( ) united the Persian Empire - stretched from Iraq to Egypt and India – million people )BCE He created an effective government with governors or Satraps, spies (eyes and ears of the king), Adopting the culture of those conquered, Allowing conquered people to keep their religions, pony express used Emerged around 750 BCE, Largest cities Athens and Sparta-Divided by mountains - independent city-states - Common language and religion emerged 776 BCE every 4 years conflict put aside Created the Iliad and the Odyssey Large military – boys sent to military training at age 7 – large helot (conquered people- slaves) population 594BCE –He broke the aristocracy – Debt slavery abolished – all citizens could vote (Athens) Between the world’s largest empire and Greeks small independent city states. 490 & 480 BCE – Battle of Marathon- Battle of Thermopylae. War won by free men. Strengthened Athenian democracy Conflict between Athens and Sparta and their allies. Ended the Golden Age BCE
Darius I Olympics gamesHomerSparta SolonGreco- Persian WarsPeloponnesian War Greece
Son of Phillip- defeated Persians – created the largest Greek Empire. Spread Greek culture throughout his empire. Hellenistic Age philosopher – believed the best government should regulate all aspects of people’s life- against democracy after Socrates execution Philosophers - Socratic Method – pose questions and examine the implication of answers – executed for corrupting the youth philosopher – Best government should be a single strong and virtuous leader began on the west side of central Italy around 8 th century BCE Originally ruled by a king 509 BCE - Aristocrats established a republic represented the Plebeians in the senate and could block unfair legislation 3 wars with Rome vs. Carthage includes Hannibal taking elephants over Alps into Italy- after 3 rd was Carthage is destroyed. Gave Rome control of west Mediterranean family dominated by males He conquered the Roman province of Gaul (France) marched into Rome and declared himself Dictator – later killed by senate
Alexander the GreatPlato Aristotle Rome Tribune Punic Wars Patriarchal Julius Caesar Socrates
He became Augustus (first citizen) became Emperor – ending 500 years of the republic Roman peace started with Augustus - lasted 200 years Established around 2200 BCE - Previous emperors Xai, Shang and Zhou - had grown larger and more prosperous BCE had fallen in to civil wars China– hundreds of thousands of people were forced to build this– designed to keep out invaders from the north Unified China -developed an effective bureaucracy – army with iron weapons and rising agriculture and growing population -Empire stretched from northern Vietnam to northeast Korea adopted by Qin – clear rules and harsh punishment to keep order 206BCE-220CE adopted Confucianism in place of legalism Here Christianity started in a small part of the empire – gained support in 4 th century to maintain power – became the dominate religion In Roman Empire ___an alphabetic language would later give rise to Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian and Romanian
ChinaPax Romana Great Wall Qin Shihuangdi (chihn-she- Huang- dee) Legalism Han Dynasty Rome Latin Octavian
China based on_____trained officials, with instruction based in writing and created a bureaucracy - Civil service exam and selection by merit - this system helped to hold china together – lasted until 20 th century Both Empires too big to control, Resources became too expensive – Disease and epidemics, invasions from nomadic people Most well known emperor of India was BCEConverted to Buddhism – considered an enlightened ruler who ruled in accord with religious values and moral teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism CE India -Age of prosperity and peace - Free hospitals - flourishing of arts Controlling another nation politically, culturally or economically officials chosen by the people ruler with absolute authority rule by land holding elite Rich land owners in Roman Senate
Ashoka Han Dynasty and Roman Empire Gupta EmpireImperialismRepublic Dictator Aristocracy patrician Confucianism