Maria Jessing, Clinical Improvement Manager SESLHD Trish Wills, Southern Sector Manger Clinical Practice Improvement Unit Sandra Grove A/Clinical Quality Manager St George / Sutherland Hospital and Health Services Partnering with Consumers: It can be done
An organisation cannot deliver care that address the needs and preferences of consumers and carers without seeking out, listening to, understanding and responding to consumer and care experiences and expectations about health care (The Australian Commission on Safety & Quality in Health Care, 2012)
Standard 1 Governance for Safety and Quality in Health Service Organisations Patient rights and engagement 1.20 Implementing well designed, valid and reliable patient experience feedback mechanisms and using these to evaluate the health service performance Data collected from patient feedback systems are used to measure and improve health services in the organisation
Standard 2 Partnering with Consumers Consumer partnership in service measurement and evaluation 2.9 Consumers and/or carers participating in the evaluation of patient feedback data and development of action plans Consumers and/or carers participate in the evaluation of patient feedback data Consumers and/or carers participate in the implementation of quality activities relating to patient feedback data
Goals and Objectives Goal To improve the use of consumer feedback in service planning and delivery. Goal To improve the use of consumer feedback in service planning and delivery. Objective 2 To increase the utilisation of consumer feedback Objective 2 To increase the utilisation of consumer feedback Objective 1 To measurably increase the rate of consumer feedback by 30 April 2013 Objective 1 To measurably increase the rate of consumer feedback by 30 April 2013
What will success look like? Consumers / Carers will be invited to provide feedback using at least three modalities in addition to compliments / complaints process Consumer Advisory Committee regularly receive patient experience data and will be involved in the development of improvement strategies Staff will routinely receive patient experience data Action plans to be developed addressing issues raised Consumers / Carers will be invited to provide feedback using at least three modalities in addition to compliments / complaints process Consumer Advisory Committee regularly receive patient experience data and will be involved in the development of improvement strategies Staff will routinely receive patient experience data Action plans to be developed addressing issues raised Decrease in complaints within 12 months Increase in compliments within 12 months Improved patient experience within12 months
What are the barriers to Consumer Feedback? Consumers Unsure of how to provide feedback Process limited to compliments and complaints No process for routine collection of patient experience data Staff Unaware of compliments / complaints process Feedback not routinely received Feedback thought to be a management issue
Summary of Key Issues – from consumers Only 8% of Consumer Advisory Committee Members (n=14) rated the current compliments and complaints process as ‘good ’ 0 /37 consumers were provided with information on how to provide feedback whilst in hospital Issues about communication and treatment were the main reason consumers complained
Summary of Key Issues – from staff Staff demonstrated a lack of awareness of existing compliments and complaints system. They indicated that their usual response to a complaint is to escalate to management They do not recognise that a compliments process is exists. ‘We just listen to them, there is no formal way for them to comment’ (RN, 2 East)
The Patient Journey – As is Inpatient Admission Patient Discharged Patient may or may not be randomly selected to complete NSW Patient Survey If randomly Selected, Patient may or may not complete NSW Patient Surve y 9 The Patient Journey – To be Inpatient Admission Patient Discharged Patient may or may not be randomly selected to complete NSW Patient Survey If randomly Selected, Patient may or may not complete NSW Patient Survey Patient invited to provide feedback using a number of strategies Staff address any immediate concerns raised by patient
Improved use of patient feedback through: Feedback box Patient Experience Tracking Systems (PETS) Posters Consumer Comments Cards Staff Rounding Staff Rounding Pamphlet Proactive processes Awareness raising Addressing issues Discussion of patient experience in staff meetings Display of patient experience results Development of action plans 10 Solutions Identified
Implementation Sequencing High Low Time of Implementation Level of Priority 0 3 months 3-6 months 6 –12 month s Discussion of Patient Experience in Staff Meetings Display of Patient Experience Results Patien t Experience Tracking Systems (PETS) F eedback brochure i ncluded in Admission Packs Posters Consumer Comments Card Feedback Box Development of action plans Leadership Rounding We are here
Proactive Processes Patient Experience Tracking System (PETS) Consumer Comments Cards Leadership Rounding Summary of Key Solutions
Patient Experience Tracking Systems (PETS) Proactive Processes
Summary Results Proactive Processes
Results to Date Formal evaluation of PETS undertaken Recommendation made for ongoing / intermittent use of PETS on wards Trial then extended to Critical Care and Non-overnight inpatient areas Recommendation made for ongoing / intermittent use of PETS on wards Trial then extended to Critical Care and Non-overnight inpatient areas Ninety precent (90%) of NUMs and Nursing Co- Directors support the ongoing use of PETS for the collection of patient experience data Proactive Processes
Consumer Comments Cards As a patient in this hospital what are the things that matter to you? As a hospital how well do we meet the things that matter to you? Not at all Met Somewhat Met Very Well Met Can you suggest one change that would help us improve the healthcare we provide? We Care About Your Experience Proactive Processes
Consumer Comments Cards Meeting Expectations Ongoing use of Consumer Comments Cards unlikely due to resource implications Proactive Processes
Leadership Rounding Literature Review Undertaken Model Developed and Trial Completed Favourably evaluated by staff and patients Model to be rolled out to all wards with introduction of intentional rounding Proactive Processes
Summary of Key Solutions Awareness Raising Displaying Posters Feedback brochures provided to all patients Display of Patient Experience Data
Displaying Posters and Distributing Brochures St George and Sutherland Hospitals and Health Services ________________________________________________ Teamwork - Honesty - Respect - Excellence - Equity – Caring - Commitment - Courage Improving our service using your feedback St George and Sutherland Hospitals and Health Services are committed to providing a high standard of care and meeting the needs of patients. We would appreciate you taking some time to let us know what you think we do well and where we can make improvements by making contact with the Nursing Unit Manager or Department Head. Complaints brochure revised to focus on service improvement through consumer feedback. Approval obtained to translate brochure into five community languages. Posters developed for display in patient areas Awareness Raising
Outcomes of PETS, Consumer Comments Cards, Compliments and Complaints data displayed in staff areas Working towards public display of patient experience data at ward entrances Awareness Raising Display of Patient Experience Data
Summary of Key Solutions Addressing Issues Discussing patient experience in staff meeting Development of action plans
FocusStrategyResponsibilityTime Frame Customer ServiceReduce number of call buzzers through introduction of intentional rounding NUM and CNC to develop model 1 August 2013 Address issuing inMeet with all newNUM1 June Addressing issues Action plans for improved patient experience developed and sent to Consumer Advisory Committee and Patient Safety Committee Patient Experience is standing agenda item for all team meetings
Goals and Objectives Goal To improve the use of consumer feedback in service planning and delivery. Goal To improve the use of consumer feedback in service planning and delivery. Objective 2 To increase the utilisation of consumer feedback Objective 2 To increase the utilisation of consumer feedback Objective 1 To measurably increase the rate of consumer feedback by 30 April 2013 Objective 1 To measurably increase the rate of consumer feedback by 30 April 2013
Wins Framework in place for consumer feedback Improved rate of consumer feedback Improved cultural awareness Improved consumer opportunities to provide feedback Slight reduction in complaints Development of system wide action plans Opportunities Review of compliments process Explore additional opportunities for consumer feedback NSW Patient Survey data Enhance Consumer Advisory Committee Involvement
Next Steps Reinvigorate the compliments process Explore additional options for qualitative feedback Roll out of Leadership Rounding across all wards Translation of brochures into community languages Present Executive with business case for ongoing use of PETS Engage Consumer Advisory Committees in review of feedback and action plans Display of patient experience data at ward / hospital entrances