Ready NC Mobile app features: Current weather conditions Real-time traffic conditions How to report power outages Open shelters near you (including ones which accept pets) Counties being evacuated How to prepare for & be safe during typical hazards How to create an emergency plan & kit Real-time information on river flooding Who to contact for assistance
Accessible for: Persons who are blind of have visual impairments Persons who are deaf/hard of hearing Helen Keller National Center found ReadyNC mobile app was accessible via various Braille displays and JAWS. Work is in progress to meet WAG 2.0 standards (internationally-recognized criteria for web accessibility).
Shelter Board shows: Shelter Name Street address & city Open/Closed Pets/ No Pets Total Capacity Current Availability Directions to site
News releases in Spanish on & Staffing for Joint Information Center in Spanish! (coming soon)
Emergency Preparedness Initiative for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Four-year grant provided by North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCCDD) Purpose to improve emergency preparedness services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities by developing and implementing best practices to decrease gaps in the areas of Communication, Medical, Functional independence, Safety and Support, and Transportation (C-MIST).
ShowMe card to provide communications support in shelter or similar situation Generate checklist for including persons with I/DD in exercises Develop functional needs shelter checklist Develop web-based pop-up instructions for MyPrep form
People with cognitive disabilities People who are Deaf or hard of hearing People with limited English proficiency Anyone who might struggle to communicate verbally during an emergency
THANK YOU! Joanne F. Pierce, MA, MPH Phone: (919)