TODAY’S GOALS Some creative ideas to spice up your weekly meetings. Some specific tools to help you have a successful year. Answer as many of your questions as possible.
EFFECTIVENESS OF PRESENTATIONS Verbal 7% Visual 55% Vocal 37% Source: Dr. Marabian, UCLA
YOUR CLUB MEETING How do you want members to feel when they leave your meetings? How do you want guests to feel when they leave your meetings?
WHY ARE WEEKLY MEETINGS IMPORTANT? Your weekly meeting may be their entire Rotary experience Your year will be judged on the quality of your meetings
THE ROTARY MEETING – YOUR SHOWPLACE Setting Location - Parking - Time Room Shape - Layout - Identified Rotary Site - Acoustics - Ambiance - Head Table? Does the room setup show that a Rotary Club meets there?
PLANNING THE MEETING Plan the year THE BOOK Lectern presence – Is It Presidential? Rotary information / Hand outs / Materials Greeting committee Experienced Rotarians with new Rotarians Part of new member orientation Meet everyone at the door with a smile!
THE AGENDA Call to Order Pledge Inspiration Song Introductions Membership Minute Rotary Foundation Minute Rotary Minute Announcements Recognitions Fellowship Program Promote next week Start and End on Time!!!
TROUBLE SHOOTING Announcements Program elements running over Talking during a meeting Speaker doesn’t show Cliques Staying in control (timing) Other issues
MEETING COMMITTEE Who’s responsible? Setup & Teardown Flag(s) Bell & Gavel Banners/Signage Tables – Centerpieces Podium – Lectern Audio Visual Food – Service Storage Rotary Wheel
PROGRAM COMMITTEE Secures speakers Asks speaker about A/V or other needs Sends letter of confirmation (one week prior) Sends directions Is on hand to greet the speaker, reserves their seat (club buys the meal) Sends thank you note / Club Newsletter
SPEAKERS How do you find speakers and programs ? Screen programs and speakers Don’t schedule because they asked Too many programs that are similar Political candidates
OTHER SPEAKER TIPS Remind members not to leave (e.g. etiquette note in bulletin) Introduction Start on time (don’t take his/her time) Have a speaker gift May be a good prospect for membership (Ask!)
SOLVING PROBLEMS Always have a backup program ! Turn off cell phones Discourage “Early Leavers”
EVALUATING CLUB MEETINGS Weekly meetings, the core of Rotary activity One of your most important responsibilities Rotarians are busy ! Prove Their Time Is Well Invested Enhance Personal Rotary Knowledge Reinforce Membership Value Well planned meetings are the key Should you do an evaluation? Should you get input from others?
WHAT TO DO NOW Visit other clubs Start THE BOOK Program committee Accumulate data Plan a retreat Know your club’s history
Regarding your weekly meetings, What Are Rules One (and Two)?
1. Be Prepared and 2. Have Fun!!! Now, get out there and have a great year – The Future of Rotary Is in Your Hands !