OMGPOP Duazong Justin Thao BUS 111
Social networking site where users can interact with one another Chat Rooms: Create your own chat room Join other chat rooms Great way to meet new people with the same interests as yourself Omgpop Shop: Earn coins through achievements and playing games Purchase coins or cash via credit card Use coins to customize profile, gameplay options, and upgrades. Pets: Raise your own pet by feeding, cleaning, and sharing photos of it with friends. Visit other friends pets and sell your pets
OMGPOP Blogsite Currently underconstruction Detail new events and contest How to win bonus cash Free items for personal customization OMGPOP Twitter Detail new events and contest How to win bonus cash Free items for personal customization
Insert ads during waiting times for games to start Have users watch an ad before starting their game
Unique looking characters from monkeys, penguins, cats, etc. Games are short but very addicting Customize game options, profile, and photos