COURSE DESCRIPTION Javascript & HTML5 Artwork- A bit of photoshop Coding skills, hardcore coding skills- We are using the basics Robots! (Maybe) Engineering and problem solving- With LEGO! More Coding!
NEXT COURSE? Specialist High Skills Major COOP- See Mr. Mazer for the exciting details! Grade 11 Comp Sci- More involved coding Grade 11 Engineering- Bigger, smarter robotics. Autonomous systems. Built out of steel using CNC machines, 3D printers
COURSE REQUIREMENTS No Prior knowledge needed, we will cover everything from the beginning
EVALUATIONS Term Work (Tests, Assignments, etc)- 70% Assignments- Little daily assignments Written tests- Write some code, explain some concepts, the usual. Big projects are generally open ended, if you have a great idea for a project let me know. Maybe we can use it! Culminating- 10% Open ended, you write a proposal for a project. I OK it. You make it. Exam- 20% Too bad, had to be a down side somewhere.
MISSED WORK You are responsible for any missed tests / assignments If you miss a test, be prepared to write it the minute you get back If something extra special happens, talk to me and we will work something out
THE INTERTUBES Video games- Leave them alone, if you want to play a game, make one! Youtube for Music- Use head phones, if I can hear it, so can the person next to you.
LATES & ABSENCES If you arrive late, stay outside until I’m done the lesson or I let you in, just wave to let me know you are there. This way there are no interruptions. Frequent lates / absences- Phone calls home, if you aren’t in class it is going to be VERY difficult to get a good grade
FOOD & DRINK This space intentionally left blank.
LAB EQUIPMENT IF something is broken when you get to class, let me know. DON’T just fix it by breaking the computer next to it. DON’T break my stuff, leave the cables alone If you insist on breaking things, you will lose you computer privileges
WHERE DOES THE WORK GO? Save everything on YOUR student drive Make sure YOU can login Make a folder on your drive for this course and keep it organised (that means sub-folders) Eventually, your big projects will go online