STIG Compliance and Remediation with Ansible April 2015
PRESENTERS DAN SHEPHERD // MINDPOINT GROUP o IT security Consultant o Helps USG and commercial customers respond to difficult IT security challenges JUSTIN NEMMERS // ANSIBLE GOVERNMENT o IT architect and (recovering) sysadmin o 15 years of USG experience o Wrote first STIG Kickstarts w/ DISA for RHEL 3 and 4
ORGANIZATIONS MINDPOINT GROUP o IT security consultancy o Helps customers consistently meet stringent security requirements o Well-versed in Ansible ANSIBLE o Simplest way to automate IT o Fastest growing IT automation platform o Simple, agentless, powerful
WEBCAST GOALS Learn about Ansible Get started with Ansible and the STIG role Install the STIG role Apply role and remediate findings Fully automate compliance with Ansible Tower
Ansible Enterprise Automation Simple.Agentless. Powerful. Control. Security.Delegation. /Uses OpenSSH /No extra code to manage /Ready for cloud-scale /Uses YAML for playbooks /No special coding skills needed /Fast learning curve /App deployment /Orchestration /Configuration management /Role-Based Access Control /Delegation of credentials/keys /Audit trail for automation /Centralized job runs /Job scheduling /Automation dashboard /Push-button job execution /Portal mode for delegation /REST API for integration Ansible Open Source Ansible Tower
ANSIBLE IS COMPLETE AUTOMATION Ansible was written to automate complex multi-tier deployments, including: o Configuration management o App deployment o Provisioning o Servers & network devices o Cloud management & VMs o Zero-downtime rolling upgrades o Ad-hoc patches & updates
ANSIBLE: THE LANGUAGE OF ENTERPRISE IT o Ansible is the first “infrastructure-as-code” that can be read and written across IT… from sys-admins to developers to managers o Ansible is the only automation engine that can automate the entire application lifecycle & continuous delivery pipeline DEV/TES T Q/AOPERATIONSMANAGEMENTINFRASTRUCTU RE Ansible Playbook From development…to production.
HISTORY OF BASELINES GOLD DISK o Infrequent, time consuming, and error prone o Inconsistent, relies on staff’s capability o No ongoing remediation or validation SEMI-AUTOMATION o Shell scripts, other tooling o Brittle. Changes really, really hurt o No ongoing remediation or compliance validation
And both of these options suck. And how do you keep up with changes?
ANSIBLE AND SECURITY BASELINES REPEAT o Same process every time REMEDIATE o Apply STIG whenever desired VALIDATE o Confirm compliance IDEMPOTENT o Run and re-run over and over
HOW MINDPOINT GROUP o Trusted o Capable RHEL 6.x (and variants) o Very common DISA STIG o Significant pain points for USG customers o SCAP for easy validation
STIG ROLE COVERAGE CAT 1 (HIGH): 100% CAT 2 (MEDIUM): 91% CAT 3 (LOW): 82% We don’t automatically correct every finding, as some are not always safe to run on live systems (i.e. partitioning).
PLAYBOOK EXAMPLE Apply-stig.yml name: Apply STIG to a RHEL 6.x System hosts: all sudo: yes vars: rhel6stig_cat1: true rhel6stig_cat2: true rhel6stig_cat3: true rhel6stig_fullauto: true roles: - rhel6stig
CAT 1 ROLE EXAMPLE PLAY cat1.yml --- # CAT I Findings - name: V High The snmpd service must not use a default password replace: backup=yes dest=/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf regexp=(^com2sec.*default\s+)public replace=\1{{ rhel6stig_snmp_community }} ignore_errors: yes when: snmpconf_test.stat.exists notify: restart snmpd tags: [ 'cat1', 'V-38653', 'snmp' ] - name: V High There must be no hosts.equiv file on the system file: state=absent dest=/etc/hosts.equiv tags: [ 'cat1', 'V-38491', 'hosts_equiv' ] - name: V High There must be no.rhosts files on the system file: state=absent dest=~{{ item }}/.rhosts with_items: users.stdout_lines tags: [ 'cat1', 'V-38491', 'rhosts' ]
GET THE STIG ROLE $ ansible-galaxy install $ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml requirements.yml - src: name: rhel6-stig $ git clone
APPLY STIG ROLE FROM CLI Requires Ansible version >= 1.8 $ ansible-playbook -i hosts apply-stig.yml
CLI RESULTS Skipping Conditional caused test to be skipped (OK) Changed Role made a change on the system OK No action required
Demo of the STIG role + Ansible Tower
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