Good luck…but if you study you won’t need luck! Winter Final Review Good luck…but if you study you won’t need luck!
Key Terms River Valley Civilizations- where the 1st civilizations began Neolithic Revolution- shift from hunting-gathering to farming Twelve Tables- Roman Laws Ten Commandments- Jewish laws given by God Printing Press- by Johan Gutenberg Magna Carta- limited the power of the king
Key Terms Code of Hammurabi- 1st set of laws Monotheistic- 1 god Caste System- India’s social system brought by the Aryans Feudal System- Medieval Europe social/political system Enlightenment- new political/economic ideas Eightfold Path- to give up selfish human desires and follow this path
Key Terms Polytheistic- more than one god Democracy- rule of the many Four Noble Truths- explain life’s meaning Black Death- Bubonic Plage killed 1/3 of Europe’s population Columbian Exchange- spread of foods and ideas between the new world and old world Republic- government where people vote for their leader (who is not a king)
Key People Socrates- Greek philosopher who was a teacher Plato- Greek philosopher & student of Socrates Aristotle- Greek philosopher & student of Plato
Key People Siddhartha Gautama- Buddha- “the Enlightened One” Confucian- establish a philosophy based on what he believed was the basic order of the universe Machiavelli- wrote The Prince- told kings to do whatever it took to keep his power
Key People Galileo- said the sun was the center of the universe Martin Luther- started the Protestant Reformation with his 95 Thesis John Locke- believed everyone is born with natural rights
1. What are the 6 Characteristics of Civilization? Cities Government Religion Social structure Writing Art
2. Where did the first civilizations develop? Why did they start there? -River Valley Civilizations They had fertile soil, fresh water, and warm climates 3. What triggered the Neolithic Revolution? -Grow food and domesticate animals
4. Which Greek City-State did America get the idea of Democracy from? -Athens 5. How did Greece’s geography influence the ancient Greek’s development? -mountains made civilizations isolated so city-states formed
6. How did Italy’s geography influence Rome’s development? The central location in the Mediterranean Sea helped them control trade 7. How does Buddha believe one can achieve Enlightenment/Nirvana? -abandoning their selfish desires and following the Eightfold Path 8. What do Hinduism and Buddhism have in common? -They both believe in reincarnation
9 Religion Similarities Differences Judaism Monotheistic Waiting on the Messiah Christianity Jesus is the Messiah Islam Jesus is just a profit Hinduism Reincarnation Polytheistic Caste System Buddhism No god Confucianism Not a religion 9
10. What religion is associated with the caste system? Hinduism 11. Rome Similarities Han Christianity Latin was not forced on conquered people -Invasions -Political weakness -Economic problems -Military decline Buddhism & Confucianism Chinese became the language of conquered people
12. What were some of the effects of the fall of Rome? - economic disorder and weak central government 13. What does it mean to be an advanced civilization? - to have advanced buildings, written language and government 14. What caused the Dark Ages in Europe? -The fall of Rome
15.What religion started in the Byzantine Empire? -Eastern Orthodox Christianity
Feudal System vs Caste System
16. What are the similarities and differences between the caste system and the feudal system? - social and political system - born into social class -Differences -Caste system you can not change your class
17. What were the effects of the crusades? -Increased trade between Europe and Asia 18. What was the role of the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages? -provided stability, unity, and order 19. What are the characteristics of the feudal system? -land in exchange for service - loyalty to lord
20. What was a major goal of the Crusades? -to recapture the Holy Land 21. What two things helped the Black Plague spread to Europe? - Trade from Asia and Rats 22. What were the causes of the Protestant Reformation? -Sale of indulgences, corruption of the Church 23. What were the effects of the printing press? - spread of secular ideas, printing in the vernacular, literacy rates increased
24. List the 7 Enlightenment thinkers with their central ideas. -John Locke- Natural Rights -Thomas Hobbes- Sovereign Authority -Rousseau- Social Contract -Montesquieu- Separation of Powers -Voltaire- Religious Tolerance -Blackstone- Common Law -Adam Smith- Free Market Economy
25. Why did the English nobles make King John sign the Magna Carta? -he was abusing his powers…to limit the powers of the king 26. What were the effects of European exploration on the Native American population? -it decreased due to diseases and warfare
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