Mabry Middle Beta Club Welcome Beta Class of 2015
Get to know us 2014 Student Officers: Caleb Zwiernikowski – President Michaela Kimbrell – Vice President Emma Phillips – Secretary Noah Johnson – Chaplin Will Thorne – Reporter Sponsors: Mrs. Collins Mrs. McBride Mrs. Miller Ms. McKinney
What is Beta Club? Leadership-Service Organization for: - School - Community - State - Nation Our Motto : Let us lead by serving others.
What is the Beta Club’s Mission? Promote the ideals of character, service, and leadership among students Reward academic achievement Encourage and assist students to continue their education
When do I join Mabry’s Beta Club? We look at the semester average of English, Math, Science, and Social Studies to see if you have a 90 average. With a 90 average, your membership will be transferred into our club or you may be inducted into our club. You are only inducted one time into Junior Beta Club.
You must maintain this 90 average to remain active in Beta Club. Each 9 weeks, we will look at the grade average for English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. If it falls below 90.0, you will meet with one of the sponsors to discuss what we can do to help you bring up this average. We call this a probation time. You may still come to the meetings and participate in club activities for this probation 9 weeks. Work very hard to bring up this average during this 9 weeks.
Restricted membership If you do not bring up the average during this probationary 9 weeks, you will not be able to participate in club activities for the next 9 weeks. This is the time you must bring your average up to a 90. As soon as your average is back up to 90, you may become an active Beta Club member who attends meetings and participates in service projects again.
When will we meet? There will be some meetings just for the 7th grade members, but there will also be meetings just for the 8th grade members. These meetings will be monthly. Some will be after school and a few may be in the mornings. Listen to the morning announcements for the meeting days and times. There will also be signs posted around the school. We need you at all the meeting. Please tell a sponsor if you will not be able to attend and make sure you find out what we discussed at each meeting.
Meetings We will meet in the cafeteria. They will last from 3:15 to 4:00. Your officers will be responsible for these meetings. We will try to have groups bring refreshments at these meetings, but we always discuss business first. Always sign in and get settled so we may begin our meetings right at 3:15. Please be respectful of our speakers, and do not use your phones or talk when we are discussing Beta business/projects. Make sure your ride is here to pick you up at 4pm from the front of the cafeteria. You should NOT go back in the building or walk to another place after the meetings.
You must elect your officers President - Caleb Zwiernikowski Vice President - Michaela Kimbrell Secretary - Emma Phillips Chaplin - Noah Johnson Reporter - Will Thorne Qualities: Leader, confident speaker, organized, responsible, dependable, honest, team player, and devoted to the goals of Beta Club.
PARTICIPATION IS THE KEY! Service Hours It is your goal to earn service hours. Your sponsor will keep a running record of your service hours. Examples of earning service hours: *Attending a meeting *Bringing refreshments *Bringing in items for projects (candy, bags, other items) *Running for office (giving speeches) and serving as an officer *Working on service projects *Making announcements or signs *Attending State Beta Club Convention or workshops PARTICIPATION IS THE KEY!
What will we do in Beta Club? PROJECTS – It is very important for you to get involved. There is always something for EVERYONE to do. Look at some of our projects and be thinking of what YOU want your club to do.
Box Tops for Education – our fund raiser for our projects Students must collect envelopes weekly.
Projects take planning by everyone. Large groups and small groups all take part to plan the projects. When you work on these projects, you are earning your service points.
Inman’s Veteran Day Parade
October Service Project Halloween with Inman Elementary
Other Service Projects Halloween treat bags for teachers Christmas cards for our military Candy canes for our nursing home neighbors Competition entries for State convention: arts & crafts, academics, speeches, and talents March madness fund raiser for Beta Club scholarships Easter egg hunt for Inman Elementary Relay for Life Habitat for Humanity The only limit is you, so start thinking now!
We are looking forward to a great club with YOU. Do you have any questions?