ArcSDE Presented by Reza Wahadj University of California,San Diego (UCSD)
Why are you here? Introduction to ArcSDE? Want to know what‘s new in ArcSDE 8? Existing SDE user or new user? Existing ArcInfo user? Technical details on implementation? Just confused... Why are you here?
You will get answers to the following questions: What is ArcSDE, how can I use it and when should I use it? ArcSDE 8 - ArcSDE - SDE 3.0 – SDE for Coverages – Personal SDE - Personal Geodatabase? How do I get ArcSDE 8? What‘s new in ArcSDE 8? Answers
You will also get answers to the following questions: How do I get my data into ArcSDE 8? How do I migrate my data from SDE 3.0 to ArcSDE 8? How do I convert data from Librarian and ArcStorm to ArcSDE 8? Hard- and Software requirements? Answers
What is ArcSDE 8? (Arc Spatial Database Engine) What is ArcSDE 8?
A program on your computer/server What is ArcSDE 8?
A server application that works in cooperation with a DBMS What is ArcSDE 8?
A way to store, manage and access spatial data What is ArcSDE 8?
A program that can be used with different clients What is ArcSDE 8?
A program on your computer/server A server application that works in cooperation with a DBMS A way to store, manage and access spatial data A program that can be used with different clients What is ArcSDE 8?
ArcSDE Architecture Client Server ArcSDE Client API Open Application Program Interface Application ArcSDE Server DBMS What is ArcSDE 8?
ArcSDE 8 Architecture Server and Client UNIX (DEC, HP, IBM, SGI, Sun) Windows NT (Client also Win95, Win98, and Windows 2000?) What is ArcSDE 8?
Cooperative C/S-Processing ClientClient Questions Results Intensive Geoprocessing Functions SDE Server DBMS Search and Retrieve What is ArcSDE 8?
C/S-Processing Client “Client” CPU Intensive Geoprocessing Functions Clip Buffer Overlay Merge Dissolve Server RDBMS Access on Remote Host Full Topological Search & Retrieval WHERE Clause with Attribute Constraints Some Geoprocessing What is ArcSDE 8?
What kind of data can I store with ArcSDE 8 into a DBMS? What is ArcSDE 8?
CAD Coverages Raster Image Open DBMS Annotation All data (spatial and attributes) stored in the DBMS What is ArcSDE 8? Shapefiles
How are data stored? in tables (attributes and geometrie) in Geodatabase (attributes, geometrie, and metadata) Data storage
What is a Geodatabase? –The data that is stored in ArcSDE with an DBMS and that can contain advanced behaviors, relationships, etc. –Data in ArcSDE that has object ids –Data that contains an object relational data model Data storage
How can I use ArcSDE 8? Using ArcSDE 8
DBMSServer ArcSDE 8 API ArcInfo 8.0 API ArcView 3.2 API ArcExplorer X API ArcIMS 3.0 ArcIMS 3.0 API MapObjects 2.1 APIAPI OpenGIS/ C-API CAD Client 1.2 ArcSDE 8 Clients Using ArcSDE 8
ArcSDE 8 supported databases and operating systems! ArcSDE 8 – Database Version? ArcSDE 8 – Operating System Version? --> Contact your local distributor!!! Using ArcSDE 8
You should use ArcSDE 8... Using ArcSDE 8
You should use ArcSDE 8... Central Data Storage Using ArcSDE 8
You should use ArcSDE 8... Cost effective data management Using ArcSDE 8
Access of many (different) clients without loss of performance Using ArcSDE 8 You should use ArcSDE 8...
Each ESRI product can access Using ArcSDE 8 You should use ArcSDE 8...
Own applications can access with C-API Using ArcSDE 8 You should use ArcSDE 8...
Store your data for Internet/Intranet Using ArcSDE 8 You should use ArcSDE 8...
Central Data Storage Cost effective data management Access of many clients without lost of performance Each ESRI Product can access Own applications can access with C-API Store your data for Internet/Intranet Using ArcSDE 8 You should use ArcSDE 8...
ArcSDE 8 - ArcSDE - SDE 3.0 – SDE for Coverages- Personal SDE – Personal Geodatabase? Naming
1998 –SDE 3.0: Spatial Database Engine for RDBMS –SDE for Coverages –ArcSDE = SDE SDE for Coverages Naming ArcSDE
1999 ArcSDE 8 OracleSQL Server InformixDB2 PersonalCoverages DBMSFiles rw - single-user rw - multi-user ro - multi-user Your choice Sybase ArcSDE 8 Naming
1999 PersonalCoverages Files ArcSDE 8 Box ArcInfo 8 Box Your choice ArcIMS Box ArcSDE 8 OracleSQL Server Informix DB2 DBMS Sybase Product Boxes Naming DB2
How do I get ArcSDE 8? Getting ArcSDE
Product Packaging ArcInfo 8 Box –ArcSDE Personal Geodatabase single user –ArcSDE for Coverages multi-user free server / free connections –ArcSDE 8 for an DBMS multi-user optional license (server/connections) Getting ArcSDE
ArcSDE 8 for an DBMS Box multi-user server / connections –ArcInfo 8 Box (12 months) ArcSDE for Coverages –multi-user –free server / free connections ArcSDE Personal –single user Getting ArcSDE Product Packaging
What‘s new in ArcSDE 8? What‘s new?
–New ArcSDE table schema What‘s new? What‘s new in ArcSDE 8?
New ArcSDE 8 table schema (1.) Version table Layers table Geometry columns table Raster columns table Spatial references table Table registry table Business table What‘s new?
New ArcSDE 8 table schema (2.) Versions table States tables Logfiles tables Geolocation tables Meta-data table Logical network tables Geodatabase tables What‘s new?
Table registry What‘s new? What‘s new in ArcSDE 8?
Table registry (1.) Provides a central repository of tables, that the ArcSDE software manages directly or must be accessible for an application. What‘s new?
Table registry (2.) maintains the name, owner, and other relevant properties for tables that –contain geometry columns –contain raster columns –are multi-versioned –have a unique SE_ROW_ID column –allow row locks What‘s new?
Table registry (3.) automatic - when upgrading from SDE 3.0 to ArcSDE 8.0 (all spatially enabled tables) or directly with sde administration commands (other tables) What‘s new?
What‘s new in ArcSDE 8? Long transactions with state and version support - Pessimistic and optimistic locking (versioning) What‘s new?
Long transactions with state and version support - pessimistic and optimistic locking (versioning) transactions over more sessions locking mechanism is needed What‘s new?
Pessimistic locking layer locks area locks row locks What‘s new?
Optimistic locking Versioning Town planer A street widen, move water pipe Hydraulic engineer B Water pipe enlarge New Default- Version Default- Version What‘s new? Conflict and Conflict Solution
What‘s new in ArcSDE 8? New shape formats What‘s new?
New shape formats well-known binary well-known text OpenGIS standard (Open GIS Consortium) What‘s new?
What‘s new in ArcSDE 8? New or changed administration commands What‘s new?
New administration commands sde2tbl converts an ArcSDE table to INFO, dBASE, or ArcSDE table format tbl2sde... sdegeocode geocodes data sderelease (former sdeversion) sdestate What‘s new?
Changed administration commands sdeversion sdetable sdegroup What‘s new?
What‘s new in ArcSDE 8? New ArcSDE table schema Table registry Long transactions with state and version support - Pessimistic and optimistic locking (versioning) New shape formats New administration commands What‘s new?
How do I get my data into ArcSDE 8 ? Shape Files shp2sde Coverages cov2sde –ArcInfo 8.0: ArcCatalog / ArcToolBox coverages shapefiles and more... –ArcInfo 8.0 workstation: LAYERIMPORT SDE C-API Data loading
How do I migrate my data from SDE 3.0 to ArcSDE 8? sdeexport (SDE 3) - sdeimport (ArcSDE 8) (no Geodatabase!) creating a Geodatabase with gdbs-command --> sdeimport -->register DBMS version compatibility? Migration
How do I convert my data from MapLibrarian or ArcStorm to ArcSDE 8? Importing through ArcCatalog –series of dialog boxes will guide you –batch data converters can be used --> simple feature types Conversion
ArcSDE‘s Future ArcSDE 8.0 –New data types raster (images/grids) address –Java API (ArcSDE 8.1) –GUI? Future
ArcSDE 8 Summary Storing spatial data in a DBMS Many different clients Many different databases Cost effective data management High performance Open GIS Summary