Parliamentary Procedures
Congressional Charter and By-Laws And Manual of Procedure and Ritual Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States ARTICLE X—RULES OF ORDER Sec. 1001– Rules of Order Governing All Meetings.
The following Rules of Order shall govern all meetings. Any procedural matter not provided for by these rules shall be governed by Demeter’s Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedure. These rules may be altered or amended at any regular session of the body, upon proposition in writing, and by the majority vote of those present and voting. Any alteration or amendment of these rules provided herein shall be in accordance with permitted by Demeter’s.
What is Parliamentary Procedure? Parliamentary procedure, or parliamentary law, is the code of rules and ethics for working together in groups. According to the Demeter's it refers to rules, laws, regulations of organizations governing the orderly, expeditious and efficient transaction of business and meetings and conventions. Without rules, there would be injustice and Confusion.
Hence, it is necessary to follow the rules of Parliamentary law as it is to follow rules of a ball game or card game. All profit and non- profit corporations and associations such as the VFW and the boards, councils, commissions and committees of government must observe parliamentary law.
Post SHALL hold at least one regular meeting each month. The appointed day and time for such meeting shall be provided in the Post By-Laws. Post members and the Department Commander shall be notified of any change of regular meetings. You must have at least 5 members in good standing to make a Quorum, and any member in good standing or on official business may visit a post meeting. (They have no voice in business discussions and no voting priv.)
ORDER OF BUISNESS-POSTS Opening in due forum Commander: Recitation of the purpose of the VFW (Section 3 of the Charter) Roll call of officers Read refer membership applications Reports of Committee’s Ballot on candidates Muster in recruits Read Minutes Quartermasters Report
ORDER OF BUISNESS-POSTS Report of Service Officer Report on Comrade or families of comrade in distress Report of committees Remember National Home Unfinished Business New Business Good of the order Closing due form
Rules during meetings In meetings of the VFW, members holding office shall be addressed as “Comrade” followed by the title of the office they hold. All other members shall be addressed as “Comrade”. “COMRADE COMMANDER” “COMRADE SENIOR VICE” “COMRADE CHAPLAIN” “COMRADE 10 th DISTRICT COMMANDER”
Rules during meetings All members present and entitled have a right to vote Only VFW regulation caps are to be worn at meetings (no ball caps) No member shall be interrupted while speaking On questions of order there is no debate A member can change his vote from one side to the other as long as it is done prior to the final results.
Rules during meetings The presence, dispensation, and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages in VFW meetings rooms during VFW meetings is unacceptable and is prohibited.
Tips for shortening meetings “Be sincere…be brief…be seated." Unfortunately not all members follow this advice, as a result, discussion at meetings can be lengthy and repetitive. No one speak more than 10 minutes No one speak a second time until every one who wishes to speak a first time has spoken. No one should speak more than twice on the same business.
Tips for shortening meetings Alternate pro and con. Encourage new discussion by asking for speakers who have not yet spoken. Ask for a motion to end discussion Set discussion time prior to lengthy issues
MEETING MYTHS MYTH:" We don’t use Parliamentary Procedure.” Whether you are aware of it or not, VFW meetings (suppose to) follow Parliamentary procedure. MYTH:" The absence of a forum is okay if nobody brings it up. WRONG! (how many make a forum?)
MEETING MYTHS MYTH:" Discussion First, Motion Later. No discussion should occur without being Proceeded by a “motion” to take action. MYTH:“ Any one can speak at our meetings. Only members of the particular body are allowed to speak. Only board members have a right to participate in board meetings. (others can attend but not participate)
The purpose of parliamentary procedure is to facilitate the transaction of business and to promote cooperation and harmony Parliamentary law should be the servant, not the master, of the assembly. If you want to kill any idea in the world, get a committee working on it. Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. One man with courage makes a majority.