GIS Data Quality Evaluator Version 4.0 DataLOGIC, Inc. DataLOGIC Corporation 72 Dartmouth Avenue Avondale Estates, GA
DataQE – Data Quality Evaluator 1 Overview Concepts Types of QA Checks Performed Evaluation Process Future Development
DataQE – Data Quality Evaluator 2 What is DataQE? GIS Data Quality Evaluation Tool Evaluations based on user-specified rules Focuses on evaluations of attribute fields and values Includes: –Layer Checks –Data Structure Checks –Field Checks –Query Checks
DataQE – Data Quality Evaluator 3 What Can You Evaluate with DataQE? Compliance Is data compliant with established standards, such as a Data Dictionary? Completeness Has required data been appropriately populated? Suitability Is a data source appropriate for a given purpose? Does data make sense from a real-world perspective?
DataQE – Data Quality Evaluator 4 Who Can Use DataQE? Anyone who needs to evaluate the quality or suitability of a GIS data layer or tabular data –Data Entry Staff –Data Migration Specialists –GIS Managers –Quality Assurance Staff –Analysts
DataQE – Data Quality Evaluator 5 Requirements ESRI ArcMap 9.3 or higher Data Layers or Tables in the following formats are currently supported: –Geodatabases (SDE, File, Personal) –Shapefiles –Coverages –Database Tables (SQL Server, Oracle, MS Access, MS Excel, DBF, CSV)
DataQE – Data Quality Evaluator 6 The Data Evaluation Process Create Rule Sets containing the rules your data should follow Assign a Rule Set to the data source being evaluated Launch an Evaluation of the data source using the selected Rule Set View Evaluation Results and identify data errors Correct any errors as necessary using ArcMap or other editing tools Re-evaluate as necessary
DataQE – Data Quality Evaluator 7 Layer Checks Data Source/File Name Check –Verifies that the name of the evaluated data source name matches a list of valid names Layer Type Check –Verifies that the layer type of the evaluated data source matches specified requirements (GDB vs. Shapefile vs. Coverage, etc.) Projection Check –Verifies that a layer’s current projection matches established projection requirements Verify commonly used properties within a spatial data source.
DataQE – Data Quality Evaluator 8 Data Structure Checks Field Exists Check –Verifies that required fields exist in the data source being evaluated Field Type Check –Verifies that each field is the correct type (Text, Date, etc.) Field Width Check –Verifies that each field is the correct width Verify that a data source’s field structure matches appropriate requirements.
DataQE – Data Quality Evaluator 9 Field Checks Required Value Check –Verifies that each record in a field contains a value Unique Value Check –Verifies that each record in a field contains a unique value List of Values (LOV) Check –Verifies that each record in a field contains a value that matches a specified list of values (domain) Valid Range Check –Verifies that each record in a numeric field contains a value that falls within a specified range Verify that attribute values within a field match established standards.
DataQE – Data Quality Evaluator 10 Query Checks Used to perform in-depth evaluations of a data source Query Rules can be created using the DataQE Query Builder, or copied from existing ArcMap or database queries Allows queries to be stored permanently in Rule Sets Can be used to expand basic compliance evaluations to determine whether data meets established Business Rules Can be used by analysts to evaluate whether data is appropriate for a particular purpose Can be used to validate whether data “makes sense”, as opposed to simply meeting data dictionary standards User-defined rules based on customizable queries.
DataQE – Data Quality Evaluator 11 Data Quality Evaluator Window View Rule Set Assignments and properties Review Evaluation Results Used to perform evaluations of selected data sources
Data Quality Evaluator Results Window Data Sources Window Rule Set Explorer
DataQE – Data Quality Evaluator 13 Rule Set Manager Create Rule Groups and Rule Sets Add/Edit rules within a Rule Set Rule Sets can be shared among users Used for managing and editing Rule Sets
Rule Set Manager – Properties Window Rule Set Explorer Properties Window
Rule Set Manager – Layer Rule Properties Rule Set Explorer Layer Rules
Rule Set Manager – Field Rule Properties Rule Set Explorer Field Rule Properties
Rule Set Manager – Field Rules Grid Rule Set Explorer Field Rules Grid
DataQE – Data Quality Evaluator 18 Query Checks Allow users to build custom Query Rules. Query Builder window helps users build a query statement that can be used to evaluate a field or combination of fields.
Query Check Rule Set Explorer Query Rule Properties
DataQE – Data Quality Evaluator 20 LOV Manager Create/Import New LOV’s Add/Edit Values within an LOV Assign LOV’s to Rule Sets Used for managing and editing Lists of Values (LOV’s) for Domain Checks
LOV Manager – Valid Value Lists Value Lists Valid Values
LOV Manager – Rule Set Assignments Value Lists Rule Set Assignments
LOV Manager – Create LOV’s from Existing Data Value Lists Create LOV’s From Existing Data
Evaluation Manager Allows creation of Evaluations with pre-assigned properties Easy selection of Data Sources and Rule Sets Evaluation Definitions can be stored & shared Allows definitions to be saved and performed at any time, individually or in batches DataQE – Data Quality Evaluator 24 Used to manage and edit predefined Evaluation Definitions to support batch processing
Evaluation Definitions Window Properties Window Evaluation Manager
DataQE – Data Quality Evaluator 26 Future Development Coming in future versions of DataQE: Support for Citrix implementations Password Protected Public Rule Sets Associated Tables/Orphan Records Check Metadata Check User Definable Field Rules –Business Logic Check –Spatial Overlay Check