NHS NW Healthcare science network Helen Liggett - NHS NW HCS workforce lead
Drivers for creating a NW HCS network Diversity of workforce – scientists across 48+ specialisms in NW To modernise workforce - education and training To ensure all services are patient focused To raise profile of hcs - source of expertise To ensure workforce planning for hcs was integrated with other staff groups To tackle recruitment and retention issues Introduce a stronger regulatory framework To widen access to CPD To open communication channels locally / regionally / nationally Develop leaders and champions
NW Model Chief executives in every Trust and PCT nominated a HCS representative Each representative created a local HCS network within their organisation - all grades of staff Each representative fed into SHA local issues SHA workforce lead fed into Chief Scientific Officer at DH Professional networks have representation HEI representation Non NHS links – STEMNET – HCS ambassador scheme Network flexible to reflect changing NHS
Network achievements Implementation of national drivers - Modernising scientific careers made easier by engagement through network – MSC OVERSIGHT BOARD Robust communication systems in place to all hcs specialisms - website Strongest hcs network in UK Strong links with DH as source of expertise Successfully increased funding for clinical scientist training Bespoke leadership training scheme and hcs leadership school now under development – entered team for HSJ leadership challenge Ring fenced CPD funding for HCS at 4 NW universities Share best practice and working multi-professionally Links to AHP network and Pharmacy network 3 divisional workforce groups to represent Life sciences / Physical sciences / Physiological sciences that give education commissioning advice Healthcare science ambassador scheme with STEMNET Links to strategic groups in NHS NW
Implementing Modernising Scientific Careers 3 NW divisional education commissioning and workforce groups to cover Life sciences / Physiological sciences / Physical sciences and Engineering (Local Action plans) Created NW MSC oversight board from regional hcs networks / feeds into MSC SHA lead and DH MSC team (NW Implementation strategy) Link to key strategic groups in NW HCS website to communicate Regular updates and events = transparency
Governance – Organisational Chart SHA NW MSC Oversight Board National MSC Team Department of Health Regional HCS Networks: Greater Manchester Pat Zukowskyj Cumbria & Lancashire John Lord Cheshire & Mersey Angela Douglas Divisional HCS Workforce Groups: Life Sciences Clinical Physiology Clinical Engineering & Physical Sciences Healthcare Science Service Providers Healthcare Science Academic Providers Strategic Operational - Regional Operational – Local North West
Creating your Healthcare Science network Lead scientist in each organisation to represent local multi- professional network – develop as leaders Regular meetings at first – virtual later Yearly network meeting Understand your hcs workforce / colleagues Communication strategy Opportunity to get voice heard locally, regionally and nationally Receive information from DH direct / and inform DH of local issues Introduce your network to key individuals locally / regionally / nationally Promote your services – HCS are amazing so tell everyone ! Make outside connections – STEMNET Healthcare Science week 2012 – GET INVOLVED! Make network structure future proof
Leadership Development Pilot in West Midlands Programme in NW 2009 / 25 senior hcs 8 days over 8 months with a service improvement project Programme to run again Spring 2012 for another cohort Developed HCS leadership school as part of the NW emerging clinical leaders network – annual programme of events Organisational Lead Scientists “Buddy Scheme” for STP trainees Link to NHS NW Leadership Academy CLN Real programme
Science and Society HCS week - NSEW Big Bang Fair STEMNET HCS Ambassadors scheme National Media Centre Extraordinary You project NHS Careers Classroom Medics – Science Council HCS project
The Future…. Network needs to be flexible and robust Motivated HCS to lead Structure will reflect new NHS structure Link to CCGs and raise profile of Scientific Services Regional Lead Scientists to raise profile and lead on Innovation Implementation Continue to network outside boundaries
Contact details NHS NW HEALTHCARE SCIENCE WEBSITE NHS NW Healthcare Science workforce lead