Enterprise DevOps Grid Jonny Wooldridge this deck available here:
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise Enterprise DevOps Grid. Use the grid to explain your DevOps journey. The background is set as a layout. Sometime you don’t want the arrows (bottom left to top right) so there is one without them! Cheers, Jonny
Appendix 1 Using the grid
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise The position on the grid shows capability TeamSoftware Agile/Lean practices Great Software Good practices Good Software Poor working practices Poor Software Bad working practices Bad Software
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise The size of the circls indicates the scale of the application Small app Large app How you determine size of app is up to you. App 1
Appendix 2 Sample Uses of grid
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise $$$$ $$$ $$ $ Understand the cost to the organisation of slow releases Cost of rework Cost of delay and hand off Cost of building the wrong thing Cost of not asking the right question Integration test costs Excellence / Craftmanship Over Communicate your plan
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise Not all applications should be treated in the same way Understand the pace layers of your apps and governance needed How good are the major vendor Ecommerce and Finance/ERP systems? Front End UI Finance Systems Payment Order Mgt Core Ecomm Digital Asset Cust. Mgt Apps API Define the pace of your applications
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise Fight the right battles with your legacy Where you invest your $$ is critical. Invest in DevOps where it matters. DevOps without legacy is easy. Front End UI Finance Systems Payment Order Mgt Core Ecomm Digital Asset Cust. Mgt Apps You want to be here!But for everything? Define the pace of your applications
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise Moving existing legacy apps to faster delivery is hard Don’t make the mistake of over promising! Trying to improve all of your applications just won’t be practical. Really? Legacy Zone Define the pace of your applications
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise Components have no dependencies that require testing in a shared test environment with corporate applications Many corporate dependencies that require testing with each other and co-ordination of data / process Legacy Zone Kill dependencies at all cost
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise Reduce size and complexity of slow moving applications Reduce your legacy and create new capability E.g. consider creating a Front End separation layer enabling parts to be independently released NEW Legacy Zone Kill dependencies at all cost
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise Many organisations want to be lean and get value to their customers quickly Understand what is really a viable MVP Kill dependencies at all cost A change considered fast is now very slow as it needs to be coordinated with a corporate release. Legacy Zone NEW
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise In this example the team are aware of DevOps and start automating build/deploy/test and using Continuous Integration. The Operations team are involved early. Enterprise Project Methodology/Governance/Finance promotes integrated test phases and big bang deployment. The intention is to deploy independently hence it’s position on the grid. The plan is to think about Continuous Delivery later in the project STEP 1: Start with good intentions NEW Legacy Zone An example project: part 1 Don’t create new ‘legacy’
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise The team is under pressure and functionality is prioritised over keeping automated test and deployment scripts updated. Ops team not as engaged as they had been. The team tried BDD but did not continue with it as the value wasn’t being seen. Project Manager requests a detailed plan for all tasks until go-live. Agility starts to slip. Technical debt increases. STEP 2: The inevitable project pressures show up NEW Legacy Zone An example project: part 2 Don’t create new ‘legacy’
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise The application was on track to be delivered but new dependencies are found (e.g with corporate reporting and finance systems or corporate middleware) The new application is now tied into a corporate release cycle. Importantly the application might now always be tied into corporate release cycle until the dependencies are broken (if that is possible) STEP 3: Find corporate legacy dependencies Legacy Zone An example project: part 3 NEW Don’t create new ‘legacy’
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise When a new initiative comes along and a new team is built to deliver it set the bar high with DevOps operational requirements and ways of working. Encompass: Behaviour Driven Development Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery Full automation Robust configuration management Set the bar high for new initiatives / programmes NEW Legacy Zone Don’t create new ‘legacy’
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise Ensure your corporate project methodology encourages DevOps.. …else you’ll create legacy every time Don’t create new ‘legacy’ Legacy Zone NEW How do you measure success of your projects?
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise Enterprise equilibrium tends to push your DevOps adoption backwards DevOps is not just an IT Problem Make the wrong choice and the forces may be working against your goal of faster delivery. Wrong technology choice Wrong hiring policy Wrong contractual & financial frameworks Wrong 3 rd Party Suppliers Wrong team objectives & rewards
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise A shared capability to assist environment creation and tool setup A shared DevOps capabilty can speed-up other team’s DevOps adoption You are unique. Think for yourself Oil the enterprise machine by removing common impediments Automation Ways of Working Cloud Adoption Shared Tooling
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise You’re going to have to think for yourself. ? There are still a lot of areas of enterprise DevOps that still need to be answered ? ? ✔ Keep an open mind and innovate yourself You are unique. Think for yourself
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise Wrapping entire legacy applications in new automation deployment software isn’t the answer. Expensive Tooling won’t move the needle on its own Don’t automate your legacy processes! Legacy Zone $$$ Make your tools work for you
The team’s level of agile working practices (Agile/lean) Level of Independently testable and deployable software Low High Software Design Team Low High Slow Fast Continuous Delivery Daily/Weekly Independent Monthly Coordinated Quarterly Enterprise New Ways of working dictate new flexible connected tooling..specifically don’t be tied to your corporate toolset Embrace best of breed Open Source and make sure you don’t get tied to a particular tool.. TRADITIONAL TOOLSET MULTIPLE DIGITAL TOOLSETS Multiple sets of tools need to co-exist Make your tools work for you