Moodling with Moodle
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle Agenda About us Why start a pilot? About Moodle The challenges getting started Up and running The results Lessons learned
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle About York 50,000 students 7,000 faculty & staff 11 faculties 21 research centres 2 campuses
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle Presenters Meron Hrycusko – Academic Technology Services Lisa Caines Ogini – Faculty Support Centre Rob Finlayson - Faculty Support Centre
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle Presenters Meron Hrycusko – Academic Technology Services Lisa Caines Ogini – Faculty Support Centre Rob Finlayson - Faculty Support Centre
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle WebCT 35,000 + users 92,000 + seats 2,000 courses
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle ATS - Beyond WebCT 4.1 Research Initiatives in Language Learning Mentoring of secondary school students by post- secondary students Faculty looking to utilize new tools such as wikis and blogs. Faculty who dislike WebCT.
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle FSC - Beyond WebCT 4.1 WebCT end of life Faculty asking for more innovative tools
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle Why Moodle ATS –Open source –Easy install –Had all tools required
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle Why Moodle FSC –One of several solutions investigated –Had an existing install for research project –Had all tools required –Extensible & Scaleable
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment Verb that describes the process of lazily meandering through something, doing things as it occurs to you to do them, an enjoyable tinkering that often leads to insight and creativity.
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle Martin Dougiamas Started out as a hobby for Martin and evolved into the topic of his Ph.D. thesis: “The use of Open Source software to support a social constructionist epistemology of teaching and learning within Internet-based communities of reflective inquiry.” Version 1.0 released on August 20, 2002 Version 1.9 scheduled for released Summer 2007 Over 200,000 users registered at 75 Languages in 175 Countries
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle ATS Pilot Faculty of Arts –started piloting Moodle, Summer 2004 version –Fall 2006Winter 2007 version version 1.7.1
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle ATS Pilot Specific range of users Language support Specific tools Open system
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle FSC Pilot FSC –started using Moodle for Research project, Fall 2005 version. 1.5 –Started using Moodle for Pilot, Fall 2006 version
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle FSC Pilot Wide range of user skills with LMS/technology Wide range of content Variation of course disciplines & class sizes Migration issues Scalability & integration with existing systems –SIS, LDAP, Turnitin Were looking for maximum of 12 participants
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle The challenges getting started Buy-in –What if we don’t continue with Moodle? –Learning curve Pedagogical –Why not just stay with WebCT Technological Training & Support
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle The good, not so good, and ugly The Good Participation Course development Logging & tracking Student experience Support & traning Tools
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle The good, not so good, and ugly The Not So Good Tools Version upgrade Bugs
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle The good, not so good, and ugly The Ugly
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle Faculty Response For me the big difference with Web CT was the ease with which this virtual Luddite could manage the site. I recall constant frustration uploading materials to Web CT, by contrast with which Moodle was simplicity itself. Moreover, the more I learned, the more I realized was possible with the software. –Ross Rudolph, Political Science My experience with Moodle has been pure pleasure (of course with some frustration added in when it didn't do absolutely everything I wanted, immediately). Moodle's a breeze to use, and I was up and running in a matter of minuets (not days or weeks like other LCMSs that I've used (or helped design!). Its versatile, adaptable, comes with a myriad of functions from which to choose, and is easily understood by student users. I'm a very happy user. –Karen Anderson, Sociology
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle At the end of the day… Buy-in Technological Training & Support
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle Next Steps Add Moodle as option for Fall 2007 –Version selection –Training and migration –Infrastructure
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle Future Plans SCORM support Portal integration Document repositories Addition tools –ePortfolio
CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | Moodling with Moodle Questions?
Moodling with Moodle