forecasts Scenario simulations Scenario simulations ? ? ? ? ? ?
“CMOP: Transforming Ocean Exploration” 7 Code registration Open to open-source community unstructured-grid codes, allowing for realistic ocean/atmospheric/river forcing –Version(s) supported by the code developers –Opendap-CF compliant grids, outputs, and atmospheric/ocean inputs –Liaison person to the SATURN team by the developers/expert users; liaison should be available to support the registration process and to create a default Preferences –MPI version available Code/version specific parameter interface What to do with old versions? Kkkk
“CMOP: Transforming Ocean Exploration” 8 Registration & refinement of modeling strategy All registered codes go through this step Static benchmark –Ideally 4 weeks (with two warm-up weeks) representing a Q transition Modeling strategy (CR.nnn.mmm.ggg.ppp.qqqq) –nnn: Code (001: SELFE; 002. FVCOM; 003. ADCIRC) –mmm: code version –ggg: Grid (001: DB14; 002: DB16; 003: hires) –ppp: Turbulence closure (001: k-kl) –qqq: Other elements Skill and performance assessment –SA metrics –Feature representation –CPU, memory What to save after a simulation –Input files (as necessary to recreate simulation) –Skill and performance assessment metrics Rankings (per objective?) – Overall; by model; by grid
“CMOP: Transforming Ocean Exploration” 9