Business and International Organizations In Geneva A Review of Challenges and Opportunities By Katherine Hagen Council for Multilateral Business Diplomacy
Business and IOs in Geneva Changing perceptions of sustainable development CMBD services Three case studies – new issues, new actors, new coalitions Looking to the future
Traditional View of IO Policies Affecting Global Business Conventions and treaties Universality of standards Level playing field for fair competition Regulatory framework for reasonable competition Guidelines, codes and recommendations Evidence-based and state of the art Information clearing house Publicity and comparative assessments Indices and rankings
Changing Perceptions of Sustainable Development Integration of economic, social and environmental aspects of development Evolving role of the private sector Contributing to sustainable development Mainstreaming of corporate social responsibility Policy dynamics Impact of IO policies on global business Shift to global business interest in IO policies
The Role of the CMBD in Geneva Neutral forum for better understanding and networking Information flow on major trends, meetings and reports Targeted services on specific issues
Business Interest in International Policy and Governance Trade (WTO, UNCTAD, ITC) Intellectual property (WIPO, WTO, WHO) Health and social protection (WHO, ILO) Information and communications technology (ITU, Internet Governance Forum, Commission on Science and Technology for Development) Food security (FAO, WTO, WHO, ILO, Codex Alimentarius, Standing Committee on Nutrition) Emerging role of Human Rights Council
The Geneva International Scene 25 major international organizations More international conferences than United Nations HQ in New York Policy, research and capacity building Plethora of NGOs 150 diplomatic missions
Case Studies for PAC Seminar Food security – new issues Internet governance – new actors Health – new coalitions
Food Security A Pressing Global Challenge Poverty & the Millennium Development Goals 1 billion people suffering from hunger Growing demand for improving agricultural production and productivity 9 billion population by 2050 and 75% increase in food production Increasing food prices as well as volatility in food prices
Food Security A Pressing Global Challenge Rights-based approach Freedom from hunger Access to adequate food Access to safe, sufficient and nutritious food Access issues also involving Supply chains and markets Credit and financial services Secure land tenure Appropriate and affordable technologies
Food Security and Business: CMBD Highlights the Issues Sustainable development footprint Supply chain responsibilities Smallholder practicalities Global versus local markets Scaling up nutrition Nutrition and chronic diseases
Food Security: CMBD and the Avenues for Policy Engagement Committee on Food Security and the FAO Land tenure Principles of Responsible Agricultural Investment Nutrition, food safety and the WHO Rural development, commodities and UNCTAD Smallholder livelihoods, child labor and the ILO Right to food and the Human Rights Council
Internet Governance and the IOs World Summit for the Information Society Internet Governance Forum World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright and broadcasting rights International Telecommunications Union Updating Telecommunications Regulations Human Rights Council Privacy and access issues
Internet Governance and New Actors: CMBD Highlights the Issues Technical regulations Intellectual property rights Freedom of expression Privacy vs the public domain Cybersecurity and cybercrime Technology transfer and capacity Role of governments in Internet governance
New Actors in Internet Governance Multistakeholder Advisory Group for the Internet Governance Forum Business has a dedicated slot Developing country NGOs Human Rights Council and Internet Rights First-ever panel First-ever resolution
Global Health Diplomacy World Health Organization at the center of global health policy Donor-driven transformation of global health Global Fund for HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria International Health Partnerships Health as a foreign policy priority Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other new non- state actors
Global burden of disease Communicable diseases Chronic disease Injuries Source: Harvard School of Public Health
CMBD Highlights the Broadening of Business Interests in Health Slide 18 Up to: 80% of cases of type 2 diabetes 80% of cases of heart disease and stroke 40% of cases of some cancers can be how can we focus on health, not sickness?
The NCD Alliance Four major disease-based federations International Diabetes Federation International Union for Cancer Control World Heart Federation Int’l Union against TB and Lung Disease Funding from the private sector but kept separate Accomplishments High-Level UN Summit in 2011 Rio+20 Summit in June 2012
CMBD Support of the NCD Campaign Broadening of multi-stakeholder collaboration on non- communicable diseases to include the private sector Policy statement in support of including the private sector Building the central messages for multi-sectoral and multi- stakeholder collaboration
The Partnering Framework Global Compact principles Environmental, human rights and worker rights Anti-corruption UN Guidelines on Partnering with the Private Sector Human rights and business Protect, respect and remedy Universal Declaration on Human Rights Principle of due diligence
Conclusions and Looking Forward New issues, new actors and new coalitions Integrating the economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainable development Defining the “new” economics with business as part of sustainable development Linking business with civil society in multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral settings