McLeod Business Library1 McLeod Business Library Room 2034, Alan B. Miller Hall College of William and Mary Mason School of Business
McLeod Business Library2 What is the McLeod Business Library? Multi-purpose state-of-the-art information center. Provides access to selective references in print and electronic formats. Provides unique opportunities for patrons to perform research in practical and “real world” situations.
McLeod Business Library3 Research Assistance The Business Library has two professional business librarians to assist you. They are available Monday through Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Appointments are recommended. If the business librarians are not available reference questions may be submitted in writing for a response within 24 hours.
McLeod Business Library4 Research Assistance (Cont’d) Reference questions may also be submitted: By to:
McLeod Business Library5 The Print Collection Reference – General business collection of printed materials to support the business curriculum. These materials may not be removed from the McLeod Business Library.
McLeod Business Library6 The Print Collection (Cont’d) Popular Business Books – A collection of business-related books for easy reading. These books may be checked out for a period of 28 days. Periodicals – A concise collection of business-related periodicals. Tabloids – Advertising Age, Barron’s, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Financial Times, Inside Business, and Wall Street Journal.
McLeod Business Library7 The Print Collection (Cont’d) Local tabloids – The Daily Press and Virginia Gazette SEC Files – Microfiche files of companies on the NYSE, ASE, and NASDAQ from 1978 through Ready Reference – Dictionaries, thesaurus, telephone directories, campus directory, etc.
McLeod Business Library8 Video Tapes & DVDs The McLeod Business Library holds a small collection of business-related video tapes and DVDs. These materials are available for seven- day checkout.
McLeod Business Library9 Reserves The McLeod Business Library offers a reserve disbursement service for: –Class readings, –Supplemental texts, –Video materials, and –Software. Allows reliable, equitable access to materials. Materials may be checked out from the Business Library information desk.
McLeod Business Library10 Electronic Resources The Business Library offers a variety of electronic databases for business research. Patrons may research topics such as: –Marketing and media, –Investment data, –Financial information, –Stock reports, –Tax news, and –Business data on both U.S. and international businesses.
McLeod Business Library11 Baseline Contains information on about 7,000 U.S. companies. You may: –Perform equity research, –Create a comparative table of financial information, and –Sort the database and list companies according to your selected criteria.
McLeod Business Library12 Bloomberg The Bloomberg Professional service integrates data, news, analytics, multimedia reports and onto a single platform. An intrinsic feature of this program is its analytic ability, helping clients understand the markets by means of real-time tools.
BizMiner The database provides industry statistical reports, offering industry financial analysis benchmarks for more than 5,000 lines of business and industry market trends on thousands more. Market analysis reports are available at the national and local levels. McLeod Business Library13
Business Monitor Online The database provides coverage of country markets across the world. Features daily news analysis; risk assessment; currency and debt developments; forecasts over a 5-year horizon; and country- comparative risk ratings. McLeod Business Library14
McLeod Business Library15 Checkpoint Resource of complete tax libraries and tax news. Contains federal, state, local, and international tax research materials.
McLeod Business Library16 EBSCOhost Business Source Complete EBSCOhost provides: Full text for more than 2,950 business journals. Articles in.pdf format for more than 300 of the top scholarly journals dating as far back as 1922.
Factiva Factiva is a joint venture between Dow Jones & Reuters. The database includes global content with the Dow Jones and Reuters Newswires as well as the Wall Street Journal. Factiva offers multiple language Interfaces content covering nearly 8,000 sources. Business Library17
McLeod Business Library18 Faulkner’s Advisory for IT Studies A web-based database that contains a virtual library of reports covering technology areas such as IT infrastructure, telecom, data networking, wireless communications, security, enterprise systems, the Internet and World Wide Web, as well as technology vendors.
First Research First Research is a leading industry intelligence database. This program provides profiles with information synthesized from hundreds of sources. Each Industry Profile is updated quarterly and alerts are available to alert researchers of new data. McLeod Business Library19
Freedonia Focus A collection of industry market research - over 700 reports covering 18 industry sectors. McLeod Business Library20
McLeod Business Library21 Hoover’s Provides a business-oriented perspective on topics such as company and industry information, money management, career development, and news. Includes company profiles, competitors, key people, competitive landscapes, comparison data, financial data, and market data.
MarketLine Advantage Offers company, industry, and country intelligence. This includes SWOT analyses, 12,000 company profiles, 16,500 company capsules, case studies, industry profiles in 215 countries and 46 political and geographic groupings. The program includes case studies and management reports. A daily news feed is also included. Business Library22
McLeod Business Library23 Academic Academic offers access to market research reports. Students have access to a fully searchable repository of market research reports on dozens of topics.
Mergent Horizon Provides the capability for finding, filtering and organizing information about companies and industries. Information is provided on more than 6,200 companies that are traded on the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ. McLeod Business Library24
McLeod Business Library25 Mergent Online Offers easy access to: –15 years of financial statements included in the Mergent Online database, Country Reports, Industry Info –More than 10,000 real-time SEC (EDGAR) filings.
Mergent WebReports Online database that includes company annual reports, prospectuses, industry reports and other company related documents in PDF image formats. Access more than 300,000 documents covering over 50,000 global companies from over 100 countries. Business Library26
McLeod Business Library27 Mintel Oxygen A series of research reports covering the U.S. and European marketplace. Each market research report combines data and analysis of the competitive landscape, market-share analysis and consumer profiles.
Morningstar Direct A web-based research platform that connects investment professionals directly to Morningstar’s full universe of investment research and data (including current and historical). The program equips the user with customizable tools for selecting, developing, and monitoring investments. McLeod Business Library28
Net Advantage A comprehensive source of analysis on industries, along with analysis of the major companies in a given industry. McLeod Business Library29
OneSource Global Business Browser It is accessed by first opening the Reference USA database and then selecting International Businesses. The database has information on more than 3 million international businesses from the United States and around the world. McLeod Business Library30
McLeod Business Library31 OneView Simmons Market Research Bureau program allows exploration of a single source measurement of: –Major media, –Products, –Services, and –In-depth consumer demographic characteristics figures and statistics.
Plunkett Research Online Offers business intelligence, industry trends, statistics and market research. Results may be presented in a variety of report formats. Has more than 30 industry sectors organized in industry research centers. Each research center includes a search function, links to statistics, and a market research and trends page. McLeod Business Library32
McLeod Business Library33 ProQuest ProQuest’s ABI/INFORM Global provides: Copyright-cleared access to more than 900 business journals, Many other current periodicals and newspapers that you can search or browse, and Abstracts of material from 1971 onwards and full text from 1986.
McLeod Business Library34 ReferenceUSA An Internet-based directory service. Database contains information on more than 14 million U.S. and Canadian businesses. Also includes more than three million inter- national businesses.
McLeod Business Library35 S&P Research Insight (Formerly Compustat PC Plus) Database has 20 years of annual, 12 years of quarterly, seven years of business and geographic segment, and 240 months of stock prices and dividend data. Financial and stock market data for more than 10,300 U.S. and Canadian companies.
McLeod Business Library36 S&P Research Insight (Cont’d) You may: Prepare reports such as company financials, stock performances and company-to- industry comparisons, Perform credit analyses to evaluate credit risk, cash management and industry trends, Analyze the financial condition of potential suppliers and major customers, and Evaluate a company’s vulnerability to merger or acquisition.
McLeod Business Library37 Standard Rate and Data Service (SRDS) This database catalogs more than 100,000 U.S. and international media properties. More than 21,000 listing updates are made every month. SRDS provides accurate, up-to-date media information — including detailed ad rates, dates and contact data.
McLeod Business Library38 Investment Banking Includes information on corporate, industry, and market financials. Offers historical research and statistics as well as five-year forecasts. Draws information from Datastream, Worldscope, Extel, I/B/E/S, Compustat, SEC, Interactive Data Corporation, ILX Systems, and Global Access.
McLeod Business Library39 Value Line Investment Survey Contains information on approximately 1,700 stocks, more than 90 industries, the stock market, and the economy. Three main sections: –Summary & Index, –Ratings & Reports, and –Selection & Opinion.
WRDS – Wharton Research Data Services A web-based data management system that allows faculty and students to retrieve information from a wide variety of financial, economic, and marketing data sources. McLeod Business Library40
McLeod Business Library41 Database User Guides Each database in the McLeod Business Library has a User’s Guide. Each guide offers: –Step-by-step instructions and –Graphical views of the actual computer screens. Guides are located on shelves near the computer workstations and electronically on the Business Library website.
McLeod Business Library42 Laptops in the McLeod Business Library The Business Library has 28 carrels, each of them is set up with power outlets and data connections. There are power outlets available in many other locations throughout the Business Library. The Business Library is also configured for wireless networking.
McLeod Business Library43 Business Library Website The Business Library website address is: The website offers: –Information about the Business Library, –Descriptions of the databases available, –Links to other business databases such as Lexis Nexis Academic and STAT-USA, –Electronic versions of the Library Guides provided to assist you in your research,
McLeod Business Library44 Business Library Website (Cont’d) The website offers (Cont’d) : –A listing of the services the Business Library provides, –Links to electronic copies of the Database User Guides, –Frequently Asked Quetions,
McLeod Business Library45 Business Library Website (Cont’d) The website offers (Cont’d) : –Numerous business research links. These links connect you to websites that have information in various topics, including: Accounting, annual reports and SEC filings, business plans, finance, investment, marketing, small business resources, and others.
McLeod Business Library46 Copier The Business Library has a copier that copies letter or legal size material. The copies are five cents per page. The machine takes the College of William & Mary Express card for payment. For patrons without an Express card, contact a member of the Business Library staff for assistance.
Scanner The Business Library copier has a scanning capability. Patrons may use the scanner to scan documents and send them to an address of their choice. There is no charge for the use of the scanner. McLeod Business Library47
McLeod Business Library48 Hours The McLeod Business Library’s regularly scheduled hours are posted near the Business Library door and on its website. Please refer to the website for any short term variations in the regular hours (i.e., holidays, interim periods, etc.). –Monday – Thursday9:00 A.M. – 10:00 P.M. –Friday9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. –Saturday11:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. –Sunday2:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M.
McLeod Business Library49 Location The McLeod Business Library is located in Room 2034 on the second floor of Alan B. Miller Hall. Miller Hall is on Ukrop Way on the campus of the College of William & Mary.
McLeod Business Library50 Policies The McLeod Business Library is intended for the research of business topics, not as a general computer lab, therefore: –No , –No electronic chatting, –No letter writing, and –No personal communications.