Select the CitiDirect Global Card Management System (GCMS)


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Presentation transcript:

Select the CitiDirect Global Card Management System (GCMS)

764tamutxxxx (LAST 4 OF YOUR CARD #) 16 digit card number Password Requirements Must be at least eight characters in length with a minimum of two numeric characters Cannot be the same as your user ID Cannot be used more than once Cannot contain spaces Should be random numbers and letters, for example: 57hBike23 “First Log In”


Enter dates here

This lock will not appear until after you have reviewed. Once you click review, the transaction is locked. Click here to allocate the transaction




Cost Reduction – Time and Money Saved Shortened Buying Cycle BENEFITS  Tool for Efficient Purchasing  Quicker Payment for Vendors  Electronic Coding of Transactions  Reduction in Purchase Orders & Requisitions  Single Payment to the bank

 Customer Service for Cardholders 24x7 – Account Status Authorization Inquiry/Authorization Decline Account Closures ATM/Pin Inquiry Balance Inquiry Password Resets  Procurement Card Administrator – Cynthia Henderson  Procurement Card Coordinator – Vivian Holmes  address :

The billing period has been pre-defined by the State of Texas, and will end on the 3rd of each month. If the 3rd falls on a weekend or holiday, those transactions may appear on the next billing cycle. PLEASE NOTE: Transactions do not post on weekends or holidays. Therefore, if the 3rd falls on a weekend or holiday, the last posting date for that cycle will be on the previous Friday (i.e. 1 st of the month). Begin reconciliation on the 2 nd business day after the end of the billing cycle. Provide Expense report and original receipts to P-Card Coordinator no later than the 10 th of each month. Passwords expire every 90 days. You will receive a notice 30 days before regarding the upcoming expiration. If you get a password reset, you only have 24 hours to use that new password and then it will expire.

Determine if the transaction is an acceptable use of the card, and if it is within the cardholder's delegated spending limit (usually less than $3,000, but can be set lower by the department). Determine if a HUB vendor can be used by visiting the CMBLCMBL (State of Texas website that allows searching by name, commodity code or city) Identify the vendor If vendor has a State of Texas or TAMU Contract, verify that we receive contracted pricing. Do not allow the vendor to split the purchase to remain in the delegated limit. To do so would be a violation of State of Texas, TAMU System and TAMU-T rules. If the purchase is over $500.00, verify that the vendor is not on hold with the State: Verify that the vendor is not on the Excluded Parties List System Present the card in person, by phone, by mail, or via the internet DO NOT ALLOW YOUR P-CARD TO BE USED BY ANYONE ELSE Obtain a detailed receipt showing what was purchased Verify the charges (and that no tax was charged). Provide vendor with a Tax Exempt form, if necessary Keep the receipts in a safe place until reconciliation takes place

All purchases made with the procurement card are exempt from sales tax Cardholders will be held responsible for refunding or reimbursing any sales taxes paid on the procurement card The only exception to this rule is for business meals (Must include 5 Ws) A business meal is defined as: “a meal consisting of both University and non-University employees with a specific University business function”

 The cardholder will be required to enter an expense description when allocating charges to an account on Citibank’s website. The description must give detailed information, such as what was purchased, quantity and charge (i.e. 1 bx blue $2.50). This information will help the auditor determine if the purchase was appropriate and will also be helpful if the log is audited by outside auditors.  For each purchase made with the procurement card, there must be supporting documentation, such as a receipt, included in the log. The supporting document must include a date, company name, description of the purchase, and amount of the purchase in order to constitute as a receipt. If no receipt is available, cardholders may fill out a Supplemental/Missing Document form to include as supporting documentation.

For gift card purchases, the cardholder must complete a Gift Card Purchase form to include in the procurement card log (expense report). The cardholder will need to state who the gift cards were distributed to, as well as the reason for purchasing the gift cards. Please note: Gift cards given to University employees may be classified as a form of compensation therefore Payroll must be notified of the award.

 For meal purchases, cardholders need to include a list of who ate the meal purchased. If the food was for a large event, an invitation or flyer for the event can serve as backup documentation instead of a list. The cardholder should also include the business purpose of the meal in the expense description. Remember, document: Who, What, When, Where, and Why!

Use correct object codes If purchase includes shipping/handling or freight/delivery If entered on separate line, MUST be coded to the same object code as item purchased If not creating a separate line, then charge must be listed in item description field. (2) Important URLs

When allocating, the cardholder must indicate if the goods and services purchased have been received If the goods were not received, the cardholder should leave this field blank and complete an exception form as backup documentation The cardholder must also notify Purchasing once the goods have been received

Present receipt to vendor for credit Receive a “credit” receipt and original receipt DO NOT accept cash refund

 Must Include: Order Date Delivery Date of Items Received Date of Transaction Vendor Name Complete itemized, detailed description Reason for Purchase

 May be coded to multiple object codes  All credits must be entered  Print the expense report for reconciliation at the end of the monthly period  Reconcile the monthly statement with the receipts and expense report.  Submit to Account Manager(s) for review and signature.  Cardholder - retain copy of expense report, receipts and packing lists for (3) years plus the current fiscal year.

 A split purchase is where a cardholder makes an order larger than their delegated limit, and runs the credit card 2 times in order to bypass the single purchase limit.  Splitting a purchase is a violation of the state’s purchasing guidelines and should not be practiced. (Always consider the 30- day window)  If you feel as if you may be making a split purchase, please contact Purchasing.

Upon receipt of procurement card logs (expense report), the P-card Coordinator will check the log for the following items:  The expense report is signed by Cardholder and Account Manager(s)  Report has correct billing cycle and is run by posting date  All original receipts and backup information is included  All goods were received, or exception forms are included  All transactions have a detailed description  Transactions were appropriate for University business  The vendor was appropriate? HUBs used if a vendor is available?  The cardholder used account numbers from their department  Object codes are suitable for the items purchased  Are items on restricted list?  No split purchases were made  No sales taxes were charged

 After logs have been audited, the procurement card coordinator will contact any cardholders who had problems with their expense reports via . The will go to the Cardholder and the Account Manager. The P-card Coordinator will give the cardholders instructions on how to correct the problems.  The cardholder will need to make any necessary corrections ASAP and return to P-card Coordinator.  If the issue is not corrected in a timely manner, the coordinator will contact the Cardholder and their Account Manager with instructions to correct the issue and a deadline before the cardholder’s credit card will be suspended.

The Program Administrator reserves the right to suspend credit card privileges to cardholders due to non-compliance with the procurement card procedures and guidelines.

Cards may be cancelled for the following reasons: Knowingly and purposely violating rules/procedures Personal use Knowingly falsifying information Consistently failing to allocate transactions and submitting signed expense reports If cardholder use is found not to be in the best interest of the University

Upon issuance the cardholder must sign an Acknowledgement of Receipt Cards are issued to individuals Only the person whose name is on the card may use that card Cardholder must sign for card purchases

Cardholders are responsible for adherence to the single ($3,000 per transaction) and monthly transaction limits depending on your card limit No limit to number of transactions per day or month Total amount of purchase (including shipping and handling, freight, etc.) must be considered

 Same As a Regular Credit Card  Single purchases limit $3,000. (departmental delegated limit)  Spending Limit per Billing Cycle $5,000. (Some department spending limits could be higher)  DO NOT PAY SALES TAX
