American Nuclear Society Robotics and Remote Systems Division Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Dr. Barry L. Burks June 2005 ANS Annual Meeting, San Diego
RRSD Mission Promote the development and application of Robotic and Remote Systems to Hazardous Environments for the purpose of reducing hazardous exposure to individuals, reducing environmental hazards and reducing the cost of performing work through: –Holding meetings for presentations & discussion of professional papers –Publication of papers, discussions, communications –Formation of closer profesional & personal relations among members –Cooperation with other similar scientific & professional groups
Officers & Executive Committee Officers - Chair: Barry Burks (TPG Applied Technology) - Vice Chair/Chair Elect: Kwan Kwok (DARPA) - Secretary: Eric Kriikku (WSRC) - Treasurer: Frank Heckendorn (WSRC) - Past Chair: W. Ivan Lewis (WSRC) - BOD Liaison H. Peter Planchon (ANL) Executive Committee 2005 Maurice Ross (BBWI) 2006 Ron Lujan (INEEL) Al Sturm (PAR Systems) Thomas Nance (WSRC) Jeff Brault (WSRC) Mike Rinker (PNNL) 2007 Carl Crane (UF) 2008 George Allen (NNSA) James Jones (SNL) John Feddema (SNL) Mark Noakes (ORNL) Dan Knobeloch (LANL)
Committee Chairs Programs – Carl Crane Membership – Maurice Ross Honors & Awards – Ivan Lewis Student Activities – Jeff Brault Publications – Eric Kriikku Liaison to Other Societies – Mark Noakes Newsletter – Mike Rinker Web Page – Eric Kriikku Nominating – Ivan Lewis (Past Chair)
Membership Trend
Financial Status 3/31/05 General Fund $21,753 Ray Goertz Fund (Endowed) $46,890 Student Support Fund (Endowed) $43,436 Total $112,079 Primary Income from topical meetings Primary expense is student support
Division Planning & Communications Five Year Strategic Plan established in 2003 and updated each year since. One Year Tactical Plan established in 2003 and updated each year since. Succession planning is part of the Tactical Plan Communications - RRSD website, newsletters
RRSD Contributions to ANS Participation with Other Professional Societies – joint sponsorship of 2006 Topical Conference –Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) –Health Physics Society (HPS) –Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) –Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. (CRCPD) –American Meteorological Society (AMS) –European Nuclear Society (ENS) –Korean Nuclear Society (KNS) –Sociedad Nuclear Mexicana (SNM) –Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS) Society Leadership – Jim Tulenko, past chair of RRSD currently President of ANS Non-Meeting Publications – Design Guide, Nuclear News, Radwaste Magazine
Division Honors & Awards Ray Goertz Award –Established 1985 –$2500 monetary award plus travel expenses –Presented Biennially at Topical Meeting –Honors late Ray Goertz for his lifetime contribution to advancement of remote handling systems, development of the master/slave manipulator, and his role in forming the division beginning with its first meeting in 1951.
Division Honors & Awards Past Ray Goertz award winners: –2004 Paul Bacca, ID –2001 Andy Lethco, SC Melvin Feldman, TN –1999 Howard Harvey, TN Karl Neumeier, WI –1997 Joe Byrd, SC Donald Melton, MN –1995 Charles Divona, CA William Thompson, CA –1994 Harry Youngquist, IL Dimitrius Jebatus, MN –1993 Gerry Eisert, MN –1992 John White, TN –1991 Robert Wiesner, NC
RRSD Services to Membership Student Support –RRSD supports student travel to ANS winter and annual meetings ($1000 total/year) –RRSD supports ANS Student Conference, including travel and award for best “robotics” paper ($500/year) –RRSD annually grants thousands of dollars to pre- college school groups for organized Robotics competitions ($5700 budgeted in 2005)
RRSD Meetings National Meeting Participation –One paper session at June 2005 meeting Topicals/Prior Two Years, Current Year, Future Two Years - 10 th RRSD Topical held in March 2004 at University of Florida - 11 th RRSD Topical to be held in Salt Lake City in February 2006
Upcoming Topical Meeting RRSD/ESD 2006 International Joint Topical Meeting, "Sharing Solutions for Emergencies and Hazardous Environments” –11th International Conference on Robotics and Remote Systems for Hazardous Environments –February 12-15, 2006 –Salt Lake City, Utah –Honorary Chair: Beth Sellers, DOE –General Co-Chairs: Ron Lujan and Eric Loewen, (INEEL) –Technical Co-Chairs: Maurice Ross, Cathy Dufault, Jila Banaee (INEEL) –Honorary Technical Co-Chair: Kwan Kwok (DARPA) goal of 40 sessions, 28 committed at present 6 workshops committed at present 3 plenary speakers committed at present
Division Metrics for CY 2004 Division Meetings Division Governance Division Contributions to Society Division Services to Membership National Meeting Participation 2004: 0session 0panel/0session 0panel) Succession Planning Included in Strategic Plan ANS Position Statements RRSD is not responsible for Position Statement Professional Development RRSD has no Professional Development Activities Class I Class II Topicals 10 th Intl on Robotics … Mar ’04 +/- 25 % attendance (200/145) Membership Trends 379 members +2.2% change 2004 Participation with Outside Professional Societies IEEE participation & contribution at the RRSD Topical Scholarships RRSD Student Assistance Fund – fully funded and self directed Class III Topicals RRSD does not support a Class III Topical meeting Communications 2 newsletters in 2004 website updated in 2004 Society Leadership Both Mtgs: 75% Exec Comm Both PDC & 2 of 4 NPC Peer Recognition/ Awards Ray Goertz Award; ???. Division Planning Strategic Plan submitted to PDC Chair Non-Meeting Publications Radwaste Magazine Jan-Feb ‘04 Student Support 2004 Both National Mtgs & student conf
Summary Long History as a Division Serve “Niche” Area – Focused Strong Financials Successful Topical Meetings –10 meetings since 1984, all profitable, average > 100 papers Strong Student Support Biggest challenge – meeting participation in “non- Topical” years –Yucca Mountain Project is best opportunity to see growth Challenged to meet ALL ANS Success Criteria, yet a successful division