Interdisciplinary Writing Unit Brandi Dunn READ 7140: Summer 2007
Introduction to Unit Grade level: 2nd Mode of writing: Narrative Content area integration: Social Studies
Georgia Writing Test 3rd Grade Consists of teacher evaluation of student writing using an analytic scoring system. The Instructional Guide contains: a scoring rubric types of writing required by the GPS (narrative, informational, persuasive and response to literature) good practices for the instruction of writing sample student papers ways to evaluate student writing
Georgia Writing Test Types of Writing Narrative Relating Personal Experience- describe an event in their own experiences should elicit a story with a plot and characters rather than a list Creating an Imaginative Story- direct students to produce stories that are grounded in imagination or fantasy
Types of Writing, cont. Informational –relate to all content areas specified in the Grade 3 GPS –type of non-fiction writing whose purpose is to inform or explain a topic to a reader –students should incorporate information from resources (books, on-line sources, etc.)
Types of Writing, cont. Persuasive –should direct students to take a position on an issue or topic that they are familiar with –may occur after the class has researched the issue or read related texts –may be part of a lesson on the issue in a particular content area
Types of Writing, cont. Response to Literature –form and support a position in response to a text students have read –should be linked to a specific piece of literature –retelling of an entire story are not appropriate responses to literature
Georgia Writing Test, cont. Teachers should collect and maintain samples of students’ writing throughout the school year. Analytic scoring is used for grade three. Assessed analytically in four domains: –Ideas –Organization –Style –Conventions.
Georgia Writing Test, cont. Timeline –no “correct” order for teaching the writing genres in a school year –The writing process should be taught throughout the third grade year, regardless of the order in which the genres are taught. –steps of the writing process: Prewriting Drafting Revision Editing publishing
Georgia Writing Test, cont. Scoring Procedures and Types of Scores –assemble multiple samples of writing that have been collected from a variety of classroom writing activities –one representative writing sample for each of the four types of writing should be collected
Georgia Writing Test, cont. –scoring rubrics-same latitude and the same rigor to all four types. –three performance levels represented: Does Not Meet Meets Exceeds
Georgia Writing Test, cont. Reporting –Individual student reports--one copy to be given to parent(s)/guardian(s) and one copy to be retained in the student's permanent record –Teacher completed summary report for the class report should be sent to the DOE-designated test scoring and reporting contractor scoring rubrics and writing samples may be retained and forwarded to the grade four teachers
Pre-Assessment Prompt Directions: The teacher will write the following prompts on the marker board. The teacher will then read each prompt to the students and have students to choose one prompt to write a narrative about. Remind students to have a beginning, a middle, and an end in their writing. Pass out pencils and blank wide ruled paper to students. Allow students to have 30 minutes to complete the writing assignment.
Pre-Assessment Prompt, cont. Writing Prompts: –Describe your perfect vacation. –Write about what you would cook for an enemy. –Write about something that bothered you this week. –Write about your favorite toy and tell why it is your favorite toy.
Prewriting Stage Topic-Cherokee Indians English Language Arts GPS: ELA2W1 The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student d. Begins to create graphic features (charts, tables, graphs). h. Prewrites to generate ideas orally.
Prewriting Stage, cont. Content Area GPS: SS2H2 The student will describe the Georgia Creek and Cherokee cultures of the past in terms of tools, clothing, homes, ways of making a living, and accomplishments. a. Describe the regions in Georgia where the Creeks and Cherokees lived and how the people used their local resources.
Prewriting Stage The author completes the following: Chooses a topic Considers purpose, audience, and form Generates and organizes ideas for writing
Grouping for Prewriting Stage Whole group instruction: increase time on task save time in the classroom make sure all students understand the activity students will get the same information at the same time Reduces distractions
Grouping for Prewriting Stage, cont. Individual grouping: used for the assessment part of the completion of the students graphic organzer
Grouping, cont. Developmental: students will be able to hear everything that is being said Cultural- no students will need cultural grouping Linguistic-no students will need linguistic grouping
Instructional Procedures What is a narrative story? What do you do in the prewriting stage? Modeling –Show story map and explain Practice Activity –Complete story map with students using shared writing
Instructional Procedures, cont. Assessment Activity –Individually complete story map –Use scoring guide to check your work
Story Map Story Map about the Cherokee Indians Author_________Title___________ Characters with descriptions: Setting - Describe at least 2 elements. Place: Time of Day: Weather:
Story Map, cont. Author ___________ Date________ Plot –Event 1: –Event 2: –Event 3: –Event 4: –Event 5: –Event 6: Ending or Conclusion:
Checklist Name ___________________ Narrative Process Writing Checklist Prewriting ____ List and describe at least 2 characters. ____ Setting: Describe at least 2 elements of setting. ____ Events: Have at least 4 events and give details for each event. ____ Give the ending or conclusion.
Checklist, cont. Drafting ____ Use the ideas in your story map. ____ Skip lines while writing to leave space for corrections later. ____ Make sure you use sentences and paragraphs. ____ Begin with an introduction, using the characters, setting, and problem.
Checklist, cont. Draft the beginning of the story. ____ Draft each event adding details that may not have listed on the story map. ____ Draft the conclusion or ending of the story.
Checklist, cont. Revising ____ Reread your story. ____ Thinking of your readers, add details, change content and words, correct sequence of story, and delete content not related to the story. ____ Use proofreaders’ marks for: adding, deleting, rearranging content.
Checklist, cont. Add details or change the setting. ____ Add or change characters. Add details about the characters. ____ Add dialogue and/or monologue of the characters. ____ Add events and actions. Add details about the events and actions. ____ Change word use, adjectives. ____
Checklist, cont. Rearrange or changing sequence of events. ____ Revise beginning and ending of the story. ____ Delete sentences not related to the story.
Checklist, cont. Editing ____ ____ Complete sentences ____ ____ Subject and verb agreement in sentences ____ ____ Spelling ____ ____ Ending punctuation of sentences ____ ____ Commas in a series ____ ____ Capitalization
Checklist, cont. Publishing ____ Make all changes. ____ Use my best handwriting. ____ Use the correct format.
Scoring Guide
Accommodations and/or Modifications Mild visual impairment –seated in the front of the classroom –student’s materials enlarged
Accommodations and/or Modifications, cont. Mild learning disabilities –Work and receive help from a peer
Accommodations and/or Modifications, cont. Students who may not speak English as a first language will be paired with an English-speaking student. The student should be encouraged to use both his/her native language and English when speaking.
Drafting Stage The author completes the following: Writes a rough draft Creates leads to grab the readers’ attention Emphasizes content rather than mechanics
Instructional Procedures Modeling – show model of rough draft and explain Practice activity – complete a rough draft with students using interactive writing Assessment – students will complete a rough draft independently
Checklist Writing Checklist for Drafting Stage ___I have left a blank line between each written line. ___I have included information about my character. ___I have included information about the setting. ___I have included all four events. ___I have included information about all four events.
Checklist, cont. I have included an ending/conclusion to my story. ___All of my information is about the Cherokee Indians. ___I have written in complete sentences.
Scoring Guide
Revising Stage Add details Delete details Rearrange details Use proofreaders marks Don’t worry about grammer
Instructional Procedures Model- –read teacher draft aloud –Model how to use proofreaders marks –Students revise their draft independently
Instructional Procedures, cont. Practice activity –Students and teacher will revise their class draft using the revising techniques they learned in class.
Instructional Procedures, cont. Assessment activity –Students work with a partner –Read paper aloud to partner –Partner will offer suggestions –Each student will have a turn to be the reviser –Use check list to check your work
Checklist ___ I have added details ___ I have deleted unneeded information ___ I rearranged information ___ I used correct proofreading marks ___ I read my paper to my partner ___ I only marked on my paper ___ I got suggestions from my partner ___ I gave my partner compliments
Scoring Guide
Editing Stage Check for correct grammar –Punctuation –Capitalization –Sentence structure –Spelling Use proofreading marks
Instructional Procedures Modeling Activity –I will go through the editing procedure on my model paper Practice Activity –They will work in pairs –They will change partners to help student find mistakes in the class draft
Instructional Procedures, cont. Assessment Activity –In pairs look for the mistakes in each others papers –Make corrections any mistakes they see
Checklist ___ Appropriate punctuation marks ___periods ___commas in a series ___quotation marks ___exclamation marks ___question marks ___Correct capitalization ___at the beginning of sentences ___all proper nouns ___All misspelled words have been corrected
Scoring Guide
Publishing Stage Make final copy Neat handwriting Don’t skip lines Share finishing paper with audience
Instructional Procedures Modeling – show and explain final copy of the written piece Practice activity – students will complete the final copy with the teacher using interactive writing Assessment – students will complete their final draft
Checklist Writing Checklist for Publishing Stage ___I have written in the Zaner-Bloser form of handwriting. ___I have written the final copy with no spelling errors. ___I have written the final copy with all correct punctuation. ___I have written the final copy with all complete sentences. ___I have not skipped any lines while writing my final copy.
Scoring Guide