WINDOWS AZURE Vijay Rajagopalan Principal Program Manager Windows Azure Runtime
Windows Azure
Popular open source apps Launch a professional looking site with a few clicks using apps like WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, DotNetNuke and Umbraco Continuous delivery Deploy directly from your source code repository, using Git or Team Foundation Service. Modern web apps Perfect if your app consists of client side markup and scripting, server side scripting and a database. Powerful capability to scale out and up as needed. Application Scenarios Windows Azure Web Sites are ideal for: Apps that require advanced administration Cloud-based applications that require admin access, remote desktop access or elevated permissions Windows Azure Cloud Services (Web Role) are ideal for: Multi-tier applications: Cloud-based applications that separate application logic into multiple tiers (i.e. caching middle tier, asynchronous background processes like order processing) using both Web and Worker Roles Apps that require advanced networking Cloud-based applications that require network isolation for use with Windows Azure Connect or Windows Azure Virtual Network Porting existing line of business apps Choose an image from the library or upload your own VHD. Enterprise server applications Run your existing enterprise applications in the cloud, such as SQL Server, SharePoint Server or Active Directory. Windows or Linux operating system Support for Windows Server, along with community and commercial versions of Linux. Connect virtual machines with cloud services to take full advantage of PaaS services. Windows Azure Virtual Machines are ideal for:
virtual machines Windows Server and Linux Flexible Workload Support Virtual Private Networking
IT Pro experience Support for key server applications Easy storage manageability High availability features Advanced networking Integration with compute PaaS
Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 R2 with SQL Server 2012 Evaluation Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate OpenSUSE 12.1 CentOS 6.2 Ubuntu SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SP2
Each Persistent Data Disk Can be up to 1 TB VM SizeCPU CoresMemoryBandwidth # Data Disks Extra SmallShared768 MB5 (Mbps)1 Small11.75 GB100 (Mbps)2 Medium23.5 GB200 (Mbps)4 Large47 GB400 (Mbps)8 Extra Large814 GB800 (Mbps)16
Disk TypeDefaultSupported OS DiskReadWriteReadOnly and ReadWrite Data DiskNoneNone, ReadOnly and ReadWrite Modify using Set-AzureOSDisk or Set-AzureDataDisk
virtual machine portability
no lock-in
Windows Azure Storage VM with persistent drive
Windows Azure Storage VM with persistent drive
Windows Azure Storage VM with persistent drive
reliable and always on Windows Azure Storage VM with persistent drive
continuous storage geo-replication > 500 miles Windows Azure Storage
What Does Persistent really mean? Windows Azure Storage
Virtual Machine Names and DNS Bring your own DNS server Use your on-premise DNS servers Deploy a DNS server in Windows Azure Use public DNS services Windows Azure provided DNS Resolves VMs by name within the same cloud service Machine names are modeled explicitly and registered in the DNS service Full control over machine names
Protocols and Endpoints Port Forwarded Endpoints Direct communication to multiple VMs in the same cloud app Support for All IP-Based Protocols (VM to VM) Instance-to-instance communication TCP, UDP and ICMP, dynamic ports UDP Traffic Supported in WA Load-balanced incoming traffic and allows outbound traffic Custom Load Balancer Health Probes Health check with probe timeouts HTTP based probing, allowing granular control of health checks
Service Level Agreements 99.9% for single role instances 8.75 hours of downtime per year What’s included Compute Hardware failure (disk, cpu, memory) Datacenter failures - Network failure, power failure Hardware upgrades, Software maintenance – Host OS Updates Planned downtime – 6 day notice, 6 hour window, 25 minute downtime What is not included VM Container crashes, Guest OS Updates 99.95% for multiple role instances 4.38 hours of downtime per year
Popular open source apps Launch a professional looking site with a few clicks using apps like WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, DotNetNuke and Umbraco Continuous delivery Deploy directly from your source code repository, using Git or Team Foundation Service. Modern web apps Perfect if your app consists of client side markup and scripting, server side scripting and a database. Powerful capability to scale out and up as needed. Application Scenarios Windows Azure Web Sites are ideal for: Apps that require advanced administration Cloud-based applications that require admin access, remote desktop access or elevated permissions Windows Azure Cloud Services (Web Role) are ideal for: Multi-tier applications:- Cloud-based applications that separate application logic into multiple tiers (i.e. caching middle tier, asynchronous background processes like order processing) using both Web and Worker Roles Apps that require advanced networking Cloud-based applications that require network isolation for use with Windows Azure Connect or Windows Azure Virtual Network Porting existing line of business apps Choose an image from the library or upload your own VHD. Enterprise server applications Run your existing enterprise applications in the cloud, such as SQL Server, SharePoint Server or Active Directory. Windows or Linux operating system Support for Windows Server, along with community and commercial versions of Linux. Connect virtual machines with cloud services to take full advantage of PaaS services. Windows Azure Virtual Machines are ideal for:
web sites Build with ASP.NET, Node.js or PHP Deploy in seconds with FTP, Git or TFS Start for free, scale up as your traffic grows
1 web sites shared reserved SHARED INSTANCES shared
2 SHARED INSTANCES web sites shared reserved shared
SHARED INSTANCES web sites 1 shared reserved RESERVED INSTANCE 0 reserved
web sites 2 shared reserved RESERVED INSTANCE reserved
web sites 2 shared reserved RESERVED INSTANCE reserved
cloud services Build infinitely scalable apps and services Support rich multi-tier architectures Automated application management
Popular open source apps Launch a professional looking site with a few clicks using apps like WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, DotNetNuke and Umbraco Continuous delivery Deploy directly from your source code repository, using Git or Team Foundation Service. Modern web apps Perfect if your app consists of client side markup and scripting, server side scripting and a database. Powerful capability to scale out and up as needed. Application Scenarios Windows Azure Web Sites are ideal for: Apps that require advanced administration Cloud-based applications that require admin access, remote desktop access or elevated permissions Windows Azure Cloud Services (Web Role) are ideal for: Multi-tier applications :- Cloud-based applications that separate application logic into multiple tiers (i.e. caching middle tier, asynchronous background processes like order processing) using both Web and Worker Roles Apps that require advanced networking Cloud-based applications that require network isolation for use with Windows Azure Connect or Windows Azure Virtual Network Porting existing line of business apps Choose an image from the library or upload your own VHD. Enterprise server applications Run your existing enterprise applications in the cloud, such as SQL Server, SharePoint Server or Active Directory. Windows or Linux operating system Support for Windows Server, along with community and commercial versions of Linux. Connect virtual machines with cloud services to take full advantage of PaaS services. Windows Azure Virtual Machines are ideal for:
Modeling Cloud Applications A cloud application is typically made up of different components Front end: e.g. load-balanced stateless web servers Middle worker tier: e.g. order processing, encoding Backend storage: e.g. SQL tables or files Multiple instances of each for scalability and availability Front- End Windows Azure Storage (or) SQL Azure Windows Azure Storage (or) SQL Azure Load Balancer
Role Types There are currently three role types: Web Role: IIS7 and PHP/ASP.NET in Windows Azure-supplied OS Worker Role: Arbitrary Java Code in Windows Azure-supplied OS VM Role: uploaded VHD with customer-supplied OS VM Role: is it a VM? No, because it is stateless Good for: Long install (5+ minutes) Manual install/config Fragile install/config
Service Model Files Service definition is in ServiceDefinition.csdef Service configuration is in ServiceConfiguration.cscfg CSPack program Zips service binaries and definition into service package file (service.cscfg)
US-North Central Datacenter Deploying a Java Service to Windows Azure The 10,000 foot view Fabric Controller Service definition is in ServiceDefinition.csdef Service configuration is in ServiceConfiguration.cscfg CSPack program Zips service binaries and definition into service package file (service.cspkg)
service package
Server Rack 1Server Rack 2 virtual machine Provision Role Instances Deploy App Code Configure Network virtual machine
service package Provision Role Instances Deploy App Code Configure Network
service package Provision Role Instances Deploy App Code Configure Network
Network load-balancer configured for traffic Provision Role Instances Deploy App Code Configure Network
Cloud Services Web Role Web Sites * Cloud Apps (Web or Worker roles) can integrate with ClearDB’s MySQL as a Service via connection string but not via seamless portal/provisioning workflow Access to Azure services like Caching, Service Bus, Storage, SQL Azure Supports ASP.NET, classic ASP, Node.js, PHP Shared content and configuration GIT, FTP Near-instant deployment Integrated MySQL as a service support Environments/Staging Network isolation Remote desktop access Elevated permissions Start-up tasks Unsupported frameworks or libraries Service Model Azure Connect/VPN * Capabilities vs.
focus on apps, not infrastructure
application building blocks
multiple languages
open source
Paas is cheaper Reason: There’s less admin and management work to do Benefit: Organizations spend less supporting applications PaaS is faster Reason: There’s less work for developers to do Benefit: Applications can go from idea to availability more quickly PaaS is lower risk Reason: The platform does more, leaving fewer opportunities for error Benefit: Creating and running applications gets more reliable
Mixed Mode: VM and PaaS Roles in the Same Cloud Service Simple, secure and highly efficient method of using IaaS and PaaS side-by-side Direct Connectivity Using Virtual Networking For advanced connectivity scenarios such as Active Directory or DCOM Connect Cloud Apps via VIPs Easily compose services by connecting public endpoints
Strengths Simplicity Tenant Autonomy VIP Swap (stateless roles) Easy Local Dev/Test Persistent Service is Easily Accessible (even from other services!) SQL Data Access Traffic Through Public Endpoint Weaknesses Higher Latency Less Secure Management/ Deployment Overhead WA Web Role Cloud Service 1 Cloud Service 2 SQL Server Load Balancer Secure Endpoints with Firewall Load Balancer
Strengths More Secure Low Latency Cloud Service Autonomy VIP Swap (stateless roles) Advanced Connectivity Requirements Weaknesses VNET Complexity No Windows Azure provided DNS Direct Access via VNET FrontEndSubnet ( /16) SQLSubnet ( /16) Load Balancer WA Web Role Cloud Service1 Cloud Service 2 AD SQL Mirror AD Subnet ( /16) ContosoVNet ( /8)
application building blocks
great partners {you}
ScaleXtreme Overview Cloud-based Systems Management “Instant On” Manage existing servers or create brand-new servers – no need to use our images, you can use your own Monitoring, Patch Management, general-purpose Job Automation, Budgets & Cost Control, etc. Complements Azure management functionality with actual server launch and management capabilities – Windows and Linux fully supported, today Directly integrates with Windows Azure through management API’s Worked closely with Microsoft to ensure native integration
Super Easy 1. Create free account at 2. Link your Azure account to ScaleXtreme 3. Put agent on existing servers or start launching new ones 4. All functionality (patch, job automation) instantly available!
89 Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary India Ireland Israel Italy Japan Korea Luxembourg Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Romania Russia Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Trinidad & Tobago UK United States New Countries: Algeria Argentina Belarus Bulgaria Croatia Dominican Rep Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Estonia Guatemala Iceland Indonesia Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Macedonia Malta Montenegro Morocco Azerbaijan Nigeria Oman Pakistan Panama Paraguay Qatar Saudi Arabia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Sri Lanka Taiwan Thailand Tunisia Turkey UAE Ukraine Uruguay Venezuela Bahrain countries and territories
Windows Azure
start now.
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