Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia Seeds for Inquiry (as seen in NSTA Science Scope, April/May 2011)
Engage Create a “mini-pet” by sprouting seeds on a paper towel in a humid growing chamber. – Students first draw a design on the paper towel with markers, and then moisten the towel before sprinkling the seeds on their drawings. – Carefully insert the “mini-pet” inside a plastic zip- top bag (the growing chamber). Place “mini-pets” in various locations around the classroom, and watch as the seeds sprout.
Explore Students compare their sprouted mini-pets and observe differences. – Seed germination – Sprout growth – Leaf color – Root length As they note variations they speculate on possible causes. These discussions lead to the generation of inferences.
Inferences generated by students through experience with chia mini-pets Student observationsInference The mini-pets that were kept nearest to the window grew the tallest. Warm temperatures can increase sprout growth. The seeds on the back didn’t sprout. If seeds are allowed to dry out, they will not sprout. Where seeds were crowded on my mini-pet, they didn’t grow as tall. Seeds grow best when they are not crowded. Leaves on my mini-pet were lighter green than most others. Plants can turn yellow in the dark. The sprouts leaned toward the window. Light can make plants bend.
Question Generating Stems Why does ….? How does ….? What if ….? What could be the reason for ….? What would happen if ….? How does _____ respond to ____? How does _____ compare to ____? Does _____ when _____? How could we find out if _____? O/I/H exit ticket
Explain (teacher-led) Choose one of the inferences to demonstrate how to devise a simple, repeatable experimental test. Sample procedures follow; however, students should devise their own procedures for testing their hypothesis.
Method (Students should devise their own procedures. These are sample procedures for determining how not adding water to a growth chamber affects seed germination and plant growth. The other two variables, light intensity and temperature, will remain the same as the control growth chamber.) 1. Add 1 part seeds to 10 parts water. Mix and wait for 10 minutes. The seeds will absorb the water and produce a gel. (*This can be done by the teacher ahead of time.) 2. Prepare the two growth chambers by folding two equal-sized paper towels so that each fits inside a zip-top plastic bag. Label one bag A and the other B. Use a pipette to place 10 seeds on each paper towel in such a way that the seeds are not touching each other. The seeds will stick to the paper towels. Let them dry on the towels for 10 minutes. a.Control – place one of the paper towels in the bag marked A. Add 20 mL of water to the bag and seal it. Place the bag in a well-lit location and keep it at room temperature. b.Experimental – place one of the paper towels in the bag marked B. Add 0 ml of water to the bag and seal it. Place the bag in a well-it location and keep it at room temperature. 3. Observe, measure, and record your data over several days (up to two weeks).
Extend/Elaborate Each group of students selects an inference and designs an experiment for testing it. Experiments are conducted and repeated, as needed, over a two-week period. Chia Investigation Plan Chia Investigation Worksheet Worksheet
Evaluate There are several places for formative assessment during this inquiry investigation: The Engage offers a chance to assess plant growing experience. The Explore offers a chance to assess vocabulary terms. The Explore also offers a chance to assess hypothesis generation. The Extend/Elaborate offers a chance to assess experimental design. Rubric
Other Evaluate ideas … (besides science journal entries) Observation/Inference/Hypothesis exit ticket Investigation worksheet Investigation Plan Student self-grading sheet Inquiry rubric RERUN paragraph “Share-out”
Chia Seed RERUN Recall : Summarize what you did in the investigation. Explain: Explain the purpose of the investigation. Results: Describe the results of the investigation and what they mean. Uncertainties: Describe what you are still unsure about. New: Write at least two new things that you learned from this investigation.