Innovation, creativity and intercultural dialogue through European projects developed by the Institute of Educational Sciences, Bucharest International Conference,Luminita Catalina TASICA Creativity and Innovation IES, Bucharest Iasi, Romania, June 25-26, 2009
PROJECTS PRESENTED T&T – Telework and Training LdV, Transfer of Innovation Project ICT SKILLS for Guidance Counsellors LdV, Transfer of Innovation Project Water for Life – Education for Water LdV, LLL Partnership Project
Telework and Training: Work at Distance to Learn at Distance (Acronym: T&T) LEONARDO DA VINCI - LIFE LONG LEARNING – Subcomponent: Transfer of innovation Period:
SIGNIFICANCE OF TES PROJECT AND ITS RESULTS TES Project is an excellence project realized in the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Community Programme - Second Phase, in the period The Project has had a final assessment score equal to 9/10 and has received numerous national and international recognitions: it was presented as a Good Practice at the International Telework Conference in Helsinki (FINLAND) in 2001; it was identified as a Good Practice for the Training Quality presented in Bruxelles in November 2003; it was identified as a Good Practice to be included in the catalogue of the good practices of the European Social Fund and of the Community Programmes and Initiatives realized in Italy in the period Moreover, the Project has been based on a previous ADAPT BIS Project called “Telework and Local Development”, which received two European Telework Awards: European Telework Award 2000 as best Telework Project in the “Public Administration” field European e-Work Award 2001 as best Telework Project in favour of Work Inclusion Italian Telework Award 2001 as best Telework Project
TES Products and Results TTC - TES Teleservices Centre – through a specific portal, for providing its services. TES e-Learning Platform. A whole area of its system, called “ Education and Training Area ” – accessible from the Portal – can guide users, describing the training offer, giving the opportunity to enrol in the courses, providing assisted training, e-Learning Training 22 e-Learning Training Modules, gathered in 10 e- Learning Courses in Telework, Project Management, e-Learning; Each course includes FAD fruition material, assessment tests, deepening material, etc.
AIMS OF THE TOI “T&T” PROJECT “ To transfer the results of TES Project to Telework Training of Education and Training Operators through the adaptation of the Training Modules to the e-Training context, the linguistic localization and the structural adaptation of the main TES products and the Training and Orientation of the Education and Training Operators.”
T&T PRODUCTS Training Modules on Telework and e-Learning subjects deriving from the updating, adaptation, linguistic localization (into Romanian, English and other Partnership languages); SCORM standardization of the TES corresponding Modules. An e-Learning Training Course “ Telework and e-Training in University Teaching ” An e-Learning Training Course “ Telework and e-Training in School Teaching ” An e-Learning Training Course “ Telework and e-Training in Vocational Training ” The realization – in each Partnership country – of a three- day Orientation Seminar for each category of T&T users aimed at the access to the T&T e-Learning Training Pathways. Publication of the volume “ Telework and Training: e- Teaching and e-Learning Technologies and Practices ” in hardcopy and e-Book format, in Romanian and in all the other Partnership languages. “ Telework & Training ” Portal in all the Partnership languages.
PARTNERSHIP ROMANIA POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest CTANM (Promoter and Coordinator) "Casa Corpului Didactic" Bucharest Institute for Educational Sciences, Bucharest, ITALY Technical Industrial Institute “ Francesco Giordani ” - Naples SILabo Srl - Naples GREECE AllWeb Solutions - Athens
Leonardo da Vinci PROGRAMME Subcomponent Life Long Learning PARtnership Period: PROMOTER: UNIVERSITy of MARIBOR, FACULTATy of GeogrAphy, SLOVENIA
PARTNERSHIP LATVIA – Regional Council - Bauska Sweden – MID University - Sundsvall Italy –TRAMES Association – Ravenna Austria- Institute of Geography – Graz Romania – IES - Bucharest
OBJECTIVES Phase 1: “Identifying and selecting water areas that will be embraced to the project in each participating country Phase 2: “Studying natural and cultural heritage as well as economic impacts on identified water areas” Phase 3: “Establishing educational water trails on identified water areas” Phase 4: “Equipping educational water trails with educational boards/signs as well as textbooks and workbooks Dissemination of results
ACTVITIES Select and identify water area (river, sea, lake, fishpod etc.); Prepare a collection/portfolio of natural, cultural heritage and economic impacts on selected water area; Prepare a map of educational water trail with indicated learning points on the route; Equipping educational water trails with educational boards/signs; Dissemination activities: textbooks, workbooks, web-site, articles in media, seminars/workshops etc.; Final Activities: final report, possibilities of further implementation of project results and products, cooperation in new projects etc.
ReSULTS AND produCTS A common education model for clean water aimed to VET level; Training and ecological counselling aimed to keep water natural resources from a cultural, economic and community perspective; A manual, courses, seminaries, website, education education CD-Rom, leaflets, brochures.
MAIN OBJECTIVE The aim of the ICT Skills 2 project is to develop new contents based on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of the associated project ICT Skills for Guidance Counsellors ( which was selected by the European Commission within the 50 best practices of the Leonardo da Vinci programme – Reference materials.
PARTNERSHIP The project consortium consists of 9 public and private organisations from 4 countries with experience in the project subjects and a wide network of relationships at a national and transnational level: ITALY UNITED KINGDOM SPAIN ROMANIA
RESULTS The map of competencies and the standard flexible training model developed in the first ICT Skills project will be valorised and further developed for a wider community of LLL practitioners (school, university, labour market, adult education) the e-practitioner profile : a standard professional profile, shared at a transnational level, for LLL An open source platform offering LLL practitioners (guidance practitioners, trainers and teachers) free access and the possibility to use different on-line tools