dm, created 6/2014 Handouts Document Completion Instructions for the iPlan/iProcedure Template iPlan /iProcedure Template Document
iPlan / iProcedure A Case for Change Provide users a simple job planning tool that can be updated as work progresses and completed ahead of time for improved work planning The iPlan replaces the former JEP. The iProcedure provides a process for contractors to submit quality procedures for review and use them in-lieu-of an iPlan. This process allows contractor supervision to create a job plan or procedure that identifies a job scope, tasks, execution of tasks, and safety concerns. In addition, the iPlan/iProcedure aligns with the TXO Reliability and Maintenance Procedure Use Policy (PUP) and applies to Dow employees per this policy iPlan iProcedure The iPlan and iProcedure Template was designed with the following elements in mind:
iPlan/iProcedure Training Instructions iPlan/iProcedure Review iPlan/iProcedure Template and Instructions Review this Training Presentation iPlan/iProcedure Review iPlan/iProcedure Policy Review the TXO Reliability and Maintenance Procedure Use Policy (PUP)
iPlan/iProcedure Requirements iPlan/iProcedure Requirements Nested Maintenance Contractors (contractors assigned to a facility) can use an approved Dow procedure in-lieu-of an iPlan. The following apply: − The contractor must be trained on and follow The TXO Reliability & Maintenance PUP. − If a Dow job procedure is not available for the task, then follow the Site Maintenance PUP for jobs without procedures OR an iPlan must be used prior to the start of work. NOTE: critical procedures exist and MUST be utilized. An iPlan is NOT acceptable to replace a critical procedure. Non-Nested Maintenance Contractors (those who are housed on-site but not within a specific business maintenance area, i.e., Managed Services and Maintenance Technical Service contractors) MUST: − Be trained on and follow The TXO Reliability & Maintenance PUP. − Use a company approved procedure per iPlan/iProcedure requirements. − Follow The TXO Reliability & Maintenance PUP for jobs without procedures OR create an iPlan prior to starting work. NOTE: Critical procedures exist and MUST be utilized. An iPlan is NOT acceptable to replace a critical procedure.
iPlan/iProcedure Requirements (continued) iPlan/iProcedure Requirements (continued) Turnaround Contractors − Will utilize the iPlan/iProcedure Template to identify tasks per each job. − May use a company approved procedure per the approval requirements within this policy. − Will create an iPlan if an approved Dow or contractor company procedure is not available for the task. − NOTE: Companies approved by Contractor Safety (MEC) and the Turnaround organization will determine the extent of use within the TXO Reliability & Maintenance PUP. Engineering Solutions − Will utilize the iPlan/iProcedure Template to identify tasks per each job. − May use a company approved procedure per the approval requirements within this policy. − Will create an iPlan if an approved Dow or contractor company procedure is not available for the task.
iProcedure Creation and Review Requirements iProcedure Creation and Review Requirements If the job is related to Maintenance or Turnaround Activity, the iProcedure form can be used and requirements below are to be followed: MEC Maintenance H&S Technician - Will coordinate all activities associated with contractor iProcedures developed for maintenance activities (their assigned maintenance area) AND contractor company procedures (their assigned contractor companies). MEC Turnaround Planning EH&S Technician - Will coordinate all activities associated with contractor iProcedures developed for specific Turnaround jobs. The MEC Maintenance H&S Technician and the Contractor Company Representative creating the procedure will also be involved in the pre-review process.
Step 1 - Contractor company submits the iProcedure(s) OR Contractor Company procedure(s) to their assigned Dow H&S Contact. Step 2 - The Dow H&S Contact reviews the iProcedure(s) OR Contractor Company procedures to ensure the procedure meets minimum requirements. The TA Planning H&S Tech must also review IF the procedure is specific to a Turnaround. Step 3 - IF the iProcedure(s) OR Contractor Company procedure meets minimum requirements, the Dow H&S Contact then submits the iProcedure(s) to MEC Leadership (or designee) for final review. Step 4 - If accepted, MEC Leadership communicates to the Dow H&S Contact who then documents the review in the iProcedure/Contractor Procedure Review Log. The Dow H&S Contact then communicates back to the Contractor Company Representative and TA Planning EH&S Tech if applicable. NOTE: Dow MEC will not retain contractor procedures; only a review log. iProcedure Creation and Review Requirements iProcedure Creation and Review Requirements
Step 5 - The TA Planning EH&S Tech sends reviewed iProcedure(s) to TA Coordinator/Planner for distribution into job packages. The TA Planning EH&S Tech will file an electronic copy of the procedure with Turnaround planning material for future reference. Step 6 - Just like the iPlan, contract companies are responsible for having the iProcedure(s) or company procedure at the job site prior to performing the work and must insure the document is adequate by reviewing the actual equipment and hazards associated with the iProcedure prior to employees starting work. This is to ensure no changes or modifications have been made to the original plan. Step 7 - iProcedures are for the initial job only and once archived for future reference, must be reviewed and updated IF there is scope change OR yearly at a minimum; following the above process.
iPlan Creation and Review Requirements iPlan Creation and Review Requirements Step 1 - The iPlan shall be completed by an experienced member of the crew (Foreman, Crew Leader or Senior Crew Member) and shall be reviewed and signed-off by ALL members of the crew prior to work starting. Step 2 – The iPlan can be handwritten (black or blue ink) OR typed any time prior to work beginning. ALL workers must initial the original document after appropriate discussion with the writer. Step 3 - The iPlan shall be kept on the job site and made readily available to the work crew, permit issuer or any individual performing safety observations. Step 4 - If a job scope change occurs at ANY TIME during the work activity, the work MUST STOP until the iPlan is updated to reflect the scope changes and communicated to the entire work crew (crew members must re-initial the document acknowledging understanding of the change).
iPlan Creation and Review Requirements iPlan Creation and Review Requirements Step 5 - New crew members shall review, understand and initial the iPlan prior to starting work and following job scope changes. Step 6 - The iPlan shall be retained for a period of seven days by the owner for reference in reviews. Step 7 - For mixed contractor company crews, the foreman assigned shall be responsible for the initiation and completion of the iPlan and shall insure that input is received from ALL crew members.
Completing the iPlan Completing the iPlan The cover page is self-explanatory. Type or write (in BLACK or BLUE ink) Demo and new piping/fabrication work. Remove old pipe adjacent to T-101; install new (cutting and rigging). First and last names... NO NICKNAMES PLEASE!!! √ √ √ Execution date (start date) Block/Unit/Facility of the job The contract company the document creator works for The document creator’s name (First and Last Name ) Foreman/Crew Leader of this job (First and Last Name ) Contractor Safety Contact of this crew Technical Approver (First and Last Name ) Health & Safety Approver (First and Last Name ) Completed by: (First and Last Name )
Completing the iPlan (continued) Completing the iPlan (continued) Document creator briefly discusses the team affirmations with all crew members and checks off the document. A good time to do this is when the crew are “initialing” their assigned steps or tasks. √√ √√ √ √ √ √
Completing the iPlan (continued) Completing the iPlan (continued) Open flanges on outlet of E-123 (exchanger 123) ¾ “ socket and impact Slicker suit, breathing air, ???????????? What can happen if I deviate from this plan??? Jane Doe John Smith JD JS iPlan The remainder of the iPlan is self-explanatory. Type or write (blue or black ink) identifying Task(s) for the job, Tools/Material(s), PPE (required by task), Consequences of Deviation, and List who is assigned this step(s). NOTE: Employees MUST read, understand, ask questions, discuss with foreman, and initial the document (EEs initial).
Observers may ask to see your iPlan or iProcedure from time to time. It is important : To have accurately completed the iPlan or iProcedure and communicated with crews all necessary information to complete work safely and in a timely manner. To STOP work if scope changes; update the plan or procedure, communicate to workers and have them re-initial the document prior to continuing on with the work. For ALL contractors to understand and be trained on this policy and the Site Maintenance Procedure Use Policy (PUP). Workers must ALWAYS complete a PTHA (iCard) whether using an iPlan or iProcedure. OBSERVER GUIDANCE
Q & A Q: How will contractors be trained on this change? A: MEC will train all Contractor Safety Contacts, Foreman, General Foreman and Superintendants on this new policy. In addition, it will be MOC’d to all parties involved and documents linked on the TOCAS website. Q: How will Dow employees be trained on this change? A: This policy will be MOC’d to all involved. (Operations, Maintenance, Turnaround Group and Engineering Solutions). The MOC will be communicated with an action item for H&S Techs to insure they review the training presentation with their maintenance workgroups. Q: Can we still use the old JEP form? A: No. As of 6/1/15), the former process (JEP) will be retired and no longer used.
Q: What are the primary differences between the iPlan and iProcedure? A: With the iPlan, STEPS are NOT required to be followed in sequential order. A: With the iProcedure STEPS ARE required to be followed in sequential order. A: The iPlan is likely the document of choice by Engineering Solutions for construction/project work due to the nature of the jobs and projects. A: WHEN a Dow procedure is not available for “Nested” contractors, the iPlan IS an acceptable alternative for use by Nested Contractors. See the Site Maintenance Procedure Use Policy (PUP) for additional guidance and information. A: The iProcedure can be used for repetitive type work where companies are doing the same type of work routinely, i.e., scaffold building, specialty Turnaround work, Managed Services Work and Maintenance Technical Services. Q & A (continued)
Q: How do I get the iPlan or iProcedure Template form? A: The form will be available on TOCAS and can be completed ahead of time (typed). You can also print blank copies for completing manually in the field. Q: How does the Site Maintenance Procedure Use Policy (PUP) affect me as a contract worker? A: It provides requirements for procedures, options, and exceptions. An iPlan or iProcedure is an option that aligns with the PUP. NOTE: Each contractor will be trained on the Site Maintenance Procedure Use Policy (PUP). Q: How long is an iPlan or iProcedure good for? A: If the work is repetitive, i.e., rebuilding a tank, cooling tower work, etc, an iPlan or iProcedure can be used for 4 consecutive days. Remember that if new workers join the crew, they must sign-on the document by initialing the step(s) they will be completing and have full understanding of the work by having discussions with those involved.
Q & A (continued)
iPlan The iPlan is... ALWAYS completed by an experienced member of the crew (Foreman, Crew Leader or Senior Crewmember) ALWAYS completed prior to work starting (can be handwritten or typed ahead of time to expedite the work process; blue or black ink) ALWAYS reviewed and initialed by ALL members of the crew prior to beginning the work (new workers added to crew must also acknowledge by initialing the document) ALWAYS updated and reviewed IF job scope changes (workers must re-acknowledge changes with their initials after discussion/understanding with the writer) ALWAYS kept on the job site ALWAYS made readily available to the work crew, permit issuer or any person performing safety observations ALWAYS reviewed with each NEW crew/crew member if used for multiple shifts/days ALWAYS updated/rewritten if an extended permitted job exceeds 4 days iPlan/iProcedure Requirements iPlan/iProcedure Requirements
Revision History The following information documents at least the last 3 changes to this document, with all the changes listed for the last 6 months. DateRevised By:Changes 03/25/2015G. RobertsCreated document.