1 EMBA-Global Asia 2012 Elective Portfolio & Selection Process
Electives 2 The elective portfolio provides a choice of courses that will allow you either to extend your range of knowledge and skills or give you added depth to your existing understanding of a particular subject There are varied elective portfolios available at LBS, CBS and HKU Electives come in a variety of formats at the three Schools
3 Curriculum Overview
4 Requirements You must complete a total of 8 electives. This is made up of 7 elective classes and 1 international assignment or seminar Standard course load is 4 courses per term. Students must request to take fewer or more courses. In spring 2011 (Term 3), students are permitted to take up to 2 block weeks in addition to the 4 core courses You also have the option of doing a Management Report (LBS) or Independent Study/Team Project (CBS), which counts as 1 elective course You must complete all of your electives by December 2011/Jan 2012
5 Course formats Block Week format March, April, September, December, January at LBS Throughout each term (summer and fall) at CBS May – December at HKU These courses are offered over a five day period, generally from with a lunch break. Though the class sessions are all held in one week, there will be pre- and post-work. Students may be asked to complete assessments during the teaching week or have deliverables due afterward. You may only take one of these classes at a time Friday/Saturday format (Modular) Every other Fri and Sat during the term at CBS (3 hour class sessions on a predetermined schedule) Every other Fri or Sat for ten weeks at LBS (for all day classes – you would come in 5 times over the term) Weekly/day: morning, afternoon or evening At LBS, these are offered over a ten week period. At CBS & HKU, they are full-time MBA courses. The times of these classes will vary between morning, afternoon and evening. You should only register for these classes if you are able to be in London, HK or New York every week. (* For HKU courses details timetable please reach out to HKU programme office)
6 Portfolio To view a list of electives available to you at all three Schools, please see the joint elective grid on the student site: (courses and electives → elective information) *Please note that these course offerings are tentative and are subject to change
7 Things to think about Formats – do you prefer learning in one week or spreading it out over time? Location – what suits you best? What time commitments do you have? Can you travel? What about the extra costs? Broad or focused portfolio - do you want to focus on one particular area in depth? Would you rather explore a topic that is completely outside your previous learning? Do you want to fill in an area of weakness? Do you want to take a class simply because it interests you? Schedule - which classes fit best with your work and personal commitments? How can you maximize your time? Work issues – when can you take time off work? Ask yourself the following: What do I want to do after EMBA-Global Asia? What skills/knowledge will I need for the next phase of my career? Which electives will enhance my personal marketability? Which courses/subject areas interest me most?
8 Research There are many sources of information available to you to research your elective choices: Evaluations – data for past CBS, HKU and LBS elective courses is available on the student site under Courses & Electives > Elective Information Syllabus library/course outlines and descriptions – available on the student site under Courses & Electives > Elective Information Faculty profiles and research interests – available on the homepage of the student site under Quick Links > Directories & Databases Past students & alumni – we can connect you with students who have taken particular classes Programme Team – we’re here to help and answer any questions you may have Careers Services – if you want to think about entering particular fields or making yourself marketable in a particular area, please speak to any career services team
9 Sign up: London You will sign up for your LBS electives via Portal (4 Oct - 1 Nov) 1)Do your research 2)Log on to Portal 3)Create your shortlist 4)Prioritise your selection 5)Submit your choices 6)Once allocations are released, you can make changes during the add/drop period Detailed instructions and a step by step guide of the sign up process are available in the LBS & HKU Selection Process document which is posted on the student site under Courses & Electives > Elective Information > Elective Manuals
Sign up: HKU Choose courses through course directory on LBS Portal Opens 8 November 10
Key Dates Important dates: 4 October 2010 Elective sign up opens for spring and summer 2010 LBS courses 1 November 2010 Elective sign up closes for LBS courses (5pm UK time) 8 November 2010 LBS elective allocations released 8 November 2010 Add & Drop Opens for LBS. HKU courses open 17 January 2011LBS: Add & Drop closes for E447 SPR10 Service Management Field Trip only 28 February 2011LBS: Add & Drop closes for Easter blocks (wks 11-15) 28 March 2011LBS: Add & Drop closes for SUM courses running during the ten week term ***Add & drop deadlines for HKU courses are TBC *** Once the add/drop has passed you cannot change your mind. Only requests to drop from individuals with extenuating circumstances will be considered by the Programme & Academic Committee of individual schools 11
Timeline LBS spring and summer 2010 elective selection Oct 4-Nov 1, 2010 London Intl Assignment selection Oct 4-22, 2010 CBS International Seminar selection Oct 13-27, 2010 LBS allocations released/add & drop opens for LBS & HKU courses Nov 8, 2010 CBS International Seminar add/drop begins November 2010 London add/drop closes for spring 2011 block weeks Feb 28, 2011 CBS summer 2010 elective selection begins Mid-March 2011 LBS add/drop closes for summer 2011 electives March 28, 2011 CBS add/drop closes for summer 2010 electives Mid-May 2011 CBS fall 2010 elective selection late June 2011 London autumn 2011 elective selection June 2011 London add/drop closes for September 2011 block weeks late August 2011 London add/drop closes for autumn 2011 electives late August 2011 London add/drop closes for December 2011 block weeks November 2011 CBS add/drop closes for fall 2011 electives Mid-September 2011 ***Add/drop deadlines for HKU classes throughout the year - TBC 12
LBS International Assignments and CBS International Seminars LBS International Assignment selection will run 4-22 October 2010 Selection through sign up form CBS International Seminar selection will run October 2010 Sign up through ISSS Detailed information will be posted on the student site and ed out in due course 13
Don’t forget…… You can not sign up for autumn 2011 LBS courses yet. Sign up for these will not open until May/June 2011 You can not sign up for International Assignments/Seminars through Portal; this will be through a separate sign up process – more information to be sent out in due course Information on the CBS elective selection process will be distributed in January If you have any questions regarding the elective process please contact the Programme Team 14
15 EMBA-Global Asia 2012 HKU Electives
16 HKU EMBA electives courses offered in May to Dec 2011 (block week) – Business Networking – Managing Social Networks for Business Success – China in the Global Economy – Creativity and Business Innovation – Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility – Entrepreneurship: 10 Things before you start – Turn Around Management in China Companies – Multinational Strategy in China – The Chinese Economy and Financial System – Asian Business and Economics – Deal Making in Asia Pacific – Risk Management
HKU Electives 17 HKU MBA electives courses offered in summer 2011 (weekday evening /weekend modules) – China Marketing – International Business – China Business Environment – Global Business Environment – Management Control Systems – Branding and Communications HKU MFin/MEcon electives courses offered in summer 2011 (weekday evening) – Behaviour Finance – International Trade and Finance
HKU Electives 18 Business Networking – Prof. Gilbert Wong Turn Around Management in Chinese Companies – Prof. Marcus Schuetz
19 Q & A