1 EIC Users Meeting, Stony Brook June 27, 2014 Request for these slides: Comment on “EIC working group activities at Jefferson Lab, and how people could get involved.” Rolf Ent (JLab)
2 MEIC: Integrated Interaction Region (IR) & Detector ultra forward hadron detection low-Q 2 electron detection large aperture electron quads small diameter electron quads central detector with endcaps ion quads 50 mrad beam (crab) crossing angle n,γ e p p small angle hadron detection 60 mrad bend e Roman pots Thin exit windows Fixed trackers in vacuum? Ions Electrons Electron downstream CCB Electron upstream CCB Ion downstream CCB Ion upstream CCB Vertical dogleg IP (50 mrad crossing angle) 1 st ion spectrometer dipole 2 nd ion spectrometer dipole Electron spectrometer dipole 2m separation Accelerator view of IR Layout Nuclear Physics view of IR Layout This requires a series of coordinated integration meetings between accelerator & nuclear physics
3 MEIC Working Group Activities Subscribe (nuclear physics topics) and/or (accelerator + NP) (detector) If you subscribe, you get the mail to inform how to connect to meetings. Or, go to the wiki pages: General meetings:Fridays 9:30 – 11 am (as announced) some of these meetings are joint, to discuss items of relevance to all, some of these are nuclear science/discussion oriented Detector meetings:Thursdays 1:00 pm (weekly) (organizers: Zhiwen Zhao (ODU, Pawel Nadel-Turonski (JLab, Accelerator R&D meetings:Thursdays 2:30 pm (weekly, following previous) (organizer: Yuhong Zhang (JLab, Life may be easier if you first request a JLab user account from:
4 4 Involving users in the MEIC detector Have detailed layout for extended interaction region – Implemented detectors using standard JLab simulation tools in GEMC with Fast Monte Carlo capability – Standard JLab software makes transition easy for users – Users can take ownership of various subsystems – Users can ensure appropriateness of detector for their science of interest, and/or optimize Support for users taking part in the Generic EIC Detector R&D program – Assist in proposal preparation – Infrastructure for R&D, e.g. 5T sensor test facility re-using existing magnets Regular meetings with user participation – General Friday meetings (announced) – Weekly Thursday detector meetings Mailing lists: – – Extended MEIC detector in GEMC (GEANT4) High-B-field sensor test facility at JLab
5 Optimizing User Involvement JLab facilitates by providing the extended detector and interaction region layout and CAD design JLab also provides the generic GEMC/GEANT4 simulation framework and coordination. The MEIC detector development, and ancillary system development (polarimetry, luminosity measurements, ultra-forward detectors), is a user-driven effort. It often relies on interaction with JLab engineers and designers to verify if “things fit”. Users can use this framework to optimize the detection schemes for their science of interest. We solicit suggestions from users how to make it easier for them to get involved.