Your Agency’s Fiscal Health and Controls
What are the objectives of Internal Controls? To prevent loss or theft of assets To minimize opportunities for employees or volunteers to steal To provide accurate information about organization activities to internal and external users To make sure the organization’s policies are followed To ensure that government and contractual requirements are met
Several types of Internal Controls General Accounting Controls Receipts Disbursement
General Accounting Controls Involve the board of directors in all significant financial decisions Segregate all duties, especially between recording assets and having access to assets (small agencies can accomplish this utilizing volunteers) Use pre-numbered invoices, requisitions, and checks Use a second person not performing the transaction to reconcile the transaction (example: person writing checks should not prepare bank reconciliation) Ensure the security of assets and critical documents (perform inventories, tag all significant assets, keep important documents, and blank checks locked up in locked file cabinets, perform routine software backups and store backups off site, etc. )
Receipts Have two people who are not responsible for recording cash receipts open the mail Endorse checks “for deposit only” immediately Log all cash and checks on a daily cash log form or consider using a lock box Have a person other than the person collecting cash reconcile receipts to “daily cash receipts log” and have both people sign off on the daily log Use pre-numbered receipts when applicable Make frequent deposits (preferably daily) Safeguard un-deposited receipts from theft or loss by keeping in a locked cabinet until deposit is made
Disbursement Maintain supporting documentation for all disbursements Ensure that all disbursements are properly approved and budgeted Require two signatures for large or out of the ordinary disbursements Make all disbursements by check Require that all checks are signed by someone other than the person who records or authorizes them Use pre-numbered checks and issue checks in numerical order Prohibit use of post dated checks and signing of blank checks
Having proper Internal Controls are EVERYONE’S job!
The STAFF will: Follow the established internal control policies and develop procedures Use peer groups, CPA firm or outside consultants to ensure policies and procedures are in line with best practices
The BOARD will: Establish a written set of internal control policies and procedures are in line with best practices Monitor compliance with established Review and update policies periodically
Fiscal Health
DETERMINING PROPER EXPENDITURES To determine the proper type of expenditures and maintain solid internal controls, ask yourself these questions:
Is it an allowable use of funds? Is it a reasonable use of funds? Is it a necessary expense? Is the purchase amount reasonable? Is it in line with the agency’s exempt purpose? Is it within the budget? Is it NOT for the personal benefit of anyone involved with the organization? Is the purpose of the expenditure clear? Is the purchase adequately documented?
Other things to consider…. Grant Compliance Accounting for Non-Cash Gifts Payroll Guidelines
Grant Compliance Know your contract – read the fine print! Know which types of costs are allowable, which costs are reimbursable, and at what rate they are reimbursed Maintain copies of all reimbursement/funding requests and supporting documentation in a separate file When possible, have someone other than the person preparing the reimbursement/funding requests review and approve them Develop appropriate allocation methodologies and maintain documentation When in doubt, ASK QUESTIONS (The contract manager is your best resource!)
Accounting for Non-Cash Gifts Develop guidelines for evaluating costs/benefits of non-cash gifts (for example, donated computers may be costly to repair, donated goods may require storage or disposal) – do not accept donations that are not in line with the organization’s exempt purpose Assign someone to ensure compliance with donor restrictions and IRS guidelines Promptly send an acknowledgement letter to the donor
Payroll Guidelines Have employees complete and sign time sheets that are improved(in writing) by supervisors Require any pay rate changes to be submitted in writing and approved by the Executive Director (in case the case of the Executive director, have the board president or treasurer approve) Evaluate the option of using an outside payroll or “employee leasing” company – inexpensive and can often provide savings on employee benefits If you maintain payroll in house, establish a procedure to review quarterly payroll tax returns and ensure that payroll taxes are deposited in a timely manner
INFORMATION SHARING also needs to be considered when establishing health and controls.
Decide WHO needs to get WHAT information.
Board of Directors – How often? What information, reports, budgets, etc. ?
Board of Directors Statement of activities (may also be called income statement or statement of revenue and expenses) that compares period and year to date actual revenue and expense to budget = BOTTOM LINE Written explanation for budget variances over a certain % (will vary from organization to organization – should be determined by the board) Statement of financial position (balance sheet) that compares current period ending balances to prior period or prior year with written explanation of significant changes Statement of cash flows Summarized cash Flow Projections for six months or more (may review this less often than every month) Non-financial performance indicators (will vary by organization – may be # of people served, # of services provided by type, etc. )
Finance Committee/Management Staff – How Often? What information, reports, budgets, etc. ?
Finance Committee/Management Staff All information outlined above plus: More detailed financial statements, including some level of program detail Detailed cash flow projections each month Summary of Accounts Payable balances - % of outstanding payables that are 30, 60, 90, and 120+ days old with explanation of any amounts older than 60 days Summary of Accounts Receivable balances - % of outstanding receivables that are 30, 60, 90, and 120+ days old with explanation of any amounts older than 60 days
Full Board Audit and management letter, if applicable Annual Budget (may be summarized for full board presentation) Trend information based on the needs of your particular organization (may want to look at change in net assets, services provided, fundraising etc. over a five year period)
Additional information that the treasurer should review on at least a quarterly basis….
Additional Info to review Bank reconciliations Quarterly payroll tax returns Compliance with grants and other funding sources
BOARD-STAFF Contract for Financial Accountability
Board and Staff Accountability There may be no board responsibility more important than responsibility for the financial integrity and accountability of a nonprofit organization. The BOARD must ensure that the organization uses its funds efficiently, as donors have designated, and in pursuit of the organization’s goals. But at the same time, many BOARD members are uncertain exactly how they can carry out this responsibility.
Board and Staff Accountability cont. Not all BOARD members need to be familiar with financial terms and concepts, but each organization needs to develop a clear and explicit agreement for how financial accountability will be ensured.
Related to the Budget….
The STAFF will: Develop a proposed budget by program and for the organization as a whole Be given the authority to make minor changes (such as shifting dollars among line items, or increases in variable costs that are matched by increases in earned revenue) in the budget without board approval If significant budget variances and proposed action such as better attention to budget control or revised end-of-year projections
The BOARD will: Develop parameters Guide preparation of the draft budget Give careful attention to budget report Engage in long term planning for funding, such as identifying a target mix of contributed and earned income Formally accept the budget, thereby authorizing the beginning operations as planned
The STAFF will: Make a good faith effort to communicate all significant information Ungrudgingly complete requests for ad hoc reports Appreciate that tough questions are appropriate and not hostile Have good answers
The BOARD will: Give serious attention and appropriate time to financial information Ask good questions Be understanding when problems occur Make only reasonable requests for ad hoc reports Work as problem solvers as well as governors Be willing to ask “tough” questions Respect the difficulty of the work, and express appreciation when appropriate