CybeInfrastructure Shell: A Plug-and-Play Macroscopes Platform P632: Object Oriented Software Development Chin Hua Kong Sr. System Architect / Project.


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Presentation transcript:

CybeInfrastructure Shell: A Plug-and-Play Macroscopes Platform P632: Object Oriented Software Development Chin Hua Kong Sr. System Architect / Project Manager Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center (CNS), Library and Information Science (LIS) CIShell Watch the video

About CNS What we do? We interested in BIG DATA Mining and Filtering. We create Open Source tools for Analysis and Visualization. We Share Knowledge and Technique through tutorials, exhibitions, and workshops at international level. We Connect People with different expertise for research collaboration

Microscopes Telescopes Macroscopes 3 Macroscopes Decision making in science, industry, and politics, as well as in daily life, requires that we make sense of datasets representing the structure and dynamics of complex systems Macroscopes provide a vision of the whole, helping us synthesize the related elements and enabling us to detect patterns, trends, and outliers while granting access to myriad details Rather than making things larger or smaller, macroscopes let us observe what is too great, slow, or complex for the human eye and mind to notice and comprehend CIShell

CIShell ( is an open source software specification for the integration and utilization of datasets, algorithms, and tools It extends the Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGi) ( a standardized, modularized service platform CIShell provides “sockets” into which algorithms, tools, and datasets can be plugged using a wizard-driven process CIShell Sci 2 Tool NWB Tool CIShell Wizards Developers Users Alg Tool Alg Workflow 4 CIShell

TEXTrend NWB EpiC Sci2  Common algorithm/tool pool  Easy way to share new algorithms  Custom tools  Workflow export and rerun  Develop for Desktop and Web at once Future IS CS Bio SNA Phys 5 CNS.IU.EDU,, CIShell Plug-and-Play Macroscopes CIShell

Technology JAVA 1.6 Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGi) Maven – Apache build manager Junit – Unit test framework Jenkins – Continuous Integration Server GitHub – CIShell core repository SVN – CIShell powered tools’ repository JIRA – Issue tracking system Eclipse Juno / Indigo – Development tool

CIShell Milestone Get familiar with CIShell and Sci2 development by implementing a new Sci2 plugin Design and implement a complete CIShell workflow tracker that able to export the analysis workflow and rerun the 180+ plugins from the saved workflow

CIShell CIShell-Powered Tools Network Workbench Tool (NWB) The study of biomedical, social and behavioral science, physics, and other networks Science of Science Tool (Sci2) For science policy makers and researchers that study science by scientific means TexTrend Tool A trend- and text-analysis tool that supports business and governmental decision making Epidemic Tool (EpiC) Analysis, modeling, and visualization of data streams such as diffusion patterns of the H1N1 virus over geographic space DynaNets The study of evolving networks by University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands SISOB An Observatory for Science in Society Based in Social Models by nine consortium members

CIShell IVMOOC on Google Course Builder

CIShell Question?

Enabling collaboration and discovery among scientists across all disciplines P632: Object Oriented Software Development Chin Hua Kong Sr. System Architect / Project Manager Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center (CNS), Library and Information Science (LIS) VIVO

Populated with detailed profiles of faculty and researchers; displaying items such as publications, teaching, service, and professional affiliations. A powerful search functionality for locating people and information within or across institutions. An open-source semantic web application that enables the discovery of research and scholarship across disciplines in an institution. What is VIVO? VIVO

VIVO data is available for reuse by web pages, applications, and other consumers both within and outside the institution through Open Linked Data Data stored as RDF triples using standard ontology Internal data sources: Faculty Systems (FAR > IUIE) HR System (HRMS > IUIE) Registrar System (SIS > IUIE) Research Data Systems (VPR>IUIE) Events and Seminars Internal data sources: Faculty Systems (FAR > IUIE) HR System (HRMS > IUIE) Registrar System (SIS > IUIE) Research Data Systems (VPR>IUIE) Events and Seminars External data sources: Publication warehouses- e.g. PubMed, Web of Science Grant databases: e.g. NSF/ NIH National Organizations: AAAS, AMA, etc. External data sources: Publication warehouses- e.g. PubMed, Web of Science Grant databases: e.g. NSF/ NIH National Organizations: AAAS, AMA, etc. Faculty and unit administrators can then add additional information to their profile. VIVO

VIVO Instances

VIVO Technology and Resources JAVA 1.6 FreeMarker – Java Template Engine Library SPARQL – the query language for semantic data (RDF) Tomcat – Deployment server ANT – Build framework GitHub – VIVO repository JIRA – Issue tracking system Eclipse Juno / Indigo – Development tool VIVO VIVO developer mailing list VIVO weekly developer call

VIVO Milestone Setup a VIVO instance that running full university data and get familiar with semantic web technology Redesign server side model caching strategy that able to support visualization on Large Graph Data (RDF) Re-implement the existing Map of Science visualization in HTML 5 + SVG Sample map of science visualization

VIVO International Researcher Network (iNRN)iNRN

CIShell Question?