People to know Global 9
Mansa Musa Time period: CE Location: Mali Accomplishments: Muslim king who made the Hajj to Mecca, establishing trade routes with the Middle East and spreading Islam Mansa Musa Mali Muslim Mecca
Columbus Time period: 1492 Age of Exploration Location: Old World (Europe) to New World (Americas) Accomplishments: Columbus sailed West from Europe attempting to sail around to Asia. Instead he found the Americas and established trade between the old and new worlds
Confucius Time period: Ancient China Zhou Dynasty Location: China Accomplishments: Confucius developed Confucianism based on Social order and respect: -Filial Piety -Five Relationships -Civil Service Exams
Bantu Time period: 3000BCE CE Location: Sub Saharan Africa to South Africa Accomplishments: Moved out of the Sahara after Slash and Burn agriculture caused desertification. As they migrated they spread their language and iron working skills
Socrates Time period: Ancient Greece Location: Greece Accomplishments: Philosopher who questioned human reason and actions by questioning.
Plato Time period: Ancient Greece Location: Greece Accomplishments: Plato wrote about Socrates and also examined human reason. He wrote the Allegory of the Cave and The Republic
Aristotle Time period: Ancient Greece Location: Greece Accomplishments: Greek Philosopher who set up schools to study the work of Socrates and Plato.
Hammurabi Time period: Ancient Mesopotamia Location: Babylon Accomplishments: First written law code, known by the phrase “eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth”
Martin Luther Time period: Protestant Reformation Location: Germany Accomplishments: Angry with the church over the selling of indulgences, Martin Luther writes the 95 Theses. He stressed printing the Bible into the vernacular
King Henry VIII Time period: English Reformation Location: England Accomplishments: King Henry wanted an annulment, but when the Pope wouldn’t give him one he passed laws to gain control over the church. He went on to have 5 more wives: Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived
Michelangelo Time period: Renaissance Location: Italy Accomplishments: Michelangelo was one of the true Renaissance men. He was an artists, sculptor, painter, and engineer
Machiavelli Time period: Renaissance Location: Italy Accomplishments: Studied politicians and said that rulers should do whatever necessary to reach their goals. “The ends justify the means”
Medici Family Time period: Renaissance Location: Florence, Italy Accomplishments: Wealthy banking family in Italy. They were patrons, or funders, of the arts.
Zheng He Time period: Ming Dynasty Location: China Accomplishments: Chinese explorer who sailed throughout the Indian Ocean. He sparked interest in other cultures, but ultimately felt superior
Marco Polo Time period: Late Medieval/ Early Renaissance Location: Italy Accomplishments: Travelled to China and wrote about his adventures, creating interest in other cultures.
Ibn Battuta Time period: Early Renaissance Location: Spain…then Africa, India and China Accomplishments: Travelled the known (old) world and wrote extensively of his travels. His books sparked interest in other cultures
Alexander the Great Time period: 356 BCE-323 BCE Location: Greece Accomplishments: Conquered much of the ancient world from Asia minor, to Egypt, Greece and India. This started the Hellenistic culture, and spread Greek ideas throughout the land
Galileo Galilee Time period: Scientific Revolution Location: Italy Accomplishments: By using a telescope Galileo proved the Heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus
Genghis Khan Time period: 1200s Location: Mongolia (Asia) Accomplishments: Created the largest continuous empire in under 80 years. He conquered China, Russia and the middle East
Asoka the Great Time period: BCE Location: Maurya India Accomplishments: He began his reign as a conqueror, taking over vast areas of India. When he realized the deaths he was causing he switched to being peaceful. He spread Buddhism through his Rock Pillar Edicts
Julius Caesar Time period: Ancient Rome BCE Location: Rome Accomplishments: Roman general and politician. Accused of becoming too autocratic and stabbed to death
Magellan Time period: Age of Exploration Location: Spain Accomplishments: Set out to find El Paso, a waterway between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Instead, he circumnavigated the world (sailed around)