Are you happy being a man/woman? Do you think life is easier for men or women in some aspects? Have gender roles changed over the years in our country?
Do you think men and women compete equally in the job market? Do women have to work harder to show they are able to perform typically male tasks?
Take a look at these words and expressions. Can you explain what they mean? breadwinnerbreadwinner sister under the skin house husband domestic goddess girliegirlie
breadwinnerbreadwinner sister under the skin house husband domestic goddess girliegirlie Match the words and expressions to their definitions. a man who stays at home and takes care of the the house and children while his wife works the person in a family who works to provide the money that the family needs a woman who is very good at cooking and keeping her house clean and organized suitable for women rather than men a man who supports women's rights
breadwinnerbreadwinner sister under the skin house husband domestic goddess girliegirlie Let’s check: a man who stays at home and takes care of the the house and children while his wife works the person in a family who works to provide the money that the family needs a woman who is very good at cooking and keeping her house clean and organized suitable for women rather than men suitable for women rather than men a man who supports women's rights
breadwinnerbreadwinner sister under the skin house husband domestic goddess girliegirlie Let’s check: a man who stays at home and takes care of the the house and children while his wife works a woman who is very good at cooking and keeping her house clean and organized suitable for women rather than men a man who supports women's rights the person in a family who works to provide the money that the family needs
breadwinnerbreadwinner sister under the skin house husband domestic goddess girliegirlie Let’s check: a man who stays at home and takes care of the the house and children while his wife works a woman who is very good at cooking and keeping her house clean and organized suitable for women rather than men a man who supports women's rights the person in a family who works to provide the money that the family needs
breadwinnerbreadwinner sister under the skin house husband domestic goddess girliegirlie Let’s check: a man who stays at home and takes care of the the house and children while his wife works a woman who is very good at cooking and keeping her house clean and organized suitable for women rather than men suitable for women rather than men the person in a family who works to provide the money that the family needs a man who supports women's rights
breadwinnerbreadwinner sister under the skin house husband domestic goddess girliegirlie Let’s check: a man who stays at home and takes care of the the house and children while his wife works a woman who is very good at cooking and keeping her house clean and organized suitable for women rather than men suitable for women rather than men the person in a family who works to provide the money that the family needs a man who supports women's rights
Let’s talk: Who was the breadwinner of the family when you were a child? Has this role changed over the years? Do you know any house husbands? Do you see any problem in men doing the housework? Do you consider any activities exclusively girlie? Which ones? Did girls use to be taught to be a perfect domestic goddess in your family? Has it changed? Do you know any man who is truly a sister under the skin? Do you think every man should be like that?
Take a look at the pictures. What do they suggest about gender roles?
Which of the pictures best represent the changes in gender roles over the years?
Discussion: Would you be ok with having your car fixed by a woman? Do you think there are any jobs that women cannot do? Can men teach young children as well as women? Why there are so few male teachers in nursery school?
Discussion: Should men and women split the housework equally? Do you think that both men and women have what it takes to be good leaders? Can a man look after a baby for a long time without a woman’s help? Why are there so many more men in management positions?
End of activity. Voice Chat moderators : please end session here and see following slide for teachers’ feedback link. End of activity. Voice Chat moderators : please end session here and see following slide for teachers’ feedback link.