Mr. Thilak de Silva. BSc. Eng., MSc, CEng, FIE(SL), FIET(UK), CITP(UK), MBCS(UK), MIEEE (USA) M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II
About ACN. Reference Books. Data Communication. Computer Networks. M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II
Assignment 01 – After 4 weeks of lecture Assignment 02 – After 8 weeks of lecture Assignment 03 – After 12 weeks of lecture Final examination Assignment documentations – IEEE Standard M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II
Forouzan - TCP/IP protocol suite Forouzan - Data Communication and Networking Tanenbaum – Computer Networks Top Down Network Design - CISCO William Stallings- Data and computer communications Hasall – Data communications, computer networks and open systems Images –
To introduce the subject content of Advanced Computer Networks (545). At the end of the session you will get a brief idea about data communication and computer networks. M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II
You will be learning about two major parts in Networking in this lecture series. Data Communication ▪ Data transmission ▪ Signals ▪ Transmission media and characteristics Computer Networking ▪ Networks (LAN,MAN,WAN,PAN) ▪ Core and Access Networks (WAN) ▪ Standard Bodies M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II
Transporting data/information from one place to another. Data is in Memory. A series of Originates from applications. Data are converted to Signals when travelling. M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II
ID for data, ID for destination M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II Coding DataSecurity Encryption Compressio n Dividing to sessions Application Handle errors Convert data to signal Transmission media Error correction
All Signals travels as Electro Magnetic waves. There are three main types of signals ▪ Electrical signals ▪ Optical signals ▪ Transmitting in Free Space M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II
Signals travel through transmission media. Speed of the signal depends on transmission media. Frequency can be in Hz, MHz, KHz, GHz, or THz. M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II SignalTransmission mediaSpeed Electrical signalsCopper 2*10 ms Optical signalsFiber 3*10 ms Free Space Radio 3*10 ms
M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II Source :
AM Radio – in KHz range FM Radio/TV – in MHz range Mobile/satellite/Microwave – in GHz range Optical signals – in THz range Optical signal range is divided in to two, ▪ Visible range (from Violet to Red) ▪ Invisible range (Infrared - IR, ultraviolet – UV) M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II
Guided Media (copper, fiber) Unguided Media (Radio) Characteristics of transmission media Why we learn? To identify and eliminate errors occurring when transmitting data and to make further decisions. M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II
PAN (Personnel area Networks) For private connections Eg :- data transmission between a Mobile phone and a Notebook LAN (Local Area Networks) For a small geographical area Speed - Ethernet M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II
MAN (Metropolitan Area Networks) Several KM of area Fiber optic networks Speed – Metro Ethernet WAN (Wide Area Networks) For a large area A public network. M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II Computer Networks
You will learn about, Behavior of LAN’s and Standards, Ethernet M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II
You will learn about, Core Networks and Access Networks M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II Core Network Access Network
Access Network is from customer premises to service providers’ network. Access Networks are divided as, Fixed Access Networks and Mobile Access Networks Fixed Access Networks are further divided as, Fixed Wired Access Networks and Fixed Warless Access Networks M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II
Copper Initially 4 KHz Has used broadband technology to broaden the bandwidth (ADSL) Fiber FTTH (Fiber To The Home) Copper and Fiber FTTN/FTTC (Fiber To The Node/ Fiber To The Cabinet) FTTB (Fiber To The Building) M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II
FDMA – (Frequency Division Multiple Access) TDMA – (Time Division Multiple Access) CDMA – (Code Division Multiple Access) Mobile Access Networks Mobile generations M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II
Requires high bandwidth Use fiber optic cables By using WDM (Wave length Division Multiplexing) one fiber can act as many fibers. Data should be multiplexed before transmitting through fiber or can get data as an Ethernet and transmit. Can share bandwidth using MPLS.
MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching) etc, Standard Bodies ITUT IEEE etc M.Sc. in IT - Year 1 Semester II