1 PRODUCT ENGINEERING TOOLS It allows exactitude on: - Materials and pieces control - Weight and centroids Estimation - Cost estimation 3D MODEL o Hull and superstructure 3D Structural model o Assembly drawings o Assembly sequence using encoded pieces and drawings. o Nesting & Cutting Codes (CNC) “Provide tools in order to achieve a high quality and Productive Construction with better Control on wasted material during construction”
2 ASSEMBLY DRAWINGS Assembly Sequence using encodes drawings and pieces which ease the prefabrication, control, and precise construction PRODUCT ENGINEERING TOOLS o Hull and superstructure 3D Structural model o Assembly drawings o Assembly sequence using encoded pieces and drawings. o Nesting & Cutting Codes (CNC) “Provide tools in order to achieve a high quality and Productive Construction with better Control on wasted material during construction”
3 NESTING & CUTTING CODES (CNC) It allows exactitude on automated pieces cutting and wasted material reduction o Hull and superstructure 3D Structural model o Assembly drawings o Assembly sequence using encoded pieces and drawings. o Nesting & Cutting Codes (CNC) PRODUCT ENGINEERING TOOLS “Provide tools in order to achieve a high quality and Productive Construction with better Control on wasted material during construction”