Introduction to Hinduism or Sanatana-dharma “universal truth”
The Laws of Manu;. Manu was the mythic forbearer of humanity The Laws of Manu;* Manu was the mythic forbearer of humanity. He was the son of Brahma, the god who created the universe, and all humans are descendents of his many children. The text explains 4 stages that people go through in life: Student Householder Forest Dweller (hermit) Renunciante * = samples from this work can be found in the Serinity Young Anthology
More of the Laws of Manu; He explains 4 goals that drive us through in life. We should get through the first 3 of these at some point as a householder and hope to move on to seek the last goal as a hermit or renunciant. Arta (gain): material possessions needed to live, and pleasing to the senses. Kama (pleasure): pleasant emotions, love ( ex: the Kama Sutra is a guide to the emotional experiences of life) Dharma (duty-virtue): the law; moral and religious duties specific to our role in society. (ethics and the caste system). Moksha (liberation): spiritual release: overcoming ignorance and the problems it causes. Dissolution of the ego (jiva) = becoming a generous, open person. People are driven to pursue each of these, and when one has satisfied and exhausted each level, one moves on to the next.
Karma and Samsara Samsara; the wheel of rebirth (reincarnation). Karma : the law of cause and effect: People have self-consiousness, freedom and responsibility. We have total responsibility for our own future and total accountability for our own past actions. We have reason and free will. Good and evil realities can only come from good and evil actions freely chosen in the past or present Fulfilling your duty (dharma) in life is the ultimate good. To go against your dharma as assigned by caste and gender, would be evil and ultimately self-destructive. Tragedy is not a mystery or seen as unfair. There is no such thing as bad or good luck. Good or bad fortune always has a rational understandable cause….. you brought it on yourself either in this life or in a past life.
The Caste System (varnas: colors) { Probably descendents of the original Vedic (Aryans) who conquered Indus valley Conquered peasants Probably became the bottom caste The Caste System (varnas: colors)
Hindu Scriptures Vedas: the oldest Hindu stories, were only transmitted orally, and most were unknown to the Western scholars until the 1850s (Sanskrit). They come from a a group of invaders called the Aryans who conquered northern India around 1400 BC and imposed their culture on the Indus Valley. Examples Rg Veda (hymns to Hindu Gods) * Sama Veda (rituals and chants) Atharva Veda (healings) Brahamanas (priestly manual: rules, rituals explained). Aranyakas (meditation manual)* Upanishads (“sitting near”): a very philosophical work which explains samsara (the cycle of birth and rebirth) which can lead ulitimately to moksha (liberation). Puranas* , Mahabharata* , & Ramayana*: ancient lore and stories of the gods. (smriti) Sriti (that which is heard) and Smrti (that which is remembered) * = can be found in the Scriptures of the World Religions book The Bhagavad Gita* is the most famous part of the Mahabharata telling of the Gods Krishna and Rama, who are both incarnations of Vishnu.)
Hinduism has aspects of polytheism, pantheism, monism, montheism. 4 earliest vedas show polytheism (belief in many gods). Later Upanishads (700-300 BC) speak of many gods being an expression of one divine principle. Brahman takes on many forms in this world (called Maya) and they all seem different. Enlightenment is in realizing that all things in the world are really one, not sewparate and independent. Soul = inner self called Atman
. Philosopher Sankara (c. 800 A.D) later says we must realize that Atman itself is an illusion; all is Brahman. In the modern period, Brahman is described more and more as a single supreme source of all being (getting closer to monotheism), though he appears in many forms. Unlike Western religion, he doesn’t have a personal relationship with people. Different Hindus hold different beliefs ranging from atheism, agnosticism, pantheism, polytheism and monism and monotheism. There is no one creed of core beliefs, but there is a common vocabulary, scriptures, rituals etc.
Major Hindu Deities The Trimurti (Hindu Trinity) These principal gods are depicted in many different forms. Also they can incarnate themselves as avatars.
Avatars of Vishnu Rama Krishna See clips on Animated World Religions disk
Ganesha: son of Shiva & Parvati Flushing, Queens has a Hindu temple dedicated to Ganesha. See Read Stephen Prothero’s introduction to Ganesha from pages 131-133 of his 2010 book God Is Not One.
Hindu Symbols Shri Yantra Mandalas Om (aka Aum) Lotus Flower Swastika The Lotus Flower is one of the most popular symbols in Hindu religion. It is believed that Lord Brahma emerged from the navel of Lord Vishnu sitting on a lotus. Goddess Saraswati, the Hindu Goddess of learning, is shown sitting on a lotus. Lotus flower is a symbol of eternity, plenty and good fortune and Goddess Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth, is usually depicted with a lotus flower. The symbolism of Lotus flower is mentioned in the 5th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita
Devotees may show their allegiance to a particular god through marks painted on the forehead (tilaka) Saivites (followers of Shiva ) wear a tilak of three horizontal lines across the forehead, with or without a red dot. Sometimes a crescent moon or trident is included. The devotees of Shiva usually use sacred ashes (Bhasma) for the tilak. Vaishnavites followers of Vishnu) use two or more vertical lines resembling the letter U, which symbolizes the foot of Vishnu. There is sometimes a central line or dot. Most Vaishanative tilaks are made of sandalwood paste (Chandan). Women often wear a dot on the forehead called bindi. The tilaka, tilak or tika (Sanskrit tilaka, “mark”) is a mark made on a Hindu's forehead. On a man, the tilak takes the form of a line or lines and usually indicates his sectarian affiliation. On women, a tilak usually takes the form of a bindi dot, which has its own symbolism.
Chakras = “circles” or centers of energy in the body Chakras = “circles” or centers of energy in the body. Yogic theory is about releasing the energies stored in the chakras. They are sometimes called “lotus centers”
Every year, thousands of Hindus participate in the festival Holi Every year, thousands of Hindus participate in the festival Holi. The festival has many purposes. First and foremost, it celebrates the beginning of the new season, spring. Originally, it was a festival that commemorated good harvests and the fertile land. Hindus believe it is a time of enjoying spring's abundant colors and saying farewell to winter. It also has a religious purpose,commemorating events present in Hindu mythology
Lohri The Bonfire Festival Amidst the freezing cold weather, people are busy making preparations for Lohri — the long-awaited bonfire festival — when they can come out of their homes and celebrate the harvesting of the Rabi (winter) crops and give in to relaxing and enjoying the traditional folk songs and dances.
Shivaratri is dedicated to Shiva. The night before the feast, Hindus recite texts, sing and tell stories in honor of Shiva, whose dynamic cosmic dance creates, preserves, destroys and recreates the world.
Holi a colorful and joyous spring festival , dedicated to Krishna and Kama.
The Golden Temple in Amritsar, India Diwali biggest of all Hindu festivals, it celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains. It's the festival of lights that is marked by four days of celebration, which literally illumine the country with its brilliance and dazzles all with its joy. The Golden Temple in Amritsar, India