Travel Policy, Procedure & Practice Updates and Audit Issues 2006 – 2007
Changes Affecting Travel No Appendix D (Travel) in Contract Lab to adhere to FAR and FTR Relocation policy will remain as before CI Travel will stop issuing Passenger Receipts after April 27, 2007 Travel approval lies with Division/Dept Conference approvals thru TS Trip Report on foreign travel must be filed by each traveler.
FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION (FAR) Subchapter E, –Subpart 31, Contract Cost Principles & Procedures bpart%2031_2.html#wp Referred to when FTR is not enough
Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) channelPage=%252Fep%252Fchannel%252FgsaOverview.jsp&cha nnelId= Chapter 301, Temporary Duty (TDY) Chapter 302, Relocation – Lab will use JLab policy as described in Admin Manual. Chapter 303, Not applicable to JLab Chapter 304, Payments from non-Federal sources – Complete process to be defined in FY08.
FTR Payments from Non- Federal Sources Invoice to be sent from JLab –Letter of Commitment (what will be paid) Payment received by traveler via check –Copy of check submitted to TS with ER or refund payment from traveler Payment to traveler in cash –Copy of voucher/travel expense report showing amount paid, submitted to TS with ER or refund payment from traveler.
JLab’s Administrative Manual Section 402 – Travel – – General – – Procedures – – Arrangements & Reimburseable Expenses – – Relocation – Travel Card Policy – Expenses for Invited Guests and Consultants
Admin Manual – (A-4) TA Required? (Local/no cost) Is a TA required for local travel (within 50 miles of the Lab)? –NO, if travel will be less than 50 miles and under 12-hours in duration with no reimbursable out-of-pocket expenses that exceed $100, a TA is not required. Is a TA required for travel beyond 50 miles when there will be no cost to the Lab? –YES, a TA is required for travel that is beyond 50 miles. Why is a TA required if there is no cost to the Lab? –From a legal aspect, should the employee be involved in an accident we have documented evidence they were on Lab business at the time of the accident. It also documents the employees whereabouts should there ever be a timesheet inquiry.
Admin Manual Foreign Travel Foreign travel must be approved and a country clearance must be requested and granted before a JLab traveler can begin official foreign travel. Traveler will receive an notification that final approval has been received and country clearance has been granted from the Travel Services office as soon as it is received from Office of Science. (B.7)
Admin Manual Section Original Receipts – required for single charge of $75.00 or more.(A-2d) Airport Parking – [clarified] as long as the parking is not valet or short-term it is reimbursable. Traveler may be reimbursed for garage, covered parking, Long-term or economy parking. Lots that require a shuttle to reach the terminal is not necessary. (no change in written policy, will be clarified with auditors and coordinators.) (B-2.a3)
Admin Manual (A.6) Original Receipt Required for single expense of $75 or more. In lieu of original receipt, –Credit Card statement with charge itemized, –Credit card receipt with name of Vendor, –Canceled check, –Written confirmation of charge on letterhead from vendor. (direct bill inv. to Lab is acceptable), or –Missing Original Receipt Form with explanation, signed by traveler (will require Accounting Manager approval for payment)
Admin Manual Airline ticket reimbursement – for coach class tickets only. (B-3) Rental Cars – A term applied to a car with particular features and seating capacity. Rental car company class definitions may vary, (Example: Enterprise Rental Car refers to this class of car as Standard while National Rental Car refers to it as Intermediate. (added to definitions). (B-5, see also Definitions) Laundry – can be claimed when travel exceeds 4 business days. (E-4)
Documents from CI Travel Passenger Receipts - no longer issued after April 27, When filing ER use – ed copy of final priced itinerary
TA back-up for Conferences What back-up is needed when a TA is submitted to attend a conference or training? –Website home page showing location –Registration page describing available lodging and fees –Accomodation page, if separate from reg. page –Agenda or Program describing banquets and other activities included in registration fee.
Conference Requirements Conference box –If purpose of travel is to attend a DOE or NON-DOE meeting, symposium, collequia, or conference, either foreign or domestic, this box must be checked, DOE Not-Trng NON-DOE Not-Trng –If conference is not on drop down, notify Carol or Jenita and Name of traveler(s) Conference Name Dates of Conference Location of Conference Website where focus/objective can be obtained, or Focus/objective statement
Employee ER Audit Issues Expense Reporting –Add CI Travel Svc. Chg. ($33 or $22) to airfare. –Include copy of printed itinerary instead of passenger receipt. –Attach (completely filled out) Actual Lodging form to T/A or ER, if necessary (with copy of website registration section w/lodging choices identified.) –Verify signature authority through ACM.
Request for Foreign Travel Review Issues Foreign Travel –NEVER use Social Security number on FTR, use FTMS ID# or leave blank. –Be sure FTR is complete Benefit to Government Technical Justification After hours location and phone number –New signature page (stmt for traveler) –Letter of Commitment to pay for NON-DOE & foreign funded trips
MORE Employee ER Audit Issues Expense Reporting (continued) –Training fees must have JRT form with back up as described on form. –Reg. fee payment request must have same back up as JRT. –Third party payment requests require: Letter of commitment to pay expenses Where to mail invoice POC with phone # (if in US) and address
Foreign Travel ER Audit Issues Foreign Travel Expense Reporting –Meal deductions are Breakfast = 15%, Lunch = 25%, and Dinner = 40% –Currency Conversions Attach conversion rate sheet or Write conversion rate on ER & provide varification –Credit Card statement w/rate used to convert –Exchange ticket from bank exchange
Visitor Eligible for Reimbursement? Will a foreign visitor be paid travel expenses if they have not checked in with the JLab Visa/Immigration Office? –NO, Clearance from JLab Visa/Immigration Ofc required to release a cash advance check or pay any expenses for a visitor.
Visitor Expense Reporting What is needed when filing an expense report for a visitor? –Cost comparison when visitor purchases airfare. –Clearance from JLab Visa/Immigration Ofc.for foreign visitor here on a visa. –W-8/W-9 required to request reimbursement Ask TS to verify if uncertain one is on file. Are there any special account codes associated with a visitor? –Travel expense costs charged to (non-employee) –Charge Visa/passport costs to
Visitor -Personal Use of Rental Car When a Visitor wants to use a rental car for personal use before, during or after the time they are visiting the Lab, can we pay for the rental and get them to reimburse the Lab for the personal usage? –NO, If a visitor is to use a rental car for personal use the rental must be paid for by them and it will be reimbursed by JLab. –Discretionary funds can be obligated to cover the cost ( or memo from authorizer to accompany TA)
Visitor lodging – Apt. vs. Hotel What back-up is needed when a visitor is staying in an apartment rather than a hotel? –Copy of executable lease with rent amount and term of lease. –If sub-let, signed letter from complex on letterhead stating name of person living in apt and rent amount. –Letter from leasee stating visitor is living there and paying $xxx in rent per month. –Copy of rent receipt showing date and amount paid.