11.10.7 Analyze the women’s rights movement including the differing perspectives on the roles of Women.


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Presentation transcript:

Analyze the women’s rights movement including the differing perspectives on the roles of Women.

 Explain the impact of the Civil Rights Act of 1964  Describe the 24 th amendment and it’s effects.  Analyze the effects of the Voting Rights Act of  Describe de facto segregation  Describe de jure segregation

 Held in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848  Organized by Elizabeth Stanton   300 women stated grievances (complaints), the needs for equal rights, and right to vote.  Women strongly involved in movements for:  Abolition of slavery  Temperance (self-control)  Progressivism Explain the significance of the Seneca Falls Convention

 Elizabeth Stanton and Susan B. Anthony establish suffrage group in 1890  Before WWI: Protests were successful in some states  Gained suffrage (right to vote)  During WWI: Women worked in defense industry  Proved their abilities  19 th Amendment granted woman suffrage (right to vote) in 1920 Susan B. Anthony What is a suffrage movement? What is the impact of the 19 th Amendment?

 Women were needed to work in new roles  Manufacturing  Business  Military  Fashions and social roles changed  flappers  independent  **not limited to the roles of homemaker and mother Analyze the change in women’s roles due to the Wars

 Feminism:  Belief that women should have economic, political, and social equality with men.  More women worked outside the home, but were limited to certain jobs.  Clerical work, domestic service, social work, and teaching.  Women became involved in political activism  **led to women’s liberation movement  Found that women were paid less than men  Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned discrimination based on gender  Established EEOC  Male/female What is Feminism? Describe the roles of women outside the home

 The Feminine Mystique (by Betty Friedan)  Captured the discontent that many women were feeling  By late 1960’s, women begin working together for change Discuss the impact of “The Feminine Mystique”

 Founded by 28 women in 1966  Including Betty Friedan   NOW pushed for  Equal rights in work  Equal rights in education  Right to choose abortion  Roe v. Wade court case  Court ruled women have right to choose abortion during first 3 months of pregnancy  175,000 members in first 3 years What was NOW? What did it push for? Was it successful?

 ERA passed by congress in 1972  Would guarantee both men and women enjoy same rights and protection under the law.  Needed the support of 38 states to become part of the Constitution.  Did not pass  Due to conservative opposition led by Phyllis Schlafly  Claimed that women should stay at home and raise children  Men should provide for the family Trace the progress and fate of the ERA.

 1. Describe the significance of the Seneca Falls Convention.  2. Explain the change in the of roles of women over the 20 th century.  3. List the goals of National Organization for Women (NOW).  4. Compare and contrast Betty Friedman and Phyllis Shlafly.