Does our earth need saving?
What are the three types of natural resources? Renewable: Earth’s resources that grows again or comes back after being used. Examples: water, trees, vegetation, animals. Nonrenewable: Resources that once used, are gone forever! Examples: fossil fuels, coal. Inexhaustible: Resources that are always there. Example: the sun, air.
How can we conserve these resources? Recycle Reuse Reduce The Three “R”s.
Why do we need to conserve? This unit we will learn the different types of resources our planet provides for us. They are called Natural Resources. We will make a brochure, power point or newsletter explaining the different ways we can conserve these wonderful resources our earth has given to us!
What is recycling? Can we recycle everything? Recycle means to take something used and make into something new and different. We can recycle used paper, aluminum, newspaper, plastic jugs. We cannot recycle styrofoam, plastic water bottles, batteries, paint and some types of glass.
Reuse Reuse means to take something old and used and use it for a different purpose. You can reuse a water bottle by planting a seed in it. You can reuse an old towel for a dusting rag. You can reuse clothes by giving them to someone who needs them.
Reduce Reduce means to use less of something. You can reduce the amount of water you use by… taking shorter showers. turning off the water when brushing teeth. watering the yard less.
Research! Using the internet at home and in your class, create a newsletter, brochure, or power point to explain why it is important to take care of our natural resources. Describe the three different types of resources. Give examples of the three different types of resources. Give examples of the ways to conserve our natural resources (Remember the three “R”s).
Persuade Use your project to persuade or convince others who read it that our earth’s resources are important, why they are important and how to protect them.
Different perspective In your project, pretend you are planet Earth. What would the earth say to the people living here if she could speak? Would she be angry? Would she be sad? Make your project based on what the earth would want.