Group discussion AgMIP-Eastern Africa
What are your major challenges? o Limited availability of good quality data and inconsistency o Skill gaps o The dependence of one group on the outputs from other eg., economic models depending on crop models o Lack of information on climate impacts of livestock Priority outputs and outcomes? o Improved capacity leading to better adaptation strategies o Integrated assessment of climate change impacts on (maize and beans) leading to enhanced understanding informed policy Skills gaps & training needs? o Spatial aggregation techniques o Capacity to run models and interpret results o Methods to understand and characterize uncertainty Interactions with other stakeholders & partners-Whom? – To help deliver project outputs – To help deliver project outcomes? – What are the opportunities for synergies with other projects? – What is your communication strategy for stakeholders? o CCAFS – Data source, outputs and outcomes o ASARECA- Dissemination o Climate change national focal points – Ministry of environment/Agriculture o National bureau of statistics – data o Local NGOs – Verifying adaptation strategies and also dissemination o Disaster and relief agencies
Interactions with other stakeholders & partners-Whom? – What are the opportunities for synergies with other projects? o Yield gap, SIMLESA, CALESA, Rockefeller initiative – What is your communication strategy for stakeholders? o Publications, web sites, policy briefs How are you keeping your team engaged? o , blog, website, social media, meetings How are you engaging with Agmip resource persons? o Problem/demand based expert advise o Feed back (peer review) on reports o Regional and global meetings o Model developmental issues Questions for Agmip management? o What next? o Funds flow structure o Clarity on complementarity between regional SSA project and RRTs