Indo-Aryan Migration Theory – the vastly well structured civilizations of the Indus valley were overcome by itinerant conquerors coming from foreign lands out of India. Out of India Theory - It states that the spiritual evolvement of Hinduism has been entirely original, and that the language resemblances among Sanskrit, Greek and Latin are the effect of Aryan exodus in the reverse route, from India to Europe. route, from India to Europe.
Hinduism Scripture Vedas – the spiritual literature ascribed as the fundamentals of Sanatana Dharma. Rig Veda – highly regarded as the most ancient Vedic sacred writings. This pays tribute to and beseeches the dominant strengths in the universe, divinity for whom sanctify a piece of existence.
Samhitas Samhitas Brahmanas Aranyakas Upanishads Upanishads
THE PRINCIPLE OF BRAHMAN Brahman, is the Supreme Being - the Absolute Reality – The Universal Breath.
Vishnu is generally depicted as dark blue in color and has four hands.. His various names, numbering about 1,000, are repeated as acts of devotion by his worshipers.
Yoga signifies the mystical unification of Self, the objective depicted in Upanishads. Yoga signifies the mystical unification of Self with the Supreme Being, the objective depicted in Upanishads.
A guru is an individual “heavy” or “deep” in intelligence.
The caste system consists of the The caste system consists of the ideal fourfold division of Hindu society: (1) the Brahmans, the priestly and learned class; (2) the Kshatriyas, the warriors and rulers; (3) the Vaisyas, farmers and merchants; and (4) the Sudras, peasants and laborers
The eventual aspiration and longing of Hinduism is mukti (liberation) Mukti (Liberation) is attained by the implementation of conscious selection The fostering of memory concerning these options
Mahatma Gandhi is regarded as a grand philosopher of India. The turning wheel which he toiled on consistently on each day is overwhelmingly emblematic of the Mahatma and his way of life up to now. A lot of of Hinduism’s teachings and ways are attractive to this contemporary era who are looking for true meanings in spite of this the contemporary humankind and the frantic means of existence. Retrospectively, a lot western people are engrossed to the notions of karma and rebirth and the fidelity to God as a way to attain personal serenity of mind, body and soul.
Dasa, Shukavak N (2007) A Hindu Primer: The Origins of Hinduism. Snakrit Religions Institute. Retrieved from Hinduwebsite (2010) Brahmam, The Absolute God of Hinduism, Retrieved from Abhipadananda, S. &Vakyananda, S. (2004). Hindu: The Continuum of Choice in Sanatana Dharma. The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. Retrieved from Fisher, P. (2005). Living Religions. Prentice-Hall, 6 th ed. Dasa, Shukavak N (2007) A Hindu Primer: What is a Guru? Snakrit Religions Institute. Retrieved from Hefner. A. (1997). Vishnu. MMVI Encyclopedia Mythica Retrieved from (2011). Mahatma Gandhi: A Great Legend Also Known As The Father Of Nations. Retrieved from Rotto, R. (1997). The Caste System Today. Retrieved from Images Retrieved