TICKET 301: Employment Network Operations, Part IV: Ticket Assessment & Assignment 2011 Training Series Hosted/Facilitated by: DJ Diamond Presented by Kevin Nickerson, NDI Technical Assistance Team Members
DEI Projects at the state level and/or local level participating LWIBs are required to become Employment Networks under Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work Program. Training and Technical Assistance to DEI Projects in attaining Employment Network status and implementing effective EN operations is provided under U.S. DOLETA contract with NDI Consulting, Inc. and the National Disability Institute (NDI). Evaluation of the impact of the DEI Projects implementation and outcomes as Employment Networks will be provided under U.S. DOL ODEP contract with Social Dynamics. 2
Upon completion of this webinar, DEI Project staff will: Understand Ticket Holder assessment strategies Have a better understanding of all the elements involved in assessing Ticket holders, including the following: ◦ Educating staff on how to identify Ticket holders ◦ Knowing whether we are able to provide services to meet the Ticket holder’s needs ◦ Assessing whether our EN will realize revenue from the Ticket assignment Know how to assign a Ticket to your Employment Network, an overview of the new IWP Have registration details for Ticket 301, Part V Ticket 301, Part IV Learning Objectives 3
Ticket holder Assessment Strategies ◦ Assessment Strategies Broad vs. Refined approach ◦ Review of SSDI & SSI disability benefits ◦ Assessment Desktop Guide review ◦ Assessment Case Studies Ticket Assignment ◦ Review of the New Individual Work Plan (IWP) ◦ Customized IWP ◦ How the Look-Back Policy works Ticket 301 Part V Registration Logistics ◦ Billing & Tracking, Additional EN Resources 4 Ticket 301, Part IV Agenda 4
Partnership Plus Ticket Assessment Strategies 5
The Two Schools of Thought… Assign all Ticket Holders who are interested in working with you and hope some will yield a payment for the EN Assign only those Ticket Holders who you feel can benefit from EN services, and who you think will yield a payment under the TtW Program 6
In this process, an EN simply assigns as many Ticket holders as possible, or that have interest in working with the EN Advantages: ◦ No need to assess whether the Ticket holder will yield any results to the EN ◦ Requires less time up-front in assessing each Ticket holder ◦ Staff simply need to know what services are provided by the EN, & how to assign the Ticket Disadvantages: ◦ Many of the Ticket holders assigned will never yield any revenue to the EN ◦ Much more paperwork involved in this process as many more IWP’s are developed ◦ Overall revenue produced is less, and placement rates will be lower, despite the increased number of staff hours required 7
In this process of assessment, each Ticket holder is reviewed based on the following: ◦ Services Needed : Do they fit our EN Business Model? ◦ Employment Goals : Are they consistent with required Milestones and Outcomes? ◦ Benefits Evaluation : Is the Ticket holder ready to move forward with gainful employment? ◦ Skills / Education / Experience : Is this consistent with Ticket holder employment goals, and with the current workforce need? ◦ Projected Revenue : Will we produce revenue if we serve this Ticket holder as an EN? ◦ Other : Health status at intake and restrictions, apparent motivation to return to work? 8
Today we will focus on the more refined approach to serving Ticket holders through the TtW program This approach requires fewer staff hours overall, as you will serve fewer Ticket holders, however, you will yield higher results to your EN not only in the form of revenue, but in the percentage of successfully placed SSA beneficiaries who are gainfully employed Before breaking down the Assessment process, we need to review… 9
Ticket holders receive SSA disability benefits in the form of: ◦ Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), or ◦ Supplemental Security Income (SSI) The type of benefit a Ticket holder receives will determine the following to your EN: ◦ The amount of EN payments you are eligible for ◦ The length of time you will potentially serve your Ticket holder 10
Trial Work Period (TWP) 9 Months available (not consecutive) Allows an opportunity to earn any amount of income without losing cash benefits or insurance TWP months count when earnings exceed $720/month for 2011 Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE) 36 month period (continuous) Earnings under SGA = maintain cash benefits Earnings over SGA = potential loss of cash benefits (Work Incentives should be considered) Insurance is maintained regardless of cash benefits status SGA = $1,000/month (non-blind), or $1,640/month (blind) for 2011 Aligns with Phase 1 Payments Aligns with Phase 2 and Outcome payments 11
SSI payments are based on the Federal Benefit Rate (FBR), which is based on family composition SSI payments are gradually reduced as earnings increase Work Incentives reduce the amount of wages SSA looks at in determining SSI payments when individuals return to work, making it financially beneficial SGA level earnings (the $1000 earnings ceiling) does not apply to SSI – individuals should earn to their potential until they near their State’s Threshold amount, and beyond, if their goal is to be completely removed from benefits. See link to SSA threshold list: Next, we’ll review a basic SSI calculation showing SSI Work Incentives 12
NOTE: FBR = $ (this is a single person living alone rate for 2011, using the federal benefit rate of $674 ONLY) STEP 1: (calculate countable earnings) Earned income =$1200 Apply G.I.E. - $20 $1180 Apply E.I.E. - $65 $1115 Apply 2 for 1 rule / 2 Total countable income = $ STEP 2: (adjust SSI based on FBR) FBR =$674 Subtract T.C.I.$ $ (New SSI) Adjusted SSI =$ Plus earnings =$1200 $1, Note: G.I.E. = General Income Exclusion E.I.E. = Earned Income Exclusion FBR = Federal Benefit Rate 13
When customers register for services at One-Stop Career Centers, all staff should be able to identify, at a minimum, who is Ticket eligible, as follows: ◦ Customer is between the ages of 18 and not yet 65 ◦ Customer is a current recipient of either SSI, or SSDI federal cash benefits Further assessment will be required to determine if the Ticket is available for assignment, and whether assigning this Ticket holder will be beneficial for both the Ticket holder and EN 15
Ticket Holder Information: ◦ 40 something ◦ At time of intake, receiving: SSI, Food Stamps, Section 8 housing choice voucher assistance ◦ High School Diploma ◦ Mild Cerebral Palsy, Seizure Disorder, physical restrictions ◦ Former work in nursing homes ◦ Wants to work as Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) ◦ Interested in assigning Ticket for assistance ◦ Has not worked in the last 2 years 17
Case Study 1: Additional Information you should consider Benefits advisement regarding SSI, FS, and Section 8 Voucher? ◦ Determined that SSI reduction, based on projected work is acceptable to Ticket holder ◦ Food Stamp reduction is also acceptable ◦ Section 8 – Will employ Earned Income Disallowance for 2 years Specific work restrictions? ◦ Has lifting restriction of no more than 50 lbs. CNA certification status? ◦ Certification is up-to-date Work availability in area of interest? ◦ Work is available in area of interest Whether interested in F/T or P/T work? ◦ Interested in Full-time work, projected wage of $10/hour How motivated is this person to return to work? ◦ Ticket holder presents as very interested in returning to work Is Ticket available for assignment? ◦ Yes, no history with State VR 18
Based on a similar case, these were the results achieved by one Ticket holder: ◦ Ticket was assigned ◦ Achieved Milestones 1-3 ◦ Achieved 29 Outcome payments ◦ Currently out of work, and receiving additional job placement supports ◦ Greatest accomplishment: Ticket Holder reported achieving a sense of self-worth again 20
Ticket holder information: ◦ 50 something ◦ At time of intake, receiving: SSDI, Medicare ◦ Associates in Applied Science Degree, Electrical Technician ◦ Physical restrictions ◦ Former assembly and machinist work ◦ Interested in entry level job in electronics repair and diagnostics 21
Case Study 2: Additional Information you should consider Benefits Advisement regarding SSDI benefits? ◦ Benefits equated to approximately $1,400/month, no dependents, willing to lose benefits for right employment, in this case, advised to make approximately $2,400 / month or more to replace benefits Additional insurance needs? ◦ Prescription drugs needed, in this case, Ticket holder will be eligible for Medicaid Buy-In program if working Specific work restrictions? ◦ Unable to perform same task repetitively without breaks Work availability in area of interest? ◦ Work is available in area of interest, although limited in geographic region Whether interested in F/T or P/T work? ◦ Ticket holder wants full-time work How motivated is this person to return to work? ◦ Very interested in returning to gainful employment 22
Based on a similar case, these were the results achieved by one Ticket holder: ◦ Ticket was assigned ◦ Achieved Milestones 1-4 ◦ Achieved all possible Outcome payments (60), our 2 nd 60 th Outcome result ◦ Ticket Holder achieved financial self-sufficiency ◦ Continues to work 24
Resources to assist in Assessment O*Net Online: ◦ Compare current skills with required skills of various occupations Community Work Incentive Coordinators (CWIC) ◦ To determine impact of work on benefits in order to develop earnings goals, see Service Provider Directory: Other DOL sponsored Online resources such as Job Zone (NYS): 2Fjobseeker%2Fportfolio%2Findex.jsp 2Fjobseeker%2Fportfolio%2Findex.jsp 25
Assigning a Ticket Ticket Assignment 26
Completing the Individual Work Plan (IWP) Maximus has a NEW IWP template, with the most recent requirements, that you can use, or you can create your own IWP if you prefer Maximus The IWP includes Ticket Holder demographics, statements required by Maximus, and the type of work and services you will be assisting the Ticket Holder with The Maximus IWP template can be found here:
ENs have the option to customize the IWP to meet their own needs Must contain all required components You may add information beyond the required components, for example: ◦ Additional services ◦ Additional tracking information (i.e. job classification, distance willing to travel to job) The next two slides show an example of a modified, and approved, IWP 29
Look Back Policy The look back applies to recent work history a Ticket holder has had in the last 18 months This rule effects the possible Phase 1 Milestones an EN may be eligible for This is a requirement to be included in all IWP’s dated after May 1 st, 2009 For Ticket’s assigned prior to the signing of the current Ticket rules (7/21/08), the Look Back Policy does NOT apply 32
How it works: ◦ If Ticket holder has worked at TWP level earnings in the month prior to Ticket assignment, Phase 1 Milestone 1 is not available to the EN ◦ If Ticket holder has worked at TWP level earnings in 3 out of the last 6 months prior to Ticket assignment, Phase 1 Milestone 2 is not available to the EN ◦ If Ticket holder has worked at TWP level earnings in 6 out of the last 12 months prior to Ticket assignment, Phase 1 Milestone 3 is not available to the EN ◦ If Ticket holder has worked at TWP level earnings in 9 out of the last 18 months prior to Ticket assignment, Phase 1 Milestone 4 is not available to the EN 33
Effective June, 2009, IWP’s must continue to have Look Back tool attached, however, MAXIMUS will assign Ticket with only 6 months of prior work based on difficulties some EN’s have had in obtaining 18 month prior earnings information It is still a best practice for EN’s to look back 18 months as Phase 1, Milestone 4 payments will be available based on the last 18 months of work activity 34
Blank 18-Month Prior Earnings Look-Back Worksheet 35
Look Back Policy – Example 1 Work Activity TWP level earnings in month prior to Ticket assignment? TWP level earnings in 3 out of last 6 months prior to Ticket assignment? TWP level earnings in 6 out of last 12 months prior to Ticket assignment? TWP level earnings in 9 out of last 18 months prior to Ticket assignment? Available Milestone Payments No, therefore Milestone 1 is available Yes, therefore Milestone 2 is NOT available No, therefore Milestone 3 is available No, therefore Milestone 4 is available Ticket holder assigned Ticket June 15, 2009, and has prior work activity as follows: January – March, 2009 earnings of $900 each month 36
Example 1 37
Look Back Policy – Example 2 Work ActivityTWP level earnings in month prior to Ticket assignment? TWP level earnings in 3 out of last 6 months prior to Ticket assignment? TWP level earnings in 6 out of last 12 months prior to Ticket assignment? TWP level earnings in 9 out of last 18 months prior to Ticket assignment? Available Milestone Payments Yes, therefore Milestone 1 is NOT available No, therefore Milestone 2 is available No, therefore Milestone 3 is available No, therefore Milestone 4 is available Ticket holder assigns Ticket to EN on March 24, The began working in February, 2009 and earned $800 that month. They had no prior work before February, In March, 2009 they earned $850 and in April, 2009 earned $875. NOTE: Phase 1 Milestone 2 could be earned May, 2009 assuming TWP level earnings. Additional NOTE: A payment CAN be earned by an EN for the month of Ticket assignment, unless the Ticket assignment date is the last day of the month 38
Example 2 39
Along with the IWP, you will need to complete the 18 Month Prior Earnings Worksheet Identify with your Ticket holder their work activity within the last 18-months based on Ticket holder feedback. Completing and submitting the Prior Earnings Worksheet will be a required form to complete Ticket assignment when there are earnings above TWP levels FAX or mail completed and signed IWP and completed Prior Earnings Worksheet to MAXIMUS, and begin working with your Ticket holder. 40
This is the final training in the Ticket 301 series, and will cover Ticket billing options and how to track and organize Ticket holder information. It will also cover important resources that will assist you in operating your Employment Network, including an introduction to the Employment Network Technical Assistance and Support Center (TASC) housed at MAXIMUS, The Ticket Operations Support Manager, and its Account Managers. Registration Note that all NDI hosted webinars are based on Eastern Time (ET). Thursday, June 16 th (3:00pm – 4:30pm EST) Registration: In order to register go to:
Kevin Nickerson Program Associate NDI Technical Assistance Team For Ticket to Work Technical Assistance needs, please questions, or requests to schedule a call. requests will be reviewed through out the week 43 Contact Information