The proposed plan of work of the « implementers consortium »: objectives, methods, expected outcomes, timelines, partners Waranya Teokul (Thailand) and Salif Samaké (Mali) Third expert consultation on positive synergies between health systems and GHIs WHO, 2-3 October 2008
9-sept.-15 2Implementers consortium Structure of presentation 1. Objectives 2. Methods 3. Main activities 4. Expected outcomes 5. Timelines 6. Partners
9-sept.-15 3Implementers consortium 1. Objectives Mandate = provide scientific, strategic and technical advice to WHO and to the different consortia + development of recommendations Mandate = provide scientific, strategic and technical advice to WHO and to the different consortia + development of recommendations Specific terms of reference: Specific terms of reference: Act as a critical clearing-house for the work of the academic and civil society consortia, to ensure the quality and relevance of their outputs to the overall aims of the Project Act as a critical clearing-house for the work of the academic and civil society consortia, to ensure the quality and relevance of their outputs to the overall aims of the Project Use the results of the evidence gathered by the academic and civil society consortia to help WHO draft guidelines, formulate policy and implement the subsequent recommendations Use the results of the evidence gathered by the academic and civil society consortia to help WHO draft guidelines, formulate policy and implement the subsequent recommendations Act as political mobilisers and advocates & be a ‘voice’ in different fora – major meetings, board meetings, etc. – to report on the “Positive Synergies” work Act as political mobilisers and advocates & be a ‘voice’ in different fora – major meetings, board meetings, etc. – to report on the “Positive Synergies” work
9-sept.-15 4Implementers consortium 2. Methods Videoconferences Videoconferences Regular meetings of experts subgroups + of the whole consortium Regular meetings of experts subgroups + of the whole consortium Participation to other groups’ meetings Participation to other groups’ meetings Review of research protocols and evidence Review of research protocols and evidence Inputs to and review of the draft guidelines Inputs to and review of the draft guidelines Participation to national and international fora Participation to national and international fora Support to the implementation of policy in countries Support to the implementation of policy in countries
9-sept.-15 5Implementers consortium 3. Main activities A. Input to the other 2 consortia (Academic/CSO): Look at the evidence produced by the other consortia Provide technical guidance and feed-back to the work of the other consortia Look at the evidence produced by the other consortia Provide technical guidance and feed-back to the work of the other consortia To bring into consideration of the consortiums the challenges faced by countries (fragmented ongoing GHIs, etc.) To bring into consideration of the consortiums the challenges faced by countries (fragmented ongoing GHIs, etc.) (Dedicated members of the consortium): Participate in all the meetings of the Academic and civil society consortia and report back to the Implementers’ consortium (Dedicated members of the consortium): Participate in all the meetings of the Academic and civil society consortia and report back to the Implementers’ consortium (All members of the Consortium): Attend the regular stock- taking expert consultations (All members of the Consortium): Attend the regular stock- taking expert consultations Foster countries’ participation and leadership in the work of the other consortia Foster countries’ participation and leadership in the work of the other consortia
9-sept.-15 6Implementers consortium B. Technical Guidance: Participation in the Scientific Advisory Committee meetings Participation in the Scientific Advisory Committee meetings Consolidated opinion on the quality and relevance of the evidence to the aims of the Project Consolidated opinion on the quality and relevance of the evidence to the aims of the Project Participation in the meetings of the WHO writing committee that will develop guidance on positive synergies Participation in the meetings of the WHO writing committee that will develop guidance on positive synergies Organise (in collaboration with WHO) a ministerial meeting to endorse WHO guidance (prior to G8) Organise (in collaboration with WHO) a ministerial meeting to endorse WHO guidance (prior to G8) Promote and guide the implementation of policy and recommendations in countries Promote and guide the implementation of policy and recommendations in countries Collaborate in the early evaluation of the policy’s implementation Collaborate in the early evaluation of the policy’s implementation
9-sept.-15 7Implementers consortium C. Advocacy: Bring Positive Synergies work on to the agenda of appropriate fora – including Member State meetings, board meetings, and other high-level fora Bring Positive Synergies work on to the agenda of appropriate fora – including Member State meetings, board meetings, and other high-level fora Present the technical guidance that results from the Project in appropriate fora Present the technical guidance that results from the Project in appropriate fora Act as advocates and political mobilisers for the “Positive Synergies” work, and obtain consensus on the recommended strategies for maximizing positive synergies between health systems and GHIs Act as advocates and political mobilisers for the “Positive Synergies” work, and obtain consensus on the recommended strategies for maximizing positive synergies between health systems and GHIs
9-sept.-15 8Implementers consortium 4. Expected outcomes Research of the 2 other consortia is supervised Research of the 2 other consortia is supervised Evidence is validated Evidence is validated Guidelines on positive synergies are fed by practice and developed with inputs from recipient countries Guidelines on positive synergies are fed by practice and developed with inputs from recipient countries A ministerial meeting to endorse WHO guidance is organised A ministerial meeting to endorse WHO guidance is organised A consensus on maximising positive synergies is advocated A consensus on maximising positive synergies is advocated Positive synergies policy and recommendations are: Positive synergies policy and recommendations are: promoted in countries and in appropriate fora promoted in countries and in appropriate fora implemented in countries implemented in countries Policy’s implementation is assessed Policy’s implementation is assessed
9-sept.-15 9Implementers consortium 5. Timelines A. Input to the other two consortia Timeline Look at the evidence produced by the other consortia technical guidance Oct 08 - June 09 Participation in meetings of Academic & CSO consortia and report back Sept 08 - June 09 Regular stock-taking expert consultations Oct 08 - June 09 Foster countries’ participation & leadership in other consortia Oct 08 - June 09
9-sept Implementers consortium B. Technical guidance Timeline Participation in the Scientific Advisory Committee meetings Oct 08 - June 09 Consolidated opinion on the quality and relevance of the evidence Oct 08 - June 09 Meetings of WHO writing committee guidance on positive synergies Mar 09 - Dec 09 Ministerial meeting to endorse WHO guidance, prior to G8 Late June 09 Implementation of policy and recommendations in countries June 09- Dec 09 (and beyond) Evaluation of policy’s implementation 2010
9-sept Implementers consortium C. Advocacy Timeline Bring Positive Synergies work on to the agenda of appropriate fora, incl. Member State meetings, board meetings, and other high-level fora Oct 08 - Dec 09 Present the technical guidance resulting from the project in appropriate fora June - Dec 09 Advocate and mobilise for the “Positive Synergies” work, and obtain consensus on the recommended strategies for maximizing positive synergies Oct 08 - Dec 09
9-sept Implementers consortium 6. Partners Leadership = MoHs of Mali and Thailand Leadership = MoHs of Mali and Thailand Around 15 members = Coalition of implementers incl. representatives from GHIs, recipient governments, and NGOs Around 15 members = Coalition of implementers incl. representatives from GHIs, recipient governments, and NGOs Optimum diversification in terms of professional background, gender, geographical representation, international standing and affiliations Optimum diversification in terms of professional background, gender, geographical representation, international standing and affiliations
9-sept Implementers consortium 6. Partners Proposed composition of membership : Proposed composition of membership : 3 from low income countries 3 from low income countries 3 from lower middle income countries 3 from lower middle income countries 3 from GHIs : GF, GAVIs, PEPFAR 3 from GHIs : GF, GAVIs, PEPFAR 1 each from the Academic Consortium and the Civil Society Consortium, in order to facilitate close cooperation between the different consortia 1 each from the Academic Consortium and the Civil Society Consortium, in order to facilitate close cooperation between the different consortia 3 from international NGOs or independent scholars or actively engage in health system 3 from international NGOs or independent scholars or actively engage in health system 2 public figures such as politicians / celebrity/ journalists (for advocacy purpose) 2 public figures such as politicians / celebrity/ journalists (for advocacy purpose) From Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe North America
9-sept Implementers consortium Thanks for your attention