Welcome to the U.S. Grains Council Partnerships & Possibilities
Developing countries 30 year growth: 528% Developed countries (ex. U.S.) 30 year growth: 36% Our Customers
Council Members: A Unique Partnership 26 State Checkoff Boards Corn Barley Sorghum 1 National Checkoff Board United Sorghum Checkoff Program 22 Grower Associations County, State & National
26 Checkoffs Across the U.S.
Council Members: Diverse & Dedicated 125 Agribusinesses Life Science Seed Providers Equipment, Storage and Handling Marketing, Commodity Traders Transportation Ethanol Plants 2 State Non-Checkoff Entities State Departments of Agriculture
Your Global Marketing Arm
Council Funding Structure
How the Council is funded…
…How this Funding is Leveraged
A Public/Private Partnership U.S. Grains Council U.S. Department of Agriculture
The “A-Teams”
Advisory Teams, a.k.a. A-Teams 1.Key Resource to Council staff for communicating, refining Council programs 2.Key Resource for BOD for reviewing Council programs, and for incorporating BOD strategic priorities into Council programs
A-Team Objective A-teams exist to provide informed guidance and counsel to USGC staff and the Board of Directors, ensuring Council programs and initiatives are well-directed and effective.
Three-Way Communication 1.Staff provides program background and proposals 2.Board provides strategic priorities, guidance, policies 3.A-team members bring experience, expertise and input from the field
A-Teams 2013/2014 A-TeamLeaderStaff Liaison AsiaDick GallagherKimberly Atkins BiotechnologyJim StueverAndrew Conner MemComRex MartinMarri Carrow Middle East/AfricaPhllip McCounCary Sifferath Trade PolicySteve BrodyFloyd Gaibler Value AddedBrian ArnoldErick Erickson Western HemisphereBill ChristKurt Shultz
Conferences & Meetings
Upcoming Meetings 54th Annual Board of Delegates Meeting Omaha, NE July 28-31, 2014 Export Exchange 2014 Seattle, WA October 20-22, 2014 12th International Marketing Conference & 55th Annual Membership Meeting San Jose, Costa Rica February 9-11, 2015
Thank You