Chemical Aspects of GLOBEC- China Programs and Potential to GLOBEC-IMBER Study in China Jing Zhang 1. State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao
Riverine Input Atmospheric Depositions Biogeochemical Cycle Kuroshio Sediment – Water Interface Shelf-Edge Exchange Question 3: Nutrient Dynamics
Scientific Questions: 1. How the transfer of chemical materials across the boundary affects the ecosystem of the East China Sea and Yellow Sea - on cycles of chemical elements? - on nutrient budgets? 2. To what extent the biogeochemical processes affects the carbon cycle and fisheries - on the food web structure? - on transform of nutrient limitation? - on comparison of new and recycled production?
Measurements and Simulation Nutrients (NO 3 -, NH 4 +, NO 2 -, PO 4 3-, and SiO 3 2- ) and DOC/N Nutrients (NO 3 -, NH 4 +, NO 2 -, PO 4 3-, and SiO 3 2- ) and DOC/N Trace species [Al, As (III+V), CH 4, and N 2 O] Trace species [Al, As (III+V), CH 4, and N 2 O] POC/N, C-13, N-15, and particulate metals POC/N, C-13, N-15, and particulate metals Radio isotopes (e.g. 210 Pb, 7 Be, 234 Th, 226 Ra and 228 Ra) Radio isotopes (e.g. 210 Pb, 7 Be, 234 Th, 226 Ra and 228 Ra) Bio-markers (e.g. Alkanes, PAHs, AA and FAs) Bio-markers (e.g. Alkanes, PAHs, AA and FAs)
Phosphorus in Food Web 32 P (t 1/2 =14.3 d ) 33 P (t 1/2 =25.3 d ) Atomospheric Input Up-take Zooplankton Water Column Phytoplankton Predation
Zhang et al., ECSS, 2004
Aerosol nutrients over the Yellow Sea (upper panel) and East China Sea (lower panel)
Silica flux (mmol m -2 d -1 ) at sediment – water interface of the ECS StationE4 E5E6 Cruise DM BC DM: calculation from pore water profile, BC: data from in situ incubations
In the ECS BSi<1%, similar to Chesapeake Bay, Yellow Sea and Bohai.
Impact of Changjiang water on the PN section (East China Sea) in September 2002.
TSM: mg/l
C/N ratio (atom) Decreased
unit: 10 3 mol/s
Towards developing GLOBEC-IMBER Studies in China OCEANS OSM (Paris, 7-10 January, 2003) OCEANS OSM (Paris, 7-10 January, 2003) March – May, 2003: Series of workshops on the possibility of integration of GLOBEC and IMBER studies in China March – May, 2003: Series of workshops on the possibility of integration of GLOBEC and IMBER studies in China August, 2003: Establishment of a joint working group of GLOBEC and IMBER within frame of CNC-IGBP August, 2003: Establishment of a joint working group of GLOBEC and IMBER within frame of CNC-IGBP May 26-28, 2004: “Xiangshan Forum” on “Sustainable Ecosystem and Biogeochemistry in the Coastal Ocean” (No. 228) May 26-28, 2004: “Xiangshan Forum” on “Sustainable Ecosystem and Biogeochemistry in the Coastal Ocean” (No. 228) October, 2004: Final examination of GLOBEC-China II “Ecosystem Dynamics and Sustainable Use of Marine Resources in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea” October, 2004: Final examination of GLOBEC-China II “Ecosystem Dynamics and Sustainable Use of Marine Resources in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea” 2005: Development of national study on GLOBEC- IMBER in China 2005: Development of national study on GLOBEC- IMBER in China
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