Management structure and procedures KickOff Meeting ICT-AGRI 2 4 th – 5 th Februrary 2014 Niels Gøtke, Iver Thysen Jan Erpenbach, Elke Saggau.


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Presentation transcript:

Management structure and procedures KickOff Meeting ICT-AGRI 2 4 th – 5 th Februrary 2014 Niels Gøtke, Iver Thysen Jan Erpenbach, Elke Saggau

3. Management structure and procedures 3.1. Consortium Agreement 3.2. Governing Board 3.3. Network Management Group 3.4. Participant roles 3.5. Advisory Committee 3.6. Meetings

Governance structure Source: DoW, Annex B, p. 21

3.1. Consortium Agreement The principal decision-making body is the Governing Board composed of one member from each ERA-NET partner. The strategies and activities decided by the Governing Board are implemented by the Work Package Leaders and the Coordinator, who together constitute the Network Management Group, which is responsible for coordination and monitoring of activities within ICT-AGRI-2. The governance will be executed in accordance with the Consortium Agreement to be agreed and signed by all partners at the beginning of ICT-AGRI-2.

3.2. Governing Board (GB) principal decision-making body one member per partner rules for GB established in the Consortium Agreement annual meetings scheduled for October or November prepared by WP6 chaired by the Coordinator Responsibilties: strategic orientation regarding the activities in the ERA-NET Approval of plans for the work in the WPs Evaluation of progress of work in WPs Decisions concerning reallocation of tasks and budgets Approval of plans for joint trans-national calls Approval of deliverales from the ERA-NET Approval of financial and administrative reports before submission to the COM

3.3. Network Management Group composed of WP-Leaders and Coordinator share information of progress of tasks in each WP assure interdependencies between WPs are adequately secured meetings (face-to-face, via telephone or video) ad hoc as required for progress meetings prepared and organised by WP6 chaired by the Coordinator Responsibilties; Coordination between WPs Preliminary approval of plans for the work of the WPs Evaluation of progress of work in the WPs Preparation of decisions concerning reallocation of tasks and budgets Approval of milestones Preliminary approval of plans for joint trans-national calls Preliminary approval of deliverables from the ERA-NET Preliminary approval of financial and administrative reports

3.4. Participant roles Coordinator (DASTI) Work Package Leader Task Leader Participants ( DASTI, DAFA, ILVO, IWT, MMM, IRSTEA, BLE, BMEL, GRNET, TEAGASC, MARD, MiPAAF, LAS, ASU, MEA, TNO, DLO, FOAG, INFO MURCIA, CTA, GDAR, TUBITAK, DEFRA ) WP1 – Mapping&analysis of R&I, Update of SRA (TNO) WP2 – Transnational joint calls for coordinated research&innovation (BLE) WP3 – Coordination within the ERA (TEAGASC) WP4 – Dissemination, online tools and sharing of good practises (ILVO) WP5 – Impact assessment and evaluatino of ERA-NET effectiveness (FOAG) WP6 – Management (DASTI)

3.4. Participant roles Coordinator Responsibilities: Preparing and chairing GB-meetings Preparing and chairing NMG-meetings legal, contractual, financial & administrative management of the consortium Liaison with and reporting to the EC Primary contact point for external approaches

3.4. Participant roles Responsibilities: Coordination, supervision and guidance of the work in the WPs Preparation and chairing of WP meetings (face to face or electronically as appropriate) Preparation of plans for work and actions in the WPs in collaboration with the Task Leaders High quality and timely completion of milestones and deliverables Contributions to the ERA-NET as whole via the NMG Work Package Leader

3.4. Participant roles Responsibilities: Execution, supervision and guidance of the work in the WP Task in collaboration with other members of the WP Contributions to the WP as a whole via shared responsibility for the WP Task Leader

3.4. Participant roles Responsibilities: National interactions with stakeholders (Task 1.3) Implementation of calls on the national level (Task 2.4) Participation in GB-meetings (Task 6.1) Conduction of work associated with specific roles in WPs Overall contribution to ICT-AGRI-2 through national or regional dissemination and interaction with stakeholders as well as constructive evaluation of internal drafts and proposals Participants

3.5. Advisory Committee provide advices on the strategies and main actions of ICT-AGRI-2 invited to regular meetings in conjunction with suitable ICT-AGRI-2 events prior to decisions in the GB the AC is asked for advices through correspondence Responsibilties: Provision of advices on the strategies and main actions of ICT-AGRI-2

3.6. Meetings starting point todays “ICT-AGRI-2 KickOff“ annual GB meetings October/November June 2014 “Smart AgriMatics“ International conference in Paris ICT-AGRI-2 events annually in June/July