U NITED N ATIONS C ENTRE F OR T RADE F ACILITATION A ND E LECTRONIC B USINESS United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UN/CEFACT Information Technology for Adoption and Intelligent Design For e-Government (ITAIDE)
UN/CEFACT Slide 2 One of the major challenges for European governments is solving the paradox of increasing security in relation to international trade, while at the same time reducing the administrative overhead carried by commercial as well as public administration organisations involved in the business of trade. Quoted in the proposal of ITAIDE, 2005 “There is insufficient synchronisation between legislation, business process redesign and IT developments. The lack of a single European identification mechanism and harmonisation of concepts uniform and structured information exchange about and/or for traders between Member States hinders Member States to make progress in redefining and/or redesigning their business and IT processes.” Quoted in the study “Benchmarking Customs IT Architecture”, 2005 Trends and Issues in Global Trade
UN/CEFACT Slide 3 About ITAIDE EU Research project under the 6th Framework Programme The overall Goals of ITAIDE include the –Creating partnerships between European Governments and Businesses –Greater transparency of business data for improved security –Increased Pan-European interoperability between customs and taxation offices –Support integration of new member countries in enlarged Europe Sixteen Consortium members: Research Institutes, Government Agencies and Technology Providers “Living Labs” to test standards and processes Total Budget 22 Mio Euros
UN/CEFACT Slide 4 Customs Procedures Tax Procedures Industry Specific Regulations EU Regulations Companies Specific Processes Non-EU Regulations ERP and local applications Standardization initiatives Enterprise Service Oriented Architectures Data, Messages and Forms relevant to Customs Business Process Modelling Techniques Language independent, semantics free Cultural Differences People and Organizational Skills ITAIDE is focusing on facilitating collaboration at many levels
UN/CEFACT Slide 5 UN/CEFACT supports ITAIDE WP1 WP1 Goal: provide the common set of interoperable messages and process specifications to be tested in the ITAIDE Living Labs UNECE & UN/CEFACT contribution: –Standards: UNeDocs, CCTS, CCL, UMM, … –Four Annual State of eDocument Technology Reports –Project Steering Support UN/CEFACT and ITAIDE
UN/CEFACT Slide 6 The ITAIDE approach provides direct linkages between Standardization related Workpackages (WP1, WP2) and Content related Living Labs WP7 Programme Management WP6Inter Organisation Innovation Excellence (Dissemination) WP5.3Food Living Laboratory WP5.2Paper Living Laboratory WP5.4Drug Living Laboratory WP2 Application Interoperability Validation WP3 Design Methodology for Control Procedures WP4 Networked Organisation Innovation WP1 Business Process and Business Information Exchange WP5.1Beer Living Laboratory ITAIDE Structure
UN/CEFACT Slide 7 Definition of modeling methodologies Standardized modeling Harmonization of extensions Provided via repository Use of standardized processes for their requirements Extension of processes and data according to member requirements Harmonization, Standardization and Providing Modification, Adaption and Provision to Members Download of Standardized Process Models and Data Structures Upload of Extended Process Models and Data Structures Industry Initiative … Strategic Modelling of Standardized Business- Processes and Information Why UN/CEFACT?
UN/CEFACT Slide 8 Win Win Situation ITAIDE Feedback of experience with recommendations and best practices for TF Harmonization of cross- industry business processes based on the example of Beer, Paper, Drug, and Food Living Lab Specification and Documentation of business requirements Cross-industry and academics networking UN/CEFACT Repository is applicable to any company size, industry and country CC Based Data Models for Trade, Transport and Customs domain UNeDocs, CBRDM & Core Component Library Legal implications for Single Window concept Contacts to standardization experts